Well, now he knows.

Vincent pointed toward the guys Lake and Adalyn had been trying to fight off. “Okay, then who the fuck are you two?”

Suddenly, Lake and Adalyn were jerked back again by the two who didn’t like to be turned down. Will they quit that shit!

The one holding Vincent’s sister had the balls to speak. “We’re the ones who are going to fuck them by the end of the night. So find your own.”

Lake felt a nice chunk of her ass being groped.

“Hey, get off me!” she said, frantically hitting him.

Adalyn, on the other hand, was calm. “You really shouldn’t have said that.”

Lake’s eyes were drawn to Vincent as he started rolling up the sleeves on his black button-down shirt. For some reason, she saw him differently than she usually did in that moment. She didn’t understand why, though.

Vincent had it all and was never anything less than immaculate. The handsome face, the perfect light blonde hair, and the dreamy baby-blue eyes. He was a god. And the worst part was Vincent knew it.

He turned up the last bit of his sleeve. “You’ve got this all wrong, motherfucker. That’s my sister you’re holding there, and unfortunately, she will be the last girl you’ll be able to hold.”

Lake blinked her eyes a few times. Oh, my fucking Go—

“This bitch isn’t your sister.” The guy holding Lake started to laugh. Looking down at her, he finished, “Looks like you’re mine.”

She watched something change in Vincent’s eyes as he flexed his jaw. “These fuckers are mine; you two get the little shits who brought them here.”

Lake finally noticed the two guys beside Vincent. When they started rolling up their sleeves like Vincent had with smiles on their faces, she came to the understanding that one was scary and gorgeous, while the other was big and frightening.

Again, the girls found themselves being pulled in different directions when their dates tried to grab them back. This is really starting to piss me off!

“Man, I thought you’d never ask,” the gorgeous one said, grabbing Vincent’s shoulder.

“You guys can thank me later for bringing you here,” the big one sneered, making him somehow scarier.

Yep, I knew this wasn’t going to turn out well.

Chapter Three

A Horror Film Starring Vincent, the Psychopath Killer

Lake couldn’t believe what she was watching as she stood inside the circle, listening to the chanting of “Fight! Fight! Fight!” She seriously thought she was watching an action film right before her eyes.

Her eyes danced between the three friends beating the shit out of the guys. Those idiots don’t stand a chance in Hell. The scary, gorgeous one was merely playing with Michael, pretending to let him get a free shot by standing still. As soon as Michael got close, he swiftly struck him in the face. That happened again and again, and Michael kept falling for it. Such a dumbass.

She watched Tim practically shit his pants as he looked at the frightening big one. He tried to run away, which obviously wasn’t going to work. Once the big one got Tim, he lifted him off the ground in a chokehold. Tim was literally not even half his size.

That left Vincent, who was making sure the guys who had groped them on the dance floor paid for what they had done. Seriously P-A-I-D, paid. When they both tried to attack him, he dodged out of the way and they ended up hitting each other. Lake tried not to wince when the one who had grabbed her ass went for Vincent again, but that time he caught Vincent off-guard and kneed him in the balls, toppling him over.

It didn’t take long for Vincent to recover and he instantly grabbed the guy’s head and kneed him in the face, making him drop completely to the floor.

Is he insane? she thought as Vincent laughed, walking toward the guy who had groped Adalyn and was pleading on his knees.

Reaching down, Vincent grabbed his shirt roughly, pulling him up. “You piece of shit,” he said as he bashed the dude in the face. “Motherfucker!” Another punch.

The guy fell face-down to the floor.

Lake hoped it was over but of course, she wasn’t that lucky. When Vincent covered the guy’s hand with his shoe, she tried to look away but couldn’t seem to. Please, don’t do it…

“Don’t ever touch my sister again.” Vincent sounded deadly.

He’s going to do it! Lake desperately tried to close her eyes fast enough but before she knew it, his foot lifted off the ground and came crashing back down. Her eyes finally slammed closed at the sound of the bones breaking and the scream of pain.

Lake heard laughing and opened her eyes to see the three winners literally getting a hoot out of what they had done. Looking around at the bloodied bodies on the floor, she changed her mind about what she’d just witnessed.

Make that a horror film starring Vincent, the psychopath killer.

Lake wasn’t expecting what happened next as a strawberry-blonde appeared from the crowd. She must have been dating the gorgeous one, but she clearly wasn’t expecting him there, and she was also not expecting it when a girl in a glittery dress came out and grabbed him.

Lake watched two other girls appear in practically matching glittery dresses, grabbing Vincent and his other friend. They’re triple-dating. She couldn’t help studying the blonde girl wrapped around Vincent’s waist with a huge ass and boobs.

The complete and utter opposite of me. She didn’t know why that thought entered her head or why she even cared, but something deep down did.

It wasn’t long before the strawberry-blonde stormed out, the guys following soon after.

Lake stood still, in shock of the events.

Turning her head, she met Adalyn’s eyes. “What the hell just happened?”

Adalyn looked down at the guy crying at her feet as he held his hand. “Too much testosterone happened.”

“Come on. We need to get out of here before the cops show!” Adalyn shrieked as they stepped around the blood and destruction.

When they got to the big, heavy door and pushed it open, Lake’s eyes widened as Vincent stormed at them. “What the hell were you all here for?”