Making sure her makeup and big hair looked suitable, she headed to the front of the huge dressing room, needing to use the restroom before her shift.

Turning the corner, she ran right into two bodies which were blocking the bathroom door. “Sorr—”

“Holy fuck. Lake?” Amo couldn’t keep his eyes from everywhere except her face.

Oh, no.

“Shit.” Nero sneaked a knock on the bathroom door.

Oh, no.

Lake needed to escape. She tried to quickly pass them to run in the bathroom before she vomited the little bit of food she had in her belly.

“Doll, you really, really don’t want to go in there.” Amo moved to completely block the door.

It’s coming up! Quickly, she put her hand over her mouth to keep from hurling.

“Oh, fuck that.” Amo dodged out of the way like he weighed a hundred pounds.

“Coming in!” Nero yelled, giving her a wide berth.

Lake quickly flung open the door, her hand dropping to the side along with her mouth.

“Vincent?” She blinked her eyes a couple of times, hoping it was only a terrible illusion.

Vincent pulled his mouth away from the woman sucking on his lips and zipped up his fly. “Lake?” He turned around, revealing a platinum-blonde with huge, naked, perfect boobs which could poke your eyes out.

“Kim?” She wished she said her name while looking at her face. Of all the girls there, Kim was the bitchiest, not even giving Lake the time of day.

“Is she your girlfriend?” Kim asked Vincent.

Vincent stood there in shock, clearly not knowing whether he should be more surprised by the situation or the fact that Lake was dressed like a porn star as he looked her up and down.

“No, and I highly doubt she ever will be now,” Amo muttered behind them.

“I tried to fucking warn you,” Nero told him.

Lake felt the world starting to spin as the bile rose once again from her stomach. “I think I’m gonna…”

Kim strutted toward her, loving the fact that she could show off her boobs to three good-looking men. “Get the fuck out of here, new girl. We’re busy.”

Lake could no longer think or hold the sickness down in her stomach. The unfortunate target? Two huge tits.

A high-pitched scream filled the air.

There were truly some things you could not un-see.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Dear Mafia Father, Fuck You.

Kim continued to scream at the top of her lungs.

“I’m so sorry, I didn—” Lake covered her mouth again, afraid she wasn’t done, the feeling of lightheadedness continuing.

Vincent ran to grab Lake to hold her up. He brought her over to the sink where he quickly turned on the cold water and placed her hand underneath the running water.

“You fucking bitch!” Kim continued to scream.

“Sweetheart, you need to calm the fuck down.” Vincent’s voice turned lethal.

“What in the hell is going on—” Sadie squeezed by a hysterically laughing Amo and Nero. “Oh, honey.”

“Do you see what that bitch did to me?” Kim started to shake, unaware of how to even clean the nastiness off.

Sadie walked up to her and bitch-slapped her across the face. “Shut your fucking mouth before I shove my stripper heel down your throat. That’s not the grossest thing that has ever landed on your fake tits, and it won’t be the last. We have showers for a reason. Get comfortable in there because, for the next week, you’ll be fucking the dirtiest men who walk through the doors.”

Kim held the left side of her face which was scored red as she ran out.

Sadie turned to Amo. “Do you mind going to get some juice out of the fridge in there? Thanks, honey.”

Amo slowly shook his head for a moment, stunned, before he left.

I get the whole ‘pit boss’ thing now.

Sadie came over to a still-woozy Lake—the heels weren’t helping the situation—and started to rub her back. “You okay?”

Lake managed to nod before Amo came in to give her some juice. She took a sip of the liquid and felt some of her life force return.

“I’m sorry, honey. I can only give you five minutes before you need to be out there.”

Lake could tell Sadie felt bad. “I know. It’s ok—”

Vincent spoke over her. “No, it’s not. She can’t fucking work like this. Go find someone to replace her.”

Sadie shook her head. “I really can’t. It’s not my call to make. None of my girls are going to work for free.” She started to walk away. “I’ll try to give you ten, honey.”

She took a bigger drink that time. Oh, God. Everything which had happened was finally sinking in.

“Lake, what the fuck does she mean by that? And why the hell are you working down here?”

“It doesn’t matter.” She pushed away from Vincent, realizing he had been holding her up the entire time.

His harsh voice reminded her of what the hell he had been doing in there with Kim just minutes before.

“Yes, it does,” he growled, going to grab her again.

Lake moved her hand out of the way like he was the plague. “Don’t fucking touch me after what I just saw. What did you come down here for? Or is that a dumb question?”

“We just got done with our first fucking shift. We work down here now.”

First shift?

“You mean you have only worked here one day, and you are already screwing in the bathroom? What was Kim, the fifth one?”

“No, she fucking wasn’t! We just finished our shift five fucking minutes ago!”

Nero started coughing and giving him a ‘shut the fuck up’ sign.

Lake hoped the hurt on her face wasn’t visible to him; she was done with the yelling match. You win, Vincent; once and for all.

“Could you please just go? Like this isn’t humiliating for me enough.” She grabbed the mouthwash they kept on the counter and tried her best to scorch out the leftover sickness as well as the horrible taste in her mouth from seeing him with Kim.

That time, he spoke calmer because she had not been able to hide the hurt in her hazel depths. “I’m not leaving till you tell me why you’re down here.”