A low growl escaped his throat. “You are mine, Lake.”

Looking into his eyes, she knew exactly what he wanted but she wiggled her hips, moving his dick inside of her instead.

“Say. It,” he growled, louder that time, holding her still and not giving her release.

So many people had owned Lake, and finally, when no one had a hold of her anymore, he was asking her to submit to him. It was the one thing she had fought so hard against.

“I’m yours,” she whispered to him and herself. She let it show through her eyes so he would believe it and wouldn’t think she was saying it just so he would finish fucking her. “I’m yours,” she whispered to him again with evident need in her voice.

His mouth claimed hers in a possessive kiss before he bent her back over.

“You’re mine,” he told her, grabbing the tops of her shoulders to pound into her harder.

With just a few thrusts, she moaned out her release with abandon, her body rising and falling with the waves that washed through her, only to continue with his release.

Her head fell back down to the ground, her body finally going limp from everything she had been through that day.

Vincent caught his breath before he picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he headed up the stairs.

By the time her head hit the pillow, she was so exhausted she didn’t notice he hadn’t lain beside her until she heard the shower running. She dozed off to sleep for some time yet slightly woke as the bed sank down beside her. She waited for him to hold her, and then felt hurt when he didn’t touch her like he had refused to do earlier.

Turning around, she faced him, seeing the darkness still reigned. “I don’t like it when you don’t touch me,” she confessed to him.

“You still want me to touch you?” he asked, seeming surprised.

Lake’s heart tugged with the realization that the worst side of him was a little unsure of himself.

She scooted a little bit closer to him so he could easily grab her. “Yes.”

When he still didn’t touch her, she whispered another confession, “I love you, Vincent.”

He broke, touching her face before bringing her close to his naked body. “Goddammit, baby, you shouldn’t.”

“I do. I love all of you.” She melted underneath him, giving into him, body and mind.

I love you so fucking much that you will never understand.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

I Really Like It When They Scream

“Where are you going?” Lake wrapped her arms around Vincent’s neck, stopping him from tying his tie.

He grabbed her ass, picking her up off the ground and making her wrap her legs around his waist. “I have to go to work. Aren’t you tired of fucking me yet?”

Lake had been fucked by Vincent mercilessly for two days straight. And fuck no, I’m not tired of it yet. Although, she didn’t think he needed to know that.

She bit his bottom lip, taking it between her teeth. “A little.”

His eyes glowed at her, but the sound of knocking made him growl. “You’re lucky he’s here; otherwise, I would bend you over and spank you for that.”

Uh, please?

After he put her back on the ground, he grabbed her hand and started walking her down the steps as she pushed the sexy image out of her mind.

“Who’s here?”

He gave her one of his hot kisses that always made her forget about anything she was thinking of.

“I’ll be back tonight, and don’t think I won’t fucking spank you for that when I get back.” He left her a jumbled mess in the living room as he went to open the door.

“Wait, you didn’t—” Lake turned her head to see her father standing in the doorway. Tears began to fill her eyes. She hadn’t seen him in so long.

Running toward him, she broke down crying as she was finally able to hug him again.

“I missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too, kiddo.”

* * *

Vincent stepped up to the door, thinking about the greatest fucking two days of his life. He never would have dreamed in a million years that one girl could take everything he had. And then add another fuck on top. However, Lake was certainly making him feel spoiled as he greedily fucked her every time the urge hit.

Leaving her for the first time in two days was hard, but he had left her in the hands of her father. Lake had made him promise not to tell her father anything that happened, not wanting him to blame himself and spiral in another downward slope. Vincent had only agreed that he wouldn’t tell him until he thought her dad could handle it. Vincent, himself, had to deal with leaving her that day at her mother’s house for the rest of his life. Therefore, sooner or later, the man needed to know what his daughter had been put through.

There was only one thing that stood in his path of spending forever with Lake—motherfucking Lucca.

He had given her one favor to cash in whenever she pleased, and it was literally a ‘get out of jail free card’ in real life. Lucca was a man with so much power and determination that he could make the impossible happen. Yeah, like letting Lake disappear forever.

Vincent hastily knocked on the door, knowing he was going to try his fucking best to keep that from happening.

When the door was opened, he was quickly rushed inside.

“My grandparents are making arrangements for a fake fucking funeral with no body. They should be back in an hour.”

He raised his eyebrow. “An hour?”

“Yes,” she sneered, her hand grabbing his tie. “What are you going to do to me for a whole hour?”

Staring at Ashley before him absolutely disgusted him. She was a dumb fucking bitch who didn’t see anything in front of her fucking face. She had not the slightest clue that he had killed her father, not that he thought she would have cared.

Ashley had moved into her grandparents’ house when her father and Lake’s mother had gone fucking crazy, and she didn’t give a damn about her father, only making sure the money he left behind all went into her name. Not only that, but even if he told her he had killed her father to her face, she still would have let him into her house. She wanted to fuck him for one reason—Lake.