Vincent began to vaguely remember wanting to turn the car around when he had dropped her off at her mom’s house. I should’ve turned around. He was sick at the thought of all the shit she might have gone through over the past couple of months. I left her there.

The place where his heart was supposed to be began to ache. He had never experienced it before. Afraid, he shut his conscience out, not able to listen to the voice in his head explain the new feeling. Therefore, he replaced it with one he knew all too well, one which whispered his sinful desires. He let the feeling of rage begin to take over his body. It was clear; destroying her would only break him, and he was unbreakable.

Vincent heard the door slam. Looking up, he saw Amo’s furious face walking from the house.

“Your sister doesn’t shut the fuck up, does she? No fucking filter at all. The entire time, I had to hear her talk about how hot Nero and Lucca are. She’s sick and twisted, just like you. She would fuck Nero’s eyeballs and Lucca’s Escalade if she could.

“While I was listening and trying not to picture some very sick, fucked-up shit, I look out the window to see if I could get the fuck out of there, and I see Lake bent over the fucking car. You were experiencing every man’s wet dream, and there I was, trying to distract your sister for you so you could have it. You get the image of her sweet ass tonight when you fall asleep, while I’ll be having a goddamn fucking nightmare about your sister fucking a green Escalade!” Amo finished by finally managing to open his car door through his frustration.

Vincent tried not to choke on his laughter. “No one’s more sick and twisted in a bedroom than you, Amo. You’ll find something to make you forget.”

“You fucking owe me something for that, Vince, so why don’t you go find it for me?” Amo yelled before slamming the door shut.

What the fuck!? For the second time today, he had to dodge out of the way to avoid being run over.

I probably deserved that one, he thought, smiling as he remembered how stiff he had gotten from staring at Lake in those tiny Daisy Dukes. He’d had to try hard to get her to bend over the hood just enough to where the swell of the bottom of her ass cheeks popped out, but it had been one hundred percent worth it. He could no longer resist his urge to touch her, his hand already itching to do it again. He had thought her hand was soft. But damn, her legs and ass are the smoothest fucking things I’ve ever felt.

He had touched many women but none had felt like her, and he had no clue how the hell that was possible.

Maybe she has a disease where she can only grow hair on her head? Wondering if that disease even existed made him curious as to exactly how smooth she was in other places. Of course, that made him totally want to keep his conscience hidden forever and go back on swearing off Lake when he had only done it not even five minutes before. Sure, we would crash and burn together, but it would feel so fucking good, his sinister voice whispered to him.

“I really am sick and fucked-up,” he told himself.

* * *

Lake tried to muster the courage to walk through the front door. She had already been through a lot and didn’t know how much more she could take.

Turning the knob, she entered the house of horrors.

“There’s my baby who’s all grown up!” Her mother ran to her, giving her a hug. “I am so sorry I couldn’t make it, but I got you something to make up for it.”

“Oh, thanks, Mom.” She tried to sound as enthusiastic as she could.

As her mother dragged her into the kitchen, she saw John and Ashley sitting at the table, eating Chinese food while they shot her disgusted looks behind her mom’s back.

After her mother gave her a big gift bag off the kitchen counter, Lake watched her mother practically burst at the seams in anticipation for her to open it.

She was going to have to act really excited for whatever was in the bag. Pulling out the tissue paper, she could see the contents. It literally killed her to have to pull it out of the bag and reveal it to John and Ashley.

Grabbing the straps from the very expensive, very big designer purse, she pulled it out.

“Mom, this is too much. Thank you.” She smiled as big as she could while giving her a hug.

Looking over at John’s warped face, she feared the coming storm.

“You’re welcome, honey. I know you don’t like backpacks, and I thought you could put your books in it for college. Congratulations!” Her mother gave her another big hug.

“Well, it’s perfect. Thank you.” She needed to wrap this up and get the hell out of there. Ashley wasn’t even trying to hide her disgust and jealousy at that point.

“John?” her mother nudged.

“Congrats.” He licked his front teeth. “They forgot my spare ribs again. I need you to go back out and get them.”

Shit, shit, shit. She had to think of something.

“Okay, I’ll be right back, honey,” her mother told her.

“Actually, I have to get back. Dad’s back home, waiting on me.” She tried to make sure John understood by emphasizing the dad part. He wasn’t going to be able to hold her up and torture her that night because her father was expecting her, but she was certain he was going to make her pay tenfold for it by the look on his face.

“That’s fine, honey. You can tell me all about graduation on Friday.”

Lake let out an unnoticeable sigh of relief as she put the purse back into the gift bag.

“Tr—Why don’t you go take that to your room. That way, it’ll stay nice and new for when the semester starts,” John told her.