Page 69 of Nero (Made Men 1)

Elle released her own breath and was able to sink into him, finally able to enjoy the warmth and feel of his body beneath her, making her own body melt next to his. Whatever it was that was bothering Nero, he didn’t want to talk about it, and since he didn’t, Elle would let it be.

“I had a nice time tonight, thank you.” She hadn’t even thanked Nero for saving her life.

Nero started moving his fingers up and down her back. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m glad you had a good time.”

“I did. I like your sister, hugs and all.” Elle really did enjoy Maria’s company. It was refreshing to find a wealthy, gorgeous girl who wasn’t mean to her.

Nero laughed. “I thought you would.”

Now that Nero was in a better mood, she thought she could ask a favor. “I especially liked her closet. She gave me some clothes she was throwing out, so her closet is getting pretty bare.”

Nero snickered. “Yeah, right, it is. What are you getting at?”

Elle really hoped this would work for her new friend. “Well, I thought Chloe and I could go shopping with Maria.”

“I see. Did she put you up to this?”

Elle sighed. “Nero, she’s dying to be around girls, not her brothers. You all don’t have to watch her twenty-four-seven. She’s an adult.” Elle didn’t understand because, from what Maria had told her, she was never left alone. Someone always watched over her, and frankly, that didn’t make any sense.

Nero didn’t say anything until minutes later. “You all can go under one condition.”

Elle didn’t like the sound of that. “Okay…?”

“You let me buy you clothes, and not from fucking Goodwill or anywhere else you get worn clothes. Brand new clothes from wherever the hell my sister buys hers.”

“There’s nothing wrong with buying clothes from Goodwill.” Elle was always judged by buying clothes from thrift shops, but the fact was, you could get hardly-worn clothes for cheap, and most of the time, stores mimicked old clothes for a ridiculous price when you could buy it right at Goodwill for nothing. She should have known Nero would judge her. I mean, look at this house.

Elle tried to push off Nero, but yet again, he held firm.

Nero pushed her back into his body. “I didn’t mean it like that, baby. I don’t care that you wear worn clothes, but I think you should have some new clothes, also. You deserve clothes that are yours and have only been yours. There’s nothing wrong with buying brand new clothes, either.”

Damn. Nero had completely turned that around on her. Not to mention, that was possibly the sweetest thing he had said to her.

Elle kissed his chest. “Fine.”

Nero kissed the top of her head and then leaned over to his nightstand to turn the lamp off.

For once, Elle was at peace, not having to think about how she was going to survive another day at Legacy Prep. She felt safe as she started to drift off to sleep.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention; you have to spend the same amount as Maria.”

* * *

Three Weeks Later

Elle started gluing on the pieces of paper filled with her words to her poster board. She couldn’t stop smiling, thinking about the last three weeks with Nero. Ever since the night she’d slept over at his house, her life had turned a complete one-eighty. Honestly, Elle didn’t even know where to start.

Maria had become another good friend of hers and Chloe’s. All three had clicked the day they first went shopping, and yes, Nero had made sure she spent the same amount of money as Maria did because he was there. Nero, Amo, and Vincent had taken them, staying in the background and just keeping an eye on them. Elle didn’t understand why there was insistent monitoring of Maria, but every time Elle saw her flip her golden hair behind her shoulder, she began to understand.

Nero spending money on her didn’t end there. The day after they made up, Nero told the lunch lady to take Elle’s lunch out on his account. Elle had tried to protest, but the lunch lady had taken it before Elle could get a word out. She found that pretty strange that she didn’t even have something to say about it, considering she was the one who had thrown away her tray. The next day, Elle thought she would be smart and not eat at all, but that really didn’t work because Nero set a tray down in front of him and her.

Elle had wished the money spending had stopped there; however, when she went to the office to pay a part of her tuition she had set up on a payment plan, it was already paid. When she had confronted Nero about it, he had done what he was getting too good at, telling her she deserved everything. Then he kissed her to make her give in. Finally, he told her the last request.

He had told her to cut back her hours since she was able to keep the money. Again, she’d protested, but Nero had found a way to persuade her, saying they could spend that time together, watching all the movies she wanted. However, Nero didn’t do much watching, and Elle was only able to attempt to.

Lastly, Elle and Chloe hadn’t been picked on the whole time. Everyone who had ever hurt her hadn’t talked, looked, or even came within five feet of her.

Elle looked up from her poster to see Stacy and Stephanie powdering their noses and under their eyes. Lately, Elle had noticed a lot of makeup caking and wearing sunglasses, and that was a hell of a lot to make it unusual. Yet, everyone kept saying a bug was going around. Elle looked at their dark, baggy eyes. I hope I don’t get it.

Elle managed to glue on the final piece before the bell rang.

Nero waited until everyone left before he maneuvered Elle up to sit on his lap. “What are you doing tonight?”