“I do.” I place my elbows on the table of our shadowed corner booth and lower my voice. “I’m assuming you can guess what this is about. And that you know what’s missing from the agreement.”

Her skin darkens with an endearing flush and she nibbles on her lip before looking into my eyes. “I’m aware. I thought it was something we should discuss before it was added.”

“So you were waiting to see if I showed interest before getting to that topic? I can appreciate that.” I order my heartbeat to slow and keep my expression even. “I believe this lunch is proof of my interest. I think the nature of our potential relationship is something we have to address before I make a final decision.”

This is crazy, I tell myself again. But I’m following her lead. Keeping it professional.

What I want to do is drag her into my lap and see if the chemistry I’ve been feeling is one-sided. I don’t think it is, but right now I can’t be sure.

She’s taking another sip of her drink and staring at me over the sugared rim. Her eyes are a beautiful golden brown. Warm with interest, and more than a hint of nerves.

When her hands are free, I take one of them in mine. “Tanisha, you asked me to marry you so we could help each other. And I think we can agree we’re alike in how seriously we take our promises and vows. You shared a lot with me yesterday, but we need to be candid about this. Were you imagining a show marriage? Sleeping in different bedrooms at night? No physical contact between us?”

After a small pause, she shakes her head.

Thank you, Jesus.

I’m more aroused than I should be by that simple, silent answer. “Can you tell me what you were imagining?”

Her eyes widen, then she shakes her head, muttering to herself.

“I didn’t catch that.”

“This isn’t a topic I ever discuss. With anyone,” she clarifies. “I’m at a disadvantage.”

The ache of my full erection takes me by surprise, but it shouldn’t. We’re talking about sex. Well, I am. She’s behaving as if she’s a complete innocent.

Think about it, genius.

It’s improbable that she’d make it to twenty-eight without any experience in the subject. Not looking the way she does, with the sensuality she exudes so naturally. Isn’t it?

“How much of a disadvantage, Tanisha?”

She’s blushing again. Or maybe the margarita is getting to her. “Just the traditional Indian family, Joey and his nine foster brothers as bodyguards, weird-girl-with-a-prosthetic-leg disadvantage. Though Royal did kiss me once during a game of Spin the Bottle when we were thirteen. It wasn’t that impressive. He nearly cracked my tooth.”

Royal Hale? My brother-in-law and her friend’s brother? “He’s married to Austen.”

Now she looks amused. “Yes, I know. I hope for her sake he’s better at it than he used to be. Though based on how quickly JD told me they got married, I can only assume he’s had more practice since then.”

It’s ridiculous to be jealous of something that happened so long ago. Even more ridiculous to feel possessive of this woman I barely know.

She could be your wife if you say yes.

I caught the reference to her leg, but just as quickly dismiss it. Any man who doesn’t see her as the ultimate prize is a blind fool.

But what she said changed things. “You’re a virgin.”

She sets down her drink with a snort, obviously more relaxed than when we started. “You sound so grim when you say it. It’s just a word.”

“It’s special. It shouldn’t be—”

“My parents thought the same thing. Did you know that after I moved into my house, they paid my neighbors in samosas and, on occasion, actual cash to watch my driveway for strange cars and male visitors who weren’t Joey??


That sounds extreme. Then again, what I would do if I had a daughter instead of sons? It wouldn’t be that bad, I’m sure, but I’d definitely want to keep an eye on her.

She’s rolling her eyes at my expression. “It’s not special, Emerson. First of all, there’s no way for anyone to know if it’s true or not. And why? Because it’s actually rare for an active woman to reach adulthood with her hymen still intact, even if she hasn’t had sex. And you look like you might pass out before the enchiladas arrive if I stay on this topic, so forget I said anything.”