Vincent quickly put his hand on Amo’s shoulder, squeezing so hard it made his knuckles go white.

Lake glanced at Amo. He is a big mother trucker. Yes, he scared her with the way he was eyeing her up and down, and no, she didn’t particularly want to dance with him because he didn’t ask if he could, more like told her. She didn’t care at the moment, though, because it was clearly making Vincent mad.

She smiled as sweet as butter. “Oka—”

Vincent quickly snatched her arms and began pushing her backward until she found herself plastered to the glass wall. Her eyes widened when she looked up at Vincent’s face, realizing she might have pushed him too far.

“What did I tell you the last time?” he gritted out.

Lake lowered her voice to a whisper as she tried to see over him. “Vincent, there are people—”

Vincent pushed his body closer to hers, making her press more into the glass. Gently, he placed his hand over the top of her throat so she wouldn’t have a choice other than to look at him.

“When I ask you a question, sweetheart, you will answer me. Now, don’t make me ask you again.”

Lake’s chest thought it was going to burst out of her dress with the way she kept breathing.

His thumb glided back and forth over the pulse in her throat, letting her know he was completely aware of how she felt. She had pushed Vincent way too far, and she had forgotten until right then exactly what kind of man he was.

“I … I don’t remember.” I do, but I can’t say it. Regardless of how much she tried to kill Vincent off in her head, those words he had spoken still came to her.

“I’ll remind you.” Taking his other hand, he swept her silky, light-brown hair behind her ear. “I told you if you ever went on a date again, I would chop his hand off. Fucked someone, I would chop his dick off. Do I need to leave to go do either of those things?”

Her mouth grew dry as she managed to slightly shake her head under his grasp.

“Good girl.” Leaning over, he put his mouth as close as he could, careful not to touch her ear. “I also told you that, if I ever caught you dancing and looking like that again, your days of being a virgin were over.”

Lake squeezed her eyes shut with each word he whispered in her ear. The warmth of his mouth so close to her skin made her body respond by heating every inch of her flesh.

Vincent leaned back up, eyeing her body with intensity. “Sweetheart, you are halfway there with that dress.” Taking his hand away from the grasp he had on her hair, he traced her chubby bottom lip. “I dare you to try it.”

When Vincent pulled his hands off her after one last swipe of his thumb, Lake’s body instantly cried for them to return.

She watched Nero and Amo move from their blocking positions, only then realizing they had been there the whole time. The two had put their backs to them so the world couldn’t see.

Lake was forced to watch Vincent walk away from her again, just as easily as he had the first time.

Goddammit, I hate him.

Chapter Seventeen

We. Are. All. Insane.

Lake found herself being stared at.

“Are you two going to shove me up against the wall, too?”

“Fuck no. I’d like to keep my dick, doll,” Amo said before walking off.

Nero laughed, drawing Lake’s attention.

“Vincent wouldn’t actually do that, would he?”

All laughter disappeared from his face. “What do you think?”

He would. Lake swallowed the lump in her throat, clearly aware Nero’s question was a rhetorical one.

Nero relieved her from her thoughts. “We didn’t think you were mean to Chloe, by the way.”

“Then why did he ask me what I talked to her about?” She could tell he thought carefully before he spoke.

“No one’s ever run after her before like that. So when you did, we were curious as to why. We aren’t exactly used to girls being nice to her.”

Lake turned around to look out the glass, and her heart stopped beating for a split second when she saw Lucca walk up to the entrance of the gazebo where Chloe was sitting.

“Has she met him before?” Lake felt sick thinking about a man like Lucca sneaking up on a girl like Chloe.

“Yes,” he answered matter-of-factly.

She turned her head to look at him in shock at his answer. She has?

As Lake turned her head back to Chloe, she caught Amo staring out the window in the corner of the living room. His eyes were black as night, but she could still see the look in his eye. She might not have caught it if he hadn’t just been checking her out but at that instant, his black depths had a different look altogether.

Fully turning back to Chloe, she watched Lucca walk over to her and put his hand out, making her breathing cease. Turning back to Amo, she saw his face twist.

She continued to look back and forth between the two scenes. Holy shit. “Holy shit.” Looking back at Nero, she saw it written on his face.

“So Lucca and Chloe … and Amo and … Chloe?” As she said each name, she looked between them. “How is that supposed to work out?”

“It’s not.” He said it as if he was certain, like he could see it playing out before his eyes.

She had to agree it was a train wreck waiting to happen.

There was no doubt Lucca was a demon, although he was chillingly handsome. Most of all, he didn’t try to hide his true nature like the rest did; instead, he reveled in it.

Amo, on the other hand, was only slightly less terrifying. He was huge for his age and didn’t speak much, making it worse. His eyes were as dark as his personality, and something told her she didn’t want to meet his real personality.

“That girl does not belong with either of them”—so the question was, who was worse?—“but especially him,” she said, looking at the terrifying as hell Lucca.