Page 52 of Nero (Made Men 1)

“Are you all serious?” Elle looked at their faces. They looked serious.

“I wanna know,” Amo chimed in.

Nero turned and looked at her. “Do you?”

Elle pushed at his shoulder. “No, we don’t. We wear green face masks, paint each other’s toenails, and watch old movies.” She looked around at their disappointed faces.

Vincent threw down the rest of his taco. “Wow, Elle, thanks for killing our fucking dreams.”

* * *

Nero watched Elle’s ass as she followed Chloe into Spanish class. Hey, I can’t help it.

He had pulled Elle aside earlier, telling her he had wanted to take her on a date tonight since this was the only night she had off this week. She told him she desperately needed new clothes and some girl time. Nero smiled. I’m getting to her.

He couldn’t complain to her because he had asked Amo to hook him up with a girl tonight. However, yesterday he had decided no other girl was going to satisfy him. His dick craved Elle. It will have her, too.

“I don’t understand why Chloe’s father hasn’t fixed her car yet. She said Lana was going to, and that’s who’s been picking her up and dropping her off,” Amo spoke when the door came to a close.

“Yeah, I don’t know. It doesn’t seem right, but maybe the man is just too busy. Lana clearly is the help, and you know people like that force their kids to be raised by their workers. I’ll ask Elle about it sometime, but you know she doesn’t give up shit.” Nero knew Elle wasn’t going to tell him, yet if he asked strategically, maybe he could find out something.

“Well, we know if she doesn’t say shit, then that isn’t good.” Amo continued after a moment, “My dad knows I set us three up tonight.”

Nero ran his hands through his hair. “Shit.”

Amo laughed. “Yeah, I figured you might have changed your mind.”

“Doesn’t matter. Now I have to go.” Nero would go. Amo’s dad would tell his father if he didn’t go, and since they were in public school and no relation to Elle, it would be uncharacteristic for him not to. Hell, it will look good that I go.

“The girls wanna go to Poison,” Amo said.

“Fuck me.” Nero hated that place. It was an expensive-ass lounge for teens. Nero never needed to go to a lounge to get laid and waste all his money in the process. He figured the girls wanted to go since they had most likely never been. Now Nero was going to not only have to pay for him, but her, and he wasn’t even going to get laid by the end of it.

Vincent shrugged. “I heard Cassandra is planning to be there tonight, so it might not be that bad.”

Nero smiled. “At least I’ll get something out of the night.” He would pay double what the night would cost him to get a hold of Cassandra. He hadn’t seen her since she’d tried to fuck with Elle in the cafeteria. “Just give me the shy one out of the group, but I’m sure you two won’t mind.”

Vincent spoke quickly, “Fuck no, man. I’ll be able to swoop in and have two to play with.”

“Not if I swoop in first,” Amo replied.

Nero shook his head as he walked away. Tonight might not be so bad. He could get even with Cassandra, and keep making his father think Elle was just a job. Nero smiled, thinking it was all working out.

What could possibly go wrong?

Chapter Twenty-Six

You’ve got This All Wrong, Motherfucker

Elle flipped through the rack of clothes. The Goodwill gods are not looking out for me today. They had scoured every thrift store, and all Elle had been able to find was more t-shirts. She had only been able to find three she liked, and they were a little iffy with all the holes they had accumulated. Elle was looking for something different, but of course, those staple pieces only came along every so often.

Going through the racks, Elle thought about what Nero had asked her on the drive home. He had asked her if she was planning to drive with Chloe again once her car was fixed. She had told him she hadn’t made her mind up for his sake. She liked riding with Nero, but she would be there for Chloe before him. That wasn’t what bugged Elle, though.

He had then proceeded to ask her why Chloe’s car had still been parked at the school until this morning. That brought up a whole can of worms Elle would never talk about. She had been thankful when he dropped the conversation pretty quickly, yet now she was thinking it might have given him some information he had wanted to know.

Elle moved to another rack, this time smiling at remembering when Nero had parked a house down. She had been able to see he was a little upset still that he wasn’t going to take her on a date yet; as a result, she had promised him, the next time she was off, she was all his. That was when it dawned on Elle.

They were becoming pretty serious. Yes, it might have only been a few days between them, but Elle had seen since freshman year that Nero was never around only one girl. She had watched the way he treated girls, and he didn’t treat her the same as them. Well, maybe in the beginning he did.

Elle couldn’t describe the feeling. She didn’t even attempt to understand it, but something in her said it was right. It only grew stronger every second they spent together alone as well as when Nero kissed or touched her when no one was looking.

“What about this?” She saw Chloe hold something up a few racks down. The emerald green color struck her.

“I love that.” Elle walked over and took the garment from Chloe then headed to the dressing room.

She threw off her shirt and put it on. Elle looked at herself in the mirror, loving her reflection. It was a tight, V-neck sweater that was almost meant as a dress. It hugged all her curves and the color looked fantastic next to her hair and skin coloring. Elle knew it would match perfectly with her black leggings at home.