Page 43 of Nero (Made Men 1)

She didn’t know how much time had passed as she lay in his arms. Elle had closed her eyes and thought she might have dozed off until Nero’s voice broke the silence of the car.

“It wasn’t what it looked like. Yes, maybe from their point of view, but I promise, I didn’t want it to happen.” Nero spun a piece of her hair and continued, “I’m sorry you had to see it, and I am asking you to trust me. I don’t want anyone else, and I’m not going to have anyone else, Elle.”

Elle wanted the sound of his warm voice to continue, however she had to have the conversation with him. “How am I supposed to believe you, Nero?” You always have and, most likely, always will be a player.

Nero contemplated his answer before he spoke. “If you were any other girl, Elle, I would have fucked you in the girl’s locker room today. Trust me; you would have let me, and you sure as hell would have enjoyed it. Instead, I didn’t because then you would be like all the other girls I’ve been with,” he paused a brief second, “completely meaningless.” Nero grabbed her hair, and Elle finally looked up at him. “I told you not to touch, and now I’m telling you I won’t touch. I give you my word, Elle.”

When Elle watched him speak, a feeling would always come over her that he was telling the truth. I can’t believe I’m going to trust him. Her mind was still not onboard with her body.

“Promise?” She needed him to say it.

Nero smiled down at her. “I promise, baby.”

Elle smiled back right before he kissed her. She welcomed him in her mouth, letting him set the speed. He caressed her lips, taking care to learn every inch of them until his tongue ventured inside to do the same.

Unlike the last time she had worked to please, she wanted him to please her. Nero didn’t seem to mind as he pulled her on his lap, making her straddle him. Her hands went to his hair so she could remember the feeling of it running through her hands. Elle should have known he would when he squeezed her ass in his hands again.

Nero deepened the kiss, forcing her tongue out so he could draw it into his mouth, and once again, she loved the feeling. She really wished she would have done it sooner.

Nero moved down to kissing her neck, nipping and licking better than he had before. Yeah, because he has to make it up to me. Elle would definitely make him, too.

Nero went lower and kissed her collarbone as his hands travelled up the front of her body over her clothes. They held her sides, right under her breasts, and Elle’s breath caught in her throat as his mouth moved lower, sucking the top of her right breast into his mouth. Her t-shirt normally came above them, but Nero had pulled it down, showing the tip of her thin bra.

Elle swore her breasts had started to swell by the feel of his mouth on her. As she pushed his head closer, afraid he would stop, Nero lifted his hands higher and started rubbing her nipples with the pad of his thumbs, quickly rubbing them into a peak. She couldn’t concentrate, once again under Nero’s control.

Her nipples began to ache from the hardness and her breasts started to become too sensitive under her bra. When Elle felt Nero’s fingertips go under her bra, over her left breast, she quickly grabbed his hand, hoping he wouldn’t pull it down. Elle let out a moan when Nero bit her breast in response, paying her back for what she had done to him earlier.

Nero tried to pull it down again as he laved away the sting, but Elle squeezed her hand over his.

“Baby, please, just let me have a taste.” Nero talked while he kissed her skin.

Elle whimpered “no” in his ear. She wanted him to. Like, really want him to. But Elle had a feeling Nero wouldn’t stop at a taste. She knew a guy like Nero devoured the whole thing. Elle would like being devoured by him, yet it wasn’t the right time or place for her.

Nero threw his head back on the seat and she watched him try to collect himself while she tried to do the same. Nero had dropped his hand and Elle couldn’t help smiling. No matter how bad Nero wanted her—and she knew how much he did because he had grown hard underneath her—he would never force himself on her. If she ultimately didn’t want to do it, Nero wouldn’t make her.

Elle gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you.”

Nero gritted out, “No problem.”

She began to try to maneuver off his lap and felt his hardness grind underneath her.

Nero quickly grabbed her hips, and held her in place. “Careful, or I’ll throw being a gentleman out the fucking window and watch your tits bounce in my face.”

Elle stopped breathing, becoming nervous for what he might do next.

Still holding onto her hips, he moved her off his lap and set her down beside him. Elle felt relieved and almost disappointed at the same time.

Nero finally let Elle go and ran his hands through his hair. “Not since I was a boy have I felt a girl’s boobs through their shirt.”

Elle tried hard not to laugh. Poor Nero. She was proud of herself to be clearly the only girl to make Nero wait.

Elle leaned up and gave him another kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry.” She knew she didn’t look very sorry by the way she was smiling.

“You are going to make this up to me.” Nero’s voice was in a commanding tone once again.

Elle really didn’t like where this was headed as she stared back at him, waiting to hear what he wanted. What now?

“I am driving you to work tonight.”


Nero put his hand over her mouth, shutting her up. “And from now on.” When Elle’s eyes tried to say otherwise, he continued, “I’m not asking; I’m telling.” He removed his hand from her mouth and stole a kiss from her.