Ashley wanted anything Lake had, so the opportunity to fuck her boyfriend had her practically salivating at the mouth.

Vincent grabbed her wrists, squeezing them tightly before he pushed her down to the ground. “Nothing.”

The front door opened, and then the sound of heels clicking filled the room.

“But she will.”

Ashley started to cry. “W-what is going on? What is this bitch doing here?”

“I am so glad you remember me.” A sweet smile crossed her face. “But you must call me Maria.”

Vincent laughed as he went to take a seat.

The jealousy was clear on Ashley’s face when her eyes fell on the blonde in a dress she would die to have. Then her eyes went to her once-expensive nude pumps, which were covered in red stains. She instantly started to get off the ground.

“Bitch! Get out of my hou—”

Striking her in the face with her heel, Maria watched her fall back to the floor, wailing. “I really insist that you call me Maria.”

“Don’t kill her. Just teach her a lesson in how to keep her mouth fucking shut.” Vincent didn’t want to get her hopes up if she went any further. Not that I’d really fucking care either way.

Ashley was screaming as she held her bloody face.

Maria giggled over her screams. “I really like it when they scream.”

The next loud scream that erupted from Ashley’s throat had Vincent almost in bliss. Me, too.

Chapter Sixty

I Am His. Forever.

It had been a week with nothing more eventful than the constant fucking. Thank God.

It was nice to not almost get killed for a whole week; however, she was starting to feel the need to be a little bad. She had learned a little bad was good. She enjoyed being spanked by both the good and bad side of Vincent. Okay, maybe more by the bad.

Lake pulled up her stockings a bit more and then pulled her new dress down, thinking about all the fun she and Sadie had shopping with Vincent’s credit card. Sadie, of course, had the most fun spending his money and made her buy a whole closet full of lingerie from various sex shops. Even when he had looked at the credit card bill, he had said it was completely worth it.

He had also spent the week telling her the deal was off, and she was going to be staying well past the summer. Vincent had even filled out an application for her to attend the university in Kansas City. Lake hadn’t said a word to him in return, though, and she could see it was making him a little upset that she had never fully agreed. But that’s all going to change tonight.

“We’re seriously going to do this again?” Elle said nervously as they stepped out into the hallway and stood in front of the door.

Lake stared at her, her hand hovering over the door. “Um, how was the sex when you got home?”

Elle quickly knocked on the door herself.

Laughing at her friend, she was silenced as the door flew open. “Uh … uh… We were wondering if…”

Both girls swallowed their very dry throats as their eyes went over a very sweaty and very muscled body, clad in only jeans slung low over his hips.

“Yes, darlin’?” Lucca smiled at her, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe, his body completely blocking their view.

Lake was lost a moment before her eyes snapped back up to his face. “Wondering if you could take us to Poison again,” she blurted out.

Paying them back, his eyes roamed over their bodies. “I’ve got a better way to make them jealous, darlin’. Would you two like to come in and find out?”


Elle cleared her throat. “No, thanks. We’re going to dance, but Vincent and Nero paid the guard to make sure we don’t leave.”

Lake bit her lip, shaking her head when he looked at her for a response, unable to speak. She was afraid her voice might betray her.

His eyes rolled over them one last time. “That’s a shame. Give me ten minutes.”

Elle and Lake’s heads moved to the side as he shut the door, hoping to get a peek inside. When the door closed, they both let out a breath.

“Damn, was it bad that I wanted to go in?” Lake started walking around in circles, fanning herself.

“Hell no. I wanted to see what was in there, too, and I fucking hate him.” Elle leaned her back against the wall, resting the back of her head.

Lake looked over at Elle. “Team Lucca?”

Elle looked back at her. “Maybe for like an hour … or a day…”

Yeah … a day at the most.

They both practically jumped when the door came open, a freshly showered and dressed Lucca appearing.

“Are you sure you’re not trying to make them jealous?” Lucca asked, walking down the hallway.

Elle tried to explain, “No, the point isn’t to make them jealous. We don’t even dance with anyone.”

“Yeah, it’s just to have fun and make them a little mad when we get home,” Lake added.

“I see.” Lucca passed the guard. Then the guard stopped Lake and Elle behind him.

“You two know damn well I can’t let you go down the elevator, especially when you’re looking like that. Nero and Vincent will fucking get my ass fired.”

Lucca hit the button and pulled out a couple of hundreds from his pocket. “You’re a better man than me. I would have at least asked to fuck them to let them pass.” He put the money in the guard’s top coat pocket then wrapped his arms around Lake and Elle’s shoulders. “Do that, though, and I’ll fucking slit your throat.”

“No, sir, I wouldn’t.” The guard stood back, letting them pass.

“I’ll make sure to tell them you put up a good fight, and you deserve more money for what you do.” He led the girls onto the elevator.

The guard nodded at him. “Thank you, sir.”

Lake and Elle’s mouths were on the floor as the door slid shut.

Holy Jesus Christ God almighty, I feel sorry for—

“So, you don’t want me to tell Nero and Vincent you’re at Poison?” Lucca broke the silence when the elevator moved down a few floors.