Now is not the time.

This is too important. He’s too important.

He’s waiting to close the door behind me and then he leans against it, crossing his arms over his chest protectively. “Didn’t you get my text?”

“I did.”

He licks his lips. “And you saw the interview?”

I shove my hands in my pockets so I don’t give in and reach for him. “I’m sorry you were put in that position. That you had to lie.”

“It’s not your fault. And Tani and I handled it. Did anyone see you come in the building? Because as far as I can tell, they think you’re staying with your mother, so it might look suspicious.”

“No one saw me. And they believe it because that’s what she told them when they called to confirm your story.” I make myself stare at the wall over his shoulder. “You lied,” I repeat.

“For Rue,” he says. “For all those kids who want to be just like you when they grow up. Who’ll beg their parents to let them train with you. Some of it was about pride.” He takes a shaky breath. “And yes, most of it was for you.”

Now I step closer, memorizing his beautiful face, his colorful eyes that have always held my attention. “You think those kids wouldn’t want to be me if they knew you were in my life? If we were together?”

His eyes widen. “But we’re not together. Not really. You said you couldn’t make any promises. That’s what we agreed to.”

“Maybe I lied.” I flatten my palms on either side of his head. “Or maybe it was too new for me to know which way was up when we made that agreement, and you didn’t give me a chance to revise it before you took matters into your own hands.”

“I told you before that I’m not a mind reader. I did what I thought was best for everyone.”

“I love you, damn it. You sacrificing that for any reason isn’t what’s best for me. You walking away isn’t what’s best for me. Unless that was what you wanted after you saw those reporters? I wouldn’t blame you, but don’t tell me what you did was best for me.”

Joey ducks beneath my arm and I whirl around to find him glaring at me, stabbing his hands through his hair in frustration. “Did you think I wanted to walk away from you? After today? After the last few weeks? I almost went home and buried my head in the sand so I wouldn’t hear you laugh at the rumors about you being gay. So I wouldn’t see you do what every man I’ve ever been with has done before. But I wanted to be near you more than I wanted to run. Even if I never got to touch you again. Which sounds pathetic now that I’m saying it out loud, especially since you’re looking for a house and then you’ll be training with your team and I’ll still be here, going through my days without you. So, no. Cutting it short wasn’t my first choice.”

He narrows his eyes, as if only just registering what I said. “You love me?”

I have him in my arms before he can ask me again. “I do. And I’m glad you didn’t leave. I can’t handle the idea of not being able to see you, talk to you whenever I want.”

He tries to step back. “We can’t. Not for a while. Not if we want our story to work.”

“Aren’t you listening?” I tighten my arms around him. “I’m not talking about this being our secret again. That’s not enough for me anymore, and I never should have been okay with letting that be enough for you. I want this. All of it.”

He looks up at me, shaking his head. “You think you mean it right now. It’s been a crazy, emotional day. We’re not thinking this through.”

“I know what I mean, Joey. I’ve meant it for a while, but I was too busy enjoying the moment to let myself think about tomorrow. But this is how it is now. I’m date number two and three. I’m the guy who wants you in the sunshine. At all my games with Rue, even if you never figure out what you’re cheering for.”

He whacks my arm for that and I laugh. “That’s not the reaction I was expecting.”

“What were you expecting?”

“A kiss to start the rest of our lives together?” I ask hopefully.

Joey lifts his hand and cups my cheek, stroking his thumb over my chin. “Did I run into a wall again?”

“You did. And this time I’m not going anywhere. Not unless you tell me to and mean it.”

He licks his lips again, only this time he’s staring at my mouth. “I’m in love with you, Elliot Ransom, so you have to be sure. And Rue needs to approve this time.”