Page 4 of Nero (Made Men 1)

As soon as class began, the teacher wanted them to go ahead and start their first project. It was easy; all they had to do was make a poster that best showed their individual personality, using any materials they desired.

Elle stared at her blank white poster, wondering exactly who she was. Well, she knew who she was, but these walls made it hard for her to be herself. No, she just couldn’t be herself here.

She was strawberry-blonde, her hair reaching the top of her breasts, and had big blue eyes. She had a slight tan to her skin, which contrasted her hair and eye color. She liked that, being different and having character; unlike the other kids her age who strove to all look the same. She believed she looked younger than the other girls her age, although maybe it was the lack of makeup and fancy clothes. She couldn’t quite tell. Regardless, her looks did not define who she was.

She opened her bag and took out a sheet of paper. She thought she should draw the poster out first to try to come up with some ideas.

After several attempts, it became hard for Elle to concentrate. The bimbos were laughing so damn loud she thought they were going to go into heat any second. The hottest athletes, not to mention the king of Legacy Prep, surrounded them.

Elle looked at the clock. It wasn’t too much longer before school let out. She zoned out, a lot on her mind.

Cassandra was going to kill her, She couldn’t protect Chloe at the moment. She was supposed to close at the diner tonight, and she had to find time to do her five-hundred-word essay Mr. Evans assigned about who you love the most. Yeah, if I even live till then.

Elle felt a pat on her back, snapping her back to the present. “I hope you make it to see the freak on time. It would be a shame if something were to happen.” That was Bimbo Number One, the one closest to Cassandra.

Then, the next thing she knew, all Elle could hear was the squirting of paint all over her. No, not my big, comfortable white sweater!

The whole class couldn’t help laughing at her torture. That was honestly what hurt Elle the most; not one person would ever rescue her, all they would do was laugh.

“You can thank me later, waitress. I know you’ve needed a reason to visit Goodwill.”

Elle had dealt with enough for the day, and Chloe wasn’t there to get hurt by her repercussions. If she was going to die today, at least she was going down with a fight.


Chloe. Elle grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom unbelievably fast, her retaliation instantly forgotten. Chloe needed her.

That was when it dawned on her. ‘I hope you make it to see the freak on time.’ She finally understood—the only way to hurt her was to hurt Chloe.

Oh, shit! I’m coming, Chloe. Elle ran fast down the hallway; she didn’t jog or walk fast, she ran. At that point, it didn’t matter if she drew attention to herself.

When Elle ran into Chloe’s classroom, she came to a halt. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her heart actually skipped a beat.

“Chloe, are you okay?”

Chapter Three

Fight Fire with Fire

Elle had walked in to see Mr. Evans talking to Chloe, her elbows on her desk and hands concealing her face.

Chloe looked up. “Yes, I’m fine, El—” Her eyes grew wider. “Are you okay? What happened?” Chloe stood and walked over toward her.

Elle’s eyes wandered over to Mr. Evans. “Um, I accidentally spilled paint on myself in art. What are you all talking about?”

Mr. Evans walked over to them. “I was just passing by and saw Chloe in here by herself, so I was making sure everything was okay. Usually, the kids are practically one foot out the door before the last bell even rings.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. She’s my ride, and I just told her we would meet up in here.”

“How come you met up here and not in your art class? The art class is all the way at the front of the school by the outside door.” Elle thought Mr. Evan’s face didn’t look confused in the least.

“I guess we didn’t think about it like that.” Elle started walking out of the classroom. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Evans. Come on, Chloe; I need to get ready for work.” Elle hoped he would let it go.

Chloe joined Elle and they both headed out into the hallway.

“Elle, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.” Elle turned around at Mr. Evan’s voice. “Try and be more careful in art. Next time, it might not be paint that spills.”

Nope, he couldn’t let it go. At that, Elle kept walking. “Have a good night, Mr. Evans.”

They walked through the school, and when they reached the outside, Elle and Chloe felt like a weight had been lifted, like they were almost free.

“So, who spilled the paint? And dang, all over your outfit. That one was my favorite on you.”

Elle looked down at her body. Damn, she even got my favorite pair of faded jeans. “One of Cassandra’s sidekicks.”

“Which one? Her?” She nodded toward Nero, who was standing beside his Cadillac with Bimbo Number Two.

Elle could hear them speaking. “Nero, would you mind giving me a ride home? I rode with Cassandra this morning.” She leaned against his car, giving him a sweet smile.

“No problem, babe.” Nero’s eyes traveled from her eyes to her chest. “Leo, let’s go!”

Elle had seen a young boy running over to his car. He was honestly a miniature version of Nero, especially before he had cut his hair. The only difference between them was the kid had dirty-blond hair. Elle realized he was the new one who had sat at Nero’s table.

“Backseat, Leo.” Elle thought Leo made the cutest face at his remark before they all climbed in the car, slamming doors and bringing Elle back.