Sadie yanked harder, sliding her across the floor and finally pulling out a handful of extensions. “What did you say to Lake, you fucking little whore?!”

Kim’s eyes started to water. “Nothi—”

“Wrong answer, bitch!” Sadie started shoving her blonde extensions in her mouth.

Holy fuck. Vincent felt like he was watching some show on the Discovery Channel where one female killed another in the wild.

Amo and Nero’s faces resembled his gaping mouth and unable-to-even-blink eyes as Kim started choking on her own hair.

Sadie kept forcing it in until the long, blonde hair disappeared.

“It wasn’t enough that I demoted you down to the slutty cum girl, was it?” She forced Kim’s mouth closed, holding it shut and making Kim gag. “I can’t fucking hear you over all the choking you’ll be doing behind trashcans.”

As soon as Sadie let her mouth go, Kim coughed out most of the hair and continued gagging as she cried, trying to get the rest out.

Vincent liked choking people, finding it satisfying, but Sadie took it to another level. Hearing her awful gagging stilled his anger, finding peacefulness in the violence. He didn’t feel bad for the bitch in the slightest, knowing she had said cruel words to Lake and made her run away from him without a word.

Amo slapped the back of his hand. “Pimp-slap, please!”

“A fucking hard one,” Vincent agreed.

Nero held up his hand. “Wait for it…”

Sadie kicked Kim’s boob with her stripper heel. “Get up, bitch, before I pop that implant with my heel.”

Kim tried to stand while still choking, her wails not making it easier for her to stop. Finally, she was able to manage, holding her throat.

Sadie stared at her a moment before she reeled her hand back and slapped Kim across the face with the back of her hand, giving her one final blow, which made her fall back down to the ground.


Amo started slowly clapping, giving her his applause and appreciation. “Pimp-slapping goddess.”

“Second greatest bitch takedown I’ve seen.” Nero applauded.

Vincent started praying, Dear Father, thank you for bitches slapping bitches.

* * *

Lake pulled her black dress down a bit. She was happy Elle had told her Nero kept a key for Vincent’s place in case of an emergency. This is an emergency.

She had put on the black dress Vincent had kept for months, not wanting to touch the new ones he had bought. Elle wore one of her many sexy, white tight dresses that Lake didn’t think she needed to accumulate one more of.

Elle didn’t want to open the door. “Are you sure we should do this? Vincent told me not to let you leave, and Nero will—”

She put her hand on her hip. “You know there are poles down there, right?”

“Fuck it.” Elle threw open the door.

Lake and Elle stopped in their tracks when they saw Lucca coming out of the door across the hall. His hair was all wet and he seemed a little out of breath, but his reaction to them seemed to be the same as theirs from getting caught.

She liked Lucca more since their last encounter, and Amo had only gone down the more that asshole had spoken the past month. However, Lucca’s points to win over Chloe just took a hit. Minus fifty points.

“Well, where do you think you two are going dressed like that?” He leaned against the door and looked them up and down.

“I told you this was a bad idea.” Elle shot Lake a look. “We didn’t even get past the door!”

Considering they were already busted, she didn’t have anything to lose.

“We want to go dancing at Poison because we’re mad at Nero and Vincent. Is there any way you can just pretend you didn’t see us?”

Lucca laughed at her. “Darlin’, what the fuck makes you think I would do that?”

Lake returned the favor of looking at him up and down. “How about we also pretend we didn’t just see you.” She turned to Elle. “Chloe doesn’t need to know about this, does she?”

“Hmm, I don’t know…” Elle crossed her arms, trying to somehow look intimidating in a sexy dress.

Lucca leaned off the wall and walked slowly to them, his eyes piercing their souls.

Oh, shit. Lake tried to keep her stance, but she was about to run away, pissing herself. How do I always do this to myself?

He finally stopped an inch away, easily able to snatch them up and beat some sense into them. “I’ll drive,” he grumbled, turning down the hall.

* * *

Sadie released her hair from the bun then fluffed her curls back out, acting like nothing had happened and Kim wasn’t lying naked on the ground, crying.

She turned to Vincent. “Satisfied?”

He looked down at Kim who was pulling another piece of hair out of her mouth. “That’ll do.”

“What did I miss?” Lucca came into the room, taking in Kim’s appearance.

Amo smiled. “Sadie choking and pimp-slapping the shit out of a bitch.”

“Send me the tape?” Lucca asked Sadie, pointing at the camera in the corner.

“Sure thing.” Sadie smiled at him as she left the room.

Amo followed her out. “I want a copy, too.”

Me, too, Vincent thought.

Lucca pulled out a cigarette then lit the end. “I see you got your girl back from Kentucky. Does everyone there really fucking wear camo?”

“I didn’t see much camo, but I saw a lot of fucking leather,” he said with a bit of a growl in the back of his throat. “How’d you know? I just brought her back.”

“Remember I told you I didn’t want her back, because she’s a pain in my fucking ass? Well, she literally looked me in my damn eyes and threatened me.” He pointed his cigarette at Nero. “And your girl backed her the fuck up.”

Nero laughed, finding it amusing. “Two girls threatened you?”

Vincent wanted to be mad but between Lucca’s face and Nero laughing, he found it hard.

“What was the threat?”

Lucca took a hit off his cigarette. “They threatened to tell Chloe something.”

Nero and Vincent about died laughing hysterically that the two clearly knew what would get under his skin.