Lake wished she could run and hide. She knew the rules, and they had been put in place for the safety of the girls as well as the sanity of the family.

Vincent’s voice started to rise as his eyes danced between them. “So, whose are they?”

Adalyn looked down at the floor. “Um…”

Lake looked Vincent straight in the eyes. “They’re mine.”

Vincent’s eyes held Lake’s prisoner. “Adalyn, out.”

Adalyn didn’t move.

“Room. Now!” Vincent growled.

Adalyn solemnly left, closing the door behind her while leaving her friend to fend for herself.

Lake’s chest started to quickly rise and fall as he silently stood, watching her. She tried to move her eyes away, but she was afraid of what he would do if she did.

Vincent waited until Adalyn’s footsteps had disappeared. “You fucking that guy who was your date tonight?”

Huh? What? No! Who the hell does he think he is?

Lake was furious he’d had the audacity to say that.

“I told you earlier we used them to get in. We didn’t even dance with them! You are such an asshole. Did it ever occur to you that I’m on birth control because my periods suck?”

“Excuse me?” Vincent took a step forward.

Lake had absolutely had it up to here with him trying to intimidate her. “That was in my bag, and you had no right to go through it. It is none of your fucking business if I was fucking him!”

Shit, shit, shit! Lake really wanted to take that back. She watched him take another step forward as she moved back.

His baby-blues were dangerous as they traveled down her body. “Sweetheart, I make it my business when you wear a dress like that.”

She had never felt eyes on her like that before in her life, making her certain she should’ve been scared of him right then. Lake truly was scared shitless, although it wasn’t Vincent who was scaring her; it was how her body was reacting to his words. What is he doing to me?

Her legs began to shake as she backed up another step, trying to keep the distance between them. She had no room left when the backs of her legs hit the bed, causing her to fall.

Lake began to see him differently for the second time that night as she watched him finally close the distance between them. Her chest grew heavy as he stood over her, his legs touching her thighs.

Is this…? Is this real?

Vincent looked too perfect. She was certain no one could ever be more perfect than him.

Vincent’s voice was quiet when he said, “Lake, are you still a virgin?”

Lake couldn’t help licking her lips in nervousness. Slowly, she nodded. “Yes.”

He reached out and tilted her chin up with the tip of his finger. “And has a guy ever kissed you or touched you?”

“No,” she whispered her confession.

Vincent glided his finger up to trace her bottom lip. “Good.” He paused. “Now, you go on another date again, I’ll chop his hand off. You fuck someone, and I’ll chop his dick off. And, if I catch you dancing and looking like that again, sweetheart, your days of being a virgin are over. Understand?”

Lake blinked up at him. Did he just say that?

He quickly bent his head close to hers then grabbed the back of her hair to tilt her face higher. “Do you understand?”

Oh, my. She tried to fight the warmth growing in her belly. She had no clue why the hell she was turned on when he was being the opposite of sweet.

Don’t agree. “Yes.”

“Good girl. Now, don’t move.”

What? Wh—?

Lake suddenly felt his lips crashing onto hers. She would have never imagined in a million years that her first kiss would be with Vincent.

It was tender at first, making her stomach do somersaults, but it quickly became rough when he started sucking on her bottom lip. Lake felt like she was being transported to Heaven by the feel of his lips and the way he was holding her head. She didn’t know if she was even kissing him back, but that was going to change.

With the heat she felt itching at her to touch him, to kiss him in return, Lake mimicked him, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth firmly. Then she reached up and grabbed the nape of his light blonde hair tightly. She wasn’t even aware of what she was doing until he sped up and deepened the kiss.

Lake moaned into his mouth and pulled his hair, bringing him closer to her.

That was when Vincent stopped kissing her just as quickly as he had started. “You should go.”

She was still a little dazed, looking up at him.

“You should go,” he said, harsher that time.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

Lake jumped off his bed then shoved him. “You were the one who fucking kissed me!” She stomped off toward his door, unable to be around him for another second.

When she opened the door, he said, “Tell Adalyn to bring down those fucking dresses.”

“Fuck you, Vincent.” Lake slammed the door behind her.

Chapter Six

The Infamous Walk of Shame

Lake was mad. No, Lake was furious. He didn’t have to treat me that way!

She swung open Adalyn’s bedroom and ran straight to her closet, jerking off her dress.

“Lake, are you all right?” Adalyn yelled from the other side of the door.

“I’m great,” Lake mumbled.

“What happened?”

She thought for a moment. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” There was no way in Hell she was going to tell her best friend she had kissed her brother. Plus, it was her way of lying to herself.

Lake opened the door when she was changed into an old T-shirt and shorts and saw Adalyn already in her pajamas on the bed.

“Your brother said to take him the dresses,” Lake snapped, tossing her dress on the bed.

“Um, okay…” Adalyn started to get off the bed.

“No, actually, I’ll do it.” Lake picked the dress back up and grabbed Adalyn’s off her dresser. She then went back down the steps and headed for Vincent’s room.

Knock, knock, knock.

Vincent opened the door to see a sweetly smiling Lake before she threw the dresses right in his face.