Page 26 of Nero (Made Men 1)

“Yeah, one big, happy family.” Lucca put his cigarette out in the ashtray and got up to head for the door.

“Keep following her, son.”

He had known the second he saw that one-week schedule, Elle was one step in front of Nero. He owned the Casino Hotel; therefore, he knew schedules were typically more than a week in advance.

“I planned on it, boss.” Lucca left the room without a sound. Boss Caruso wasn’t even sure the door had closed.

He thought about what Nero had said as he brought the cigar to his mouth. ‘She told me she wasn’t a rat.’ His gut had been right; she had done more than just hear what happened in that alleyway, and he was going to do whatever it took to find out exactly what she had seen. He exhaled in an attempt to get rid of the horrible cigarette smell permeating the room. I’ve seen a lot of men turn rat.

* * *

Nero walked out of the room, fuming on the inside. He only hoped he didn’t give himself away. When he made it to the elevator, he decided to text Elle again.

Need a ride home?

While the elevator traveled down, he made sure to keep his calm. He had to keep in mind that this whole place had cameras everywhere.

When he exited the elevator, he started his journey back to his car, passing the security guards, going down the escalator and walking out of the casino. He had walked into the casino earlier with a different feeling than he had when he walked out.

When the city noise greeted him, he turned his head to look at the diner next door. It took everything he had in him not to walk in there and take a seat at one of her tables, especially seeing how packed it was now with men. He took a deep breath in and smoothed his hair down before he walked back to his car.

He unlocked the doors and slid in, glad the windows were tinted. At night, it was impossible to see in.

He punched the steering wheel with his already-battered hand, drawing blood from his knuckles for the second time today.

You’re welcome, brother.

Nero wanted to fight his brother like they usually had when they didn’t agree. But this time, he couldn’t. It was job related and you didn’t just get in a fight with the underboss unless you’re prepared to get your hand chopped off. Not even if you’re brothers. The family was built upon one thing, respect.

He knew his brother wouldn’t touch Elle in that way, but he still didn’t like the words that spat from his mouth about her.

That’s not why I’m even fucking mad, is what he told himself. They don’t fucking think I can do it.

He hated the fact they were going behind his back. Once you give someone the job, then it was their job alone. There was no bullshit. This was Nero’s first job, and he didn’t want any help.

I can do this on my own.

Nero watched Elle through the diner windows. He saw her laughing while she filled up cups at a table full of men. He gripped the steering wheel, having had enough. He was going to walk in there.

He got out of his car and saw Elle go to the bar. She looked down and started smiling. He had stopped walking immediately. The smile stopped him in his tracks. The smile she had on her face was one he hadn’t seen before. He felt his phone vibrate.

Bite me, he read.

He pulled up the keyboard. I’d love to, when I take you home.

He stayed put, watching her just a little longer.

She went back to the bar and smiled that same smile that made his chest a little weaker. He wasn’t sure what it was.

His phone vibrated again.

I’m sure you would, wolf. I can make it home to grandma on my own.

Nero texted back, You watch way too many movies. What’s your favorite movie, anyway?

Nero smiled as he got back in the car. Elle’s smile had calmed him down. Now that he knew what her real smile looked like, the ones she was giving her customers couldn’t even compare.

I don’t have one. I like too many. You? he read when his phone vibrated again.

Nero and Elle texted each other throughout her shift, getting to know one another. Nero surprisingly enjoyed it; watching her smile behind the bar when she thought no one was looking at her, while secretly texting.

He wasn’t into texting girls. Really never gave a shit what they had to say. High school girls only wanted to gossip and he only wanted to fuck them. Elle was different; she only answered his questions and asked her own of him. He told himself that this was a good thing for the job; she had to get to know him to completely trust him.

He watched her end her shift and put on her coat. He was relieved she was finally getting out of there. She walked the few blocks to the bus stop and got on while Nero followed right behind her the entire time. She exited the bus and he turned his headlights off, trailing her until she made it to her house.

When she got in, Nero rubbed his eyes. The night had been rough on him. He didn’t think he could watch her go to and from work again. The city was dangerous and Nero really knew exactly how dangerous it could be. He had no idea how she was still in one piece, or sane for that matter, for as long as she had been working there. He was going to have to come up with something. And by seeing her schedule, he needed to do it soon; otherwise, his sanity was going to be the one lost, for good.

He picked up his phone, rolling through his contacts before he hit call. It rang three times before it was answered.

“What do you need now, Nero?”

Nero laughed. “You didn’t let the two little girls get to you, did you?”