“I will pay you two psychos back one day,” she told them as she passed.

They enjoy watching him take advantage of me too much.

Successfully making it to the bar that time, she ducked out of view and tried to calm her body. Dammit, I hate him so fucking much.

The tension between them had risen every day they had spent together. I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty sure it’s almost at a boiling point. Vincent never made an attempt to hide his feelings, whereas Lake fought tooth and nail to mask hers, all up until he did that freaking pulse thing. Then she lost it every time.

She didn’t want to like Vincent. Hell, she should hate his freaking guts. He was a whore, an asshole, and a killer, she was sure. But damn if the past month hadn’t changed her opinion of him. She never once caught him looking at another girl even when half-naked ones were constantly in his view. She didn’t think he could have had the time to fuck any of them, either, with him constantly keeping tabs on her twenty-four-seven. Sure, he might still be an asshole, but he wasn’t to her. At least, not anymore. As for the killing thing… well, she didn’t think he’d had a whole bunch of time to do that, either.

Oh, my gosh. What is wrong with me?

* * *

Vincent was about to break his nose by squeezing it so hard. He couldn’t believe he had let her walk out of the bathroom like that, especially without a fucking consolation. The only reason he hadn’t kissed her was because it hadn’t been the time or place. He knew once he kissed her again, there wasn’t going to be any stopping, as he was damn sure he was going to bring it home.

He had gone a month without fucking while staring at her perfect ass and body in so many different fucking sexy outfits. Then, that day of all days, she had come out with her ass barely covered in nothing but lace. Her usual look of sexy but sweet was gone. The only thing on his mind was how the hell he planned to fuck her without hurting her.

Three days used to be too long without fucking, but a month? His dick was in constant hard mode, and he didn’t exactly know how he was going to last thirty seconds in her. I’m going to fucking hurt myself before I hurt her.

Vincent left the bathroom once he had told his dark half to go back into hiding like he had every day for the past month.

“Do you know what the fuck she just said to us?” Amo told him when the bathroom door came open.

“What on Earth did she say to you now?” Vincent asked him, who constantly hated the many things Lake said to him.

“She just walked by without even looking at us and said, ‘I will pay you two psychos back one day.’” Amo tried to mimic her voice, making Vincent and Nero both crack up in laughter at his poor attempt.

“Don’t take her so fucking seriously, Amo,” Nero told him through his laughter.

Amo crossed his arms. “Yeah, right. I wouldn’t put anything past her. If she has enough fucking balls to face Dante and call us psychos, she has enough balls to do something to us. Today’s the last day, right? I can’t keep working every fucking day of my life just so you get to be the one to fuck her.”

Vincent didn’t want to tell them that Amo was right about Lake.

“Yes, today is the last day these fuckers get to look at her dressed like that, and you, too, motherfucker,” he growled at Amo.

Amo knew better than to remark about how he was going to miss that one part about her.

“Please tell me you finally fucking kissed her in there?” When Vincent didn’t reply, Amo shook his head. “Fuck, man, that’s just not healthy.”

“I’m going to have to agree at this point,” Nero added.

He looked over at Lake’s legs and ass while she leaned over the bar as she picked up her drinks. “Don’t worry; she’s on her last few hours of being a virgin after she walked out looking like that.”

“I’m fucking shocked you’re letting her work like that,” Nero said.

“You two let your women run all over you.” Amo looked over at him. “Don’t you see it, man? Lake’s got you wrapped around her fucking finger.”

He might admit—only in his head—that he had been letting her get off easy, but Lake was special and worth trying to win over, no matter how blue his balls became.

“I’m gonna fucking remind you of that one day,” Nero spat at Amo.

“I will, too,” Vincent threw at him, as well.

Looking at a gloating Sadie across the room, his blood started to boil. “Excuse me. I need to go see the little bitch who thought it would be funny to put Lake in that outfit.”

“That bitch is crazy and will pimp-slap the shit out of you.” Amo finally got to laugh with Nero that time.

“What are you going to do?” Nero snickered.

“As far as you two know, it’s my fucking birthday,” Vincent said, walking away.

It was time to pull his daddy card on that bitch. Today is my motherfucking birthday.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

It Was Over When I Saw That Ninja Hand Of Yours Crawl Up Her Snatch

Lake was setting drinks down on the table when she noticed Sadie getting on the stage. Jeez, I have to watch another grope session. There were two birthdays just the day before, and she was pretty sure the pole dancers were getting tired of it.

“We’ve got a birthday boy. Come on up.” Sadie didn’t put much enthusiasm and sexiness in it like she usually did.

Lake practically shit a brick when Vincent got up on the stage.

Oh, fuck no. Oh, fuck no. Oh, fuck no. Oh, fuck no. Oh, fuck no. Oh, fuck no.

Sadie took his arm and nearly slammed him in the chair then practically bit her tongue while she talked. “Okay, honey, who’s it gonna be?”