Page 45 of Chloe (Made Men 3)

It was hard for her to believe he had gone out on her, especially after today when he had done nothing but follow them around a few feet back, making sure they were okay. Something was nagging at the back of her mind that it hadn’t been what it had looked like. He’s clearly in love with her …

Excusing herself with her father’s permission, she went to take a break from it all to get a moment’s peace and recharge.


Chloe answered her cell the moment she saw Elle’s name. It was going to help her get a distraction.


A male voice came over, instead. “Hey, Chloe.”

“Nero?” Immediately, her nerves were shot. Something wasn’t right.

“Elle is fine”—he cleared his throat—“but she was attacked on the way to work. I got her to my house where my doctor is taking care of her. She just suffered a concussion and needs to be monitored through the night.”

“I-I—” It was hard for her to even think.

“I promise you she will be okay. I was hoping you would cover for her and tell her parents she is spending the night with yo—”

“I want to see her.”

Nero paused. “Okay, I’ll send you the address.”

Chloe hung up then ran through the house to grab her keys. She slipped out the house, hoping no one would notice her disappearance. It didn’t matter to her if they did or if her father would take it out on her; she had to make sure Elle was okay.

When will it all stop? When will Elle quit getting hurt? When will we just be free?

* * *

The house looked immaculate as she went up to the door. If it weren’t for Elle being there, she wouldn’t have been able to do this.

Lightly, she knocked on the door, not expecting the person on the other side.

“W-why are you here?”

Amo practically took up the whole doorframe until he moved out of the way for her to come in. “I came to make sure Elle was okay. Vincent came, too.”

Chloe slowly entered, careful to squeeze by Amo. When the door came to a close behind her, her heart stuttered.

“You can wait in the other room for her. She’ll be down in a minute.”

As she looked around the impressive foyer, the grand, wrought-iron staircase stood out the most.

“I’ll wait here.” She couldn’t help wringing her hands. Worrying about Elle was the only thing she could do on the way over. Not only was she already nervous, but she wanted to be here when she came down.

It’s all my fault. The only reason Elle ever got hurt was because of her. If she hadn’t needed her as a shield at school, she would be in public school and wouldn’t be working in a diner downtown. She’d be… safe.

Nodding his head, Amo looked like he was about to head off, but then he stopped.

“I promise you, Chloe, she’s going to be fine. We won’t let her or you get hurt anymore.”

Her heart tugged at that moment as she looked into his eyes. She could tell he meant every word.

“Thank you, Amo.”

This time, after he nodded, he left the room and her to her thoughts.

Nero came down the stairs soon after, nodding his head at her just like Amo had done before leaving the room.

Finally, when Elle came down the huge staircase, a little part of her calmed. She looked okay considering what had happened. Then again, Elle was tough and unfortunately used to these things.

Elle quickly noticed her attire of a black, long-sleeved, Peplum dress with black tights and heels. “You didn’t leave until it was over, did you?”

Chloe could see the look on Elle’s face, showing she was worried that her father was going to make her pay for it. Wanting so badly to lie, she knew there wasn’t much of a point because Elle could always tell. Solemnly, she shook her head.

“I’m okay. Thankfully, Nero was there, and that’s all that matters.” Elle smiled, letting her know she really was all right.

Still unable to find words, she nodded.

Elle decided changing the subject might help. “Do you think Mom will believe I’m spending the night over at your house?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“What about if I told her we have a project due tomorrow?”

Chloe could feel the tension start to leave her body. “It might work.”

“Come in here a second.” Nero’s loud voice echoed throughout the house.

His yelling certainly broke the tension between them. Looking at each other, they wanted to laugh at the fact that Nero had decided to yell then just to tell them to come here.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to relax. She’s safe now.

Chloe spent the rest of the evening with Elle at Nero’s house. They were introduced to Maria, Nero’s sister who was in college. She was surprisingly really nice and drop dead gorgeous. They weren’t exactly used to being around a girl who didn’t want to kill them, so it took a bit for Chloe to warm up enough to talk to her.