Page 64 of Nero (Made Men 1)

“Yeah, I know you are.” Vincent laughed, dropping his arm to take a seat at the table.

Elle looked at the only seat left, which was beside Nero. All the other chairs were spaced a little bit out, but this one was really close to Nero’s chair.

She took the seat, her leg lying against his. She noticed he didn’t look very happy, though; he had obviously heard that it was just another bump on the head.

She watched Nero take a slice of pizza out of the box and throw it on a plate. He slid it in front of her. “Eat.”

Elle honestly didn’t feel hungry, yet Nero’s face told her she better eat. She figured she could take a few bites to make him happy.

“Where’s Chloe?” Amo asked, looking around.

Elle quickly responded, “She already ate before coming over and had been dying to see the backyard.” She turned towards Nero. “I hope that’s okay?”

Nero nodded to her as he took a bite.

They all talked around the table, and she watched the boys throw back pizza like it was nothing. Elle had taken her few bites and called it quits; subsequently, she just sipped on her water that Nero had put on the table, waiting for her.

Nero draped his arm over the back of her chair. “Aren’t you going to finish that?”

Elle looked at Nero and shook her head. “I’m not that hungry.” You lose your appetite when someone tries to kidnap you.

“You need to eat.” Nero looked like he didn’t want to be tested.

Elle looked around the table and noticed no one was paying them any attention. I really can’t eat.

“I’m not hun—”

Nero’s other hand shot out to the high part of her bare thigh. “Finish the pizza.”

Elle stared at Nero before she slowly picked up her slice. She had no idea why, other than her body aimed to please him. She always got a tingly feeling under her skin when she did as Nero asked.

Elle took a bite, the feeling of sickness strangely gone, and the taste was now delicious. As she felt Nero start to rub her thigh in agreement, Elle took another bite and licked at the little bit of red sauce left on her lip.

Nero rubbed her thigh higher under the table, and Elle’s heart pumped faster. Elle found it erotic as she continued to eat her pizza that no one knew Nero continued to praise her by rubbing her thigh in different motions. After she had eaten every bite and even licked her fingers, Nero gave her a special touch, lightly grazing her femininity.

When not even a morsel was left, Elle came out of her haze.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Chapter Thirty-Two

I Didn’t Mean to Scare You

Chloe sat under the beautiful white gazebo that sat in the middle of what was possibly a garden with white lights strung around. She thought the backyard was lovelier than the inside, and that was saying a lot.

There was a light snowfall, dusting the backyard. She had never seen anything whiter.

The backyard was huge for Kansas City. She could only imagine what the yard looked like during the spring. She just wished she could see it.

The gazebo had an iron bench, two chairs, and a small table, all close together. Luckily, they hadn’t accumulated any snow yet because of the roof. She had chosen to sit on the bench since it was in the middle, overlooking the whole backyard.

She felt a sudden peacefulness here in the backyard. I would live here if I could.

Technically, Chloe wanted to live anywhere besides where she did now. That was why she had applied to every college in the country practically. She only had a few months to go and then she would run as far as she could get.

She was happy she’d decided to sneak out here, doing what she had always done. Chloe had always snuck away if she had to go to a function with her father or if important people had come to hers. Chloe was always there for looks. For a picture-perfect family. Little did the city know how much of a fraud it was.

Chloe moved her eyes to the house, peering into it, seeing them all sitting around the table, laughing and eating pizza. I don’t belong anywhere.

She had trouble fitting in. Every time she met a new person, she felt like they only stared at her scars. She had lost all confidence in herself when she had gotten the marks. Before them, she had been outgoing and free. Now, she could barely talk to anyone, merely responding minimally.

The only person I can be myself with is Elle.

Being around Elle, she felt safe, and the old Chloe was able to come out. However, once someone else came around them, she cowered back. Recently, however, she would peek her head out when she was around Nero, Amo, Vincent, Leo, and just now Maria. A little. She didn’t even understand why she was because honestly, people scared her, and she had good reason as to why.

Chloe continued to watch them. I don’t think they even know I’m gone. Her heart had been empty for too long, wanting to find a safe place she could belong.

“Hey, darlin’,” a deep voice sounded behind her.

Chloe jumped at the sound. A second later, a man appeared on the other side of the rails. He was terrifyingly beautiful and scared the hell out of her, regardless of how handsome he was. She didn’t think a man that good-looking should ever exist, nor a man that chilling.

Chloe didn’t move a muscle, completely frozen in place.

He kept walking toward the entrance of the gazebo and went up the step. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She had no idea how she hadn’t heard him. She didn’t even know where he had come from.

She watched him lean up on a pillar, blocking her exit. After every hair had managed to stand up on her body at one look of his eyes, Chloe darted her gaze down to her lap and started fiddling with her hands.