Page 76 of Nero (Made Men 1)

Elle took it and saw the piece of paper that had once been on her poster…

Made Men

I see four made men standing, I shall not tell.

The Boss.

The Terrifying.

The Scary.

The Paranoid.

I see three made men standing, I shall not tell.

The Boss.

The Terrifying.

The Scary.

I shall not ever tell.

Dante leaned back in his chair and took a hit. “It’s very good. I’m just curious as to why you think the man I killed was made?”

Elle curiously looked back at him. “When I was going to work, I passed him and another guy. He looked scared as the other guy told him the big boss gave him a job, and he didn’t have a choice.”

Elle saw something flicker across his face. He didn’t know.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to question him, so thank you. In return, understand I’m letting you live, regardless of what my sons think. So, I’m hoping this is the only and last poem you write about me.”

Who? Nero and Leo? Elle tried to clear her throat so her voice wouldn’t sound so terrified when she spoke. “Yes, I swear. I write so I can get things off my chest; that’s the only reason why I wrote it.”

She watched him actually give a small smile at her response.

“My wife used to garden; that was how she dealt with things.” He put out his cigar. “Did Nero ever tell you about her death?”

“He just told me she was murdered outside a grocery store.”

Dante leaned forward. “Nero had gotten sick, so she had gone to the store to pick up some medicine and soup. I needed all of my good men, which unfortunately hadn’t left her guarded well. What I’m trying to say here is that Nero feels responsible for her death, but we both know it would have happened anywhere. I choose the family over my family, and that is something I have to live with every day.”

Elle couldn’t imagine how they felt. Her dad’s accident had been hard enough to deal with; she couldn’t imagine if she’d lost him.

“Elle, you’re smart enough to know that you and Nero could never work out because, ultimately, Nero is not going to stay faithful to you. I gave him a job, to do whatever it took to find out what you knew. The first day on the job, he brought a girl home and I told him he had to stop fucking around until it was done.”

Don’t do it, Elle. Despite how badly those words stung and how her heart ached, Elle kept it together. She didn’t want him to see her cry.

“It won’t matter if he cheats on you or not; Nero finished the job and he is becoming a part of the family officially. It’s something he has wanted ever since he was a kid. You can’t stay faithful to both families. I found that out. You don’t deserve to end up like my dead wife.”

Elle solemnly nodded. She was in desperate need to get out of here. I seriously have to get out of this house.

“All right. It was nice to finally meet you, Elle.” Dante held out his hand.

Elle stood and shook it. I can’t say the same.

Dante continued to shake her hand. “I’m a man of my word; no harm will come to you.”

“Thank you.” Elle finally went for the door with the walls closing in on her.

When she turned the knob, he spoke again. “For your sake, I hope I never have to meet you again.”

Elle opened the door and went through, unable to stay in there a moment longer. It was everything Elle could do not to run down the hall and out the front door. It was hard for her to even stand up straight.

She heard a door fly open and then was dragged inside and pushed up against a wall. She looked up and saw Nero.

“Get off—” She couldn’t even get all the words out before Nero slammed his mouth down on hers. Elle’s lips moved with his.

No! Elle stopped kissing him and tried to break her mouth free. “Stop it.”

Nero took her mouth again while his hand tangled in her hair.

Elle’s tears broke free. “Please,” she managed to get past his tormented kissing.

Nero pulled his mouth from hers. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t think you saw them. I didn’t want you to find out that way.”

“Everything has been a lie, Nero.”

Nero swept her tears off her face. “No, it’s not.”

Elle looked past her tears and into Nero’s emerald eyes. “So, when we were in the supply closet and I asked you why now, that wasn’t a fucking lie?”

When Nero didn’t respond, she had her answer.

“You were forced to be with me, and it was so bad for you, you fucked Stacy the first night.” Elle squeezed her eyes shut. “In the same bed you fucked every other girl and you fucked me. I gave you something I can never get back.” Elle opened her eyes to look Nero in the face so he could witness what he did. “Then you made me fall in love with you, and that’s why I hate you the most.”

With one fell swoop, Elle’s once-mended heart crumbled into tiny particles, unable to be repaired. Her mind, body, and soul knew Nero was her one true love—the thing inside her she couldn’t ever describe. She knew, however, even though he was her true love, that didn’t make her his.

Nero grabbed her face in his hands. “Don’t do this. Baby, I—”

“Let me go. Please, Nero, let me go.” Her eyes created new tears to take the place of the ones he wiped away. Elle’s eyes pleaded to him. Let me go. She saw the war take place behind his eyes before he finally did.

Nero reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box wrapped in a pink silk ribbon. “I was going to give this to you tonight.” Nero grabbed her hand and placed it in her palm.

Elle shook her head. “I don’t want it.”

Nero’s voice turned dark. “Take it.”

Elle held onto the box just so she could get away from him before she changed her mind.