“You always blow my mind.” He kisses me slowly and then moves toward the door. “Take a shower. I can handle the dynamic duo for a while. I’ll invite Tani over to distract them.”

“Smart. I’ll be down soon.”

Once he’s gone, I push myself up and walk over to the dresser on shaky legs. I open the drawer he was just sifting through and feel for the small box in the very back.

Seeing the golden ring beneath my lucky Liberty dime, right where I left it, I breathe a sigh of relief. Soon.

Until then, I need to find a better hiding place.



I was right about the girls being in the kitchen, but fortunately for everyone, all they were after was orange juice.

It’s easier to remove a small lake of pulpy fruit juice than put out a fire, so I’m feeling good as I grab the paper towels.

I hope Joan had fun at her girls’ night. When she dropped Adria off yesterday, she pulled me aside and thanked me for helping get her out of her rut. I insisted I didn’t do anything, but she said something about tiaras, She-Ra and the fact that she’s never seen her brother happier, so I went with it. She also assured me her mother will come around.

I think she’s right. I hope she’s right. Until then… “Who wants to invite Princess Tani over for breakfast?”

Rue instantly raises her hand, ready to explode into action. Adria snickers at her, but does the same.

“What do you think?” I ask. “Is it finally time for pancakes?”

Rue taps the small dimple on her chin, taking my question seriously. “Is it a special day?”

“I think it might be. But I’m willing to bet whatever kind of day it turns out to be, pancakes would make it better. And I know Tani has been waiting patiently for a cajillion or two.”

She sees the wisdom of my words, and both girls race for the door, still dressed in their nightgowns and socks.

Today is a special day. I’ve already decided.

Elliot sucks at hiding things. I knew about the ring the same day he bought it. I’ve also caught all his not-so-subtle hints about how a few of the team wives with small children travel with their husbands during the season.

He wants us with him, and I want to make it happen.

Technically, Rue will be old enough to start school next season, but I happen to know a few talented tutors. I can do most of my work online and on the phone for six months, and fly in the second Tani needs me.

I think about what he said in his last interview. That he wants to give back to the community that raised him, settle down and enjoy spending time with his daughter. “But I think I have a season or two still in me, you know? The kids I’ve met recently, my daughter, they’ve reminded me about all the reasons I originally loved the game. I’d like to be back on the mound with that fresh in my mind. See what happens.”

I have no desire to stand in the way of that, and I’d love to make sure Rue has more time to be secure in our newly formed family unit.

Plus, I woke up this morning with a warm palm cupping my ass and decided I need to take matters into my own hands. First literally, with the massage. Then figuratively.

I’m getting married.

Tani was right to worry that I’d fall prey to the same bug that bit my brothers. Although I was falling for Elliot before we even thought about going to that Irish pub.

A few months ago, I was a pile of nerves and skin who’d never experienced love and didn’t expect to. But then I ran into Elliot Ransom.

Now I’m going to my apartment to invite my roommate for pancakes, and snag the phone I forgot last night, plus those mylar balloons that are currently hiding in my bedroom. Two “Mr.’s” and one, “He said yes!”

I’ve already sent pictures of them to Rick and Matilda for approval, so I won’t chicken out. I haven’t gotten a chance to tell Tani yet, since she was doing in-house visits yesterday, but she’s known since the day she woke up to find my cardboard Quinto/Spock bent and forgotten on the living room floor that things were moving in this direction.

I unlock the door and put my finger over my mouth in case she’s still sleeping. Both girls nod and Rue’s tiptoeing is both ridiculous and adorable. I’m so in love with this child. And her father.

Tani’s jacket is gone. Along with the keys she usually leaves by the door. “Tani?”

I sit Rue and Adria down in the living room and knock on her bedroom door. “Tanisha, are you home?”

It’s Sunday. She wouldn’t be at work this early on a Sunday. Unless there was an emergency. I open her door, just to make sure.