Page 54 of Nero (Made Men 1)

It was pretty dark in here, though the sudden flashes of neon every so often could sometimes light up the person’s face; however, the guys hadn’t seen either of the girls’ faces yet.

Nero noticed the guys around them salivating to dance with the girls. They tried to join in, but the girls kept pushing them away, making them all the more desirable. A flash quickly illuminated the girls.

“Wait, I think I know them.” Vincent squinted his eyes.

Nero looked at them harder. The other girl in the purple baby-doll dress looked familiar to him, as well.

The girls danced around until they faced them. Another flash lit up their bodies.

“Holy shit, that’s my fucking sister!” Vincent remarked.

Nero recognized the girl in the purple dress was Vincent’s sister the moment he said it. Adalyn had become Vincent’s stepsister when his mother had married her dad when Vincent had been a toddler. They had grown up together and hadn’t realized they weren’t related by blood until they could understand the concept. Adalyn might technically be Vincent’s stepsister, however to him, she was his sister.

“Yeah, but who’s the one I need in my fucking bed?” Amo was infatuated with the girl dancing, as well.

Vincent stared at the girl shaking her ass as she pushed her light-brown hair back. “Lake, my fucking sister’s best friend.”

“Damn, have you been keeping her all to yourself?” Amo couldn’t pull his eyes away.

Unfortunately, neither could Vincent. “No, man. I’ve known her since preschool, so don’t fucking think about it.”

Nero laughed, his anger now gone. Vincent was clearly caught off-guard by her. Vincent had evidently never thought about Lake that way, but right then, he was seeing her in a new light. Literally, neon light. Nero watched as Vincent’s face started to become pissed and torn at the same time.

“Shit, man, just think about all the years you’ve missed out on that one,” Amo said.

Nero was trying to cease his laughter.

“They are dead,” Vincent declared, his nose practically flaring.

Nero figured it was probably hard seeing them this way, especially his sister.

While he looked back at the two girls dancing, two guys came up and started to grab them. Oh, shit.

“No, they are fucking dead!” Vincent started pushing through the crowd with Nero and Amo following him.

Nero knew this was not going to turn out well for the two guys, as well as Vincent’s sister and her best friend.

Nero smiled as they came closer. Tonight is looking up. Nero had always looked forward to a good fight.

“Vincent?” Adalyn yelled as she pushed the guy off her.

“Huh?” Lake shoved the guy as she turned to see.

The two girls quickly started walking toward them.

Vincent yelled at them, “What the fuck are you both doing here?”

“They are with us.” Two guys pulled them back behind them.

Nero noticed they weren’t the ones who had been trying to dance with them.

“Okay then, who the fuck are you two?” Vincent asked, pointing to the two who had been trying to dry-hump his sister and her friend.

The two guys reached out and grabbed the girls back.

The one who held Vincent’s sister spoke. “We’re the ones who are going to fuck them by the end of the night. So find your own.”

“Hey, get off me!” Lake hit at the guy holding her by her ass.

“You really shouldn’t have said that,” Adalyn said to the guy pinned to her waist.

Vincent started rolling up his sleeves. “You’ve got this all wrong, motherfucker. That’s my sister you’re holding there, and unfortunately, it will be the last girl you’ll be able to hold.”

The guy groping Lake started to laugh in his face. “This bitch isn’t your sister.” He looked down at Lake. “Looks like your mine.”

Vincent flexed his jaw at the two guys who had been groping the girls on the dance floor. “These fuckers are mine; you two get the little shits who brought them here.”

Nero and Amo started rolling up their sleeves, grinning, looking at the two trying to grab the girls back into their possession.

Nero grabbed Vincent’s shoulder. “Man, I thought you’d never ask.”

Amo snickered. “You guys can thank me later for bringing you here.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Out of the Poison’s Doors

Elle and Chloe walked into the dark lounge. Elle hoped Chloe would be okay surrounded by so many people. She looked over at her and saw she tried to make herself as small as possible so people couldn’t bump into her.

“We should go bac—”

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” the chanting sounded over her voice.

“Shit, Nero!” Elle started running toward the crowd with Chloe right behind her. Elle’s mind couldn’t think as she pushed through the crowd for them to pass, her body only reacting.

Elle and Chloe finally reached the front of the crowd, their mouths dropping open at what they were witnessing.

Nero was toying with a helpless guy, letting him get close to take a shot, but then he would strike out, punching him in the face. The guy was too slow and dumb to stop him.

Elle moved her eyes to Amo when he reached out and took a guy in a chokehold, his feet dangling high off the ground. What really drew Elle’s attention was Vincent. He was fighting off two guys, making them end up hitting each other when Vincent would move out of the way. The one to recover first came back at Vincent, kneeing him in the groin and making him fall to his knees. Vincent recovered quickly, taking the guy’s head in his hand and kneeing him right in the face, making him completely fall to the ground. Vincent laughed as he walked toward the other guy, now begging. Still laughing, he picked him up by his shirt, making him stand.

Vincent cocked his fist back. “You piece of shit.” Punch in the face. “Motherfucker.” Another punch in the face. The guy toppled over to the ground, and Vincent put his shoe over his hand flat on the ground. “Don’t ever touch my sister again.” Vincent picked his foot up then smashed his hand, making the poor guy scream in pain.