He didn’t feel a thing, so whatever it was they’d put in was working. Either that or his last coughing fit had severed some nerves.

When she finished wiping the thing attached to his arm with alcohol, she winked at him. “All done. I’ll be back when it’s time for your meds and we can take your catheter out and graduate to the hand-held urinal and bed pan until we get you walking, which we’ll start on tomorrow.”

Wyatt stared at her instead of Fiona, ignoring the heat suffusing his face.

“If you need me before then, push that button right beside you. The doctor is making his rounds, but he’ll be here shortly to give you more details about what comes next. Just know we’re all thankful there are men like you out there in the world. My aunt cleans office buildings and car dealerships at night, too, so that could have been her you were saving from that fire. That’s why I’m determined to get you and your brother on your feet and well enough to face your fan club as soon as possible.”

Car dealerships? Fan club?

“Thank you, Brenna,” David said. “I have a few more questions. Could we talk in the hall?”

Wyatt let go of Fiona’s hand and was already writing on the board when they left. His grip was weak, his hands shaky but determined.

“What’s he saying?” Rory asked, moving closer as Fiona tilted her head, her hair brushing his temple as he formed the words.

“Noah,” she answered softly. “He says he needs to see Noah now. Now is underlined. Wyatt, you just woke up. I don’t think they’ll let you get out of—”

“I’m on it,” Rory interrupted, heading for the door, phone in hand. “Just let me work my magic and find you a wheelchair.”

Wyatt closed his eyes in relief. They fluttered open again when he felt her soft, full lips against his forehead. “I should have known,” she whispered. “You won’t be able to relax until you see him for yourself, will you? For such a cocky fireman, you’re kind of a big old softy.”

Ah, Fiona, I missed you. I love you. Are you staying this time? Did you change your mind about your answer?

He wanted to ask, but he didn’t, and not just because he wasn’t allowed to talk. He wasn’t sure he was ready to know how she’d respond.

Fiona looked away, her eyes glinting with unshed tears. “Don’t you want to know about your fan club? Rory said we shouldn’t tell you, since you got such a big head about that calendar.”

Fuck you, Rory. I looked good in that.

“The fire is all over the news,” she told him, straightening his sheets as if to keep her hands busy. “No hard evidence yet, but they say they’re definitely thinking foul play, and the owner of the building is conveniently missing.”

It sounded like he’d called it right. Arson.

“Everyone is talking about you and Noah, too. The two Finn brothers who risked their lives on the same night. Did you know you were related to the chief of police and my favorite state senator?”

Wyatt rolled his tired eyes at Fiona’s mischievous smile.

“Well sure, you can say that,” she teased. “But the story about Noah rescuing that poor old woman—who works nights cleaning office buildings to support her grandkids, which is what Brenna was referring to—and then you racing in to save your brother like some sort of superhero? It’s all anybody can talk about.”


“They all seemed surprised,” she said, shaking her head as if she couldn’t understand why. “But anyone who knows you knows the kind of man you are. Loves the man you are.”

She loved him—she’d never denied sharing his feelings, despite her habit of pushing him away. But did she love him the way he loved her? He knew she wanted him. Knew she cared about him. She’d told him she loved him…

Not just him, though. And that had been the main bone of contention between them from the start. She’d also been honest about her feelings for Thoreau Wayne. A smart guy. A successful guy. A guy who was nothing like Wyatt in any way, apart from his appreciation for good beer and Fiona’s affections.

Wyatt’s need for her had always been possessive. Greedy. Which might explain why she’d held him at a distance for so damn long before giving in to the attraction between them. It might even be why she’d slept with Thoreau after they’d fought about having a future.

Once they’d gotten back together, he’d tried to get past it, but he’d known it was still between them. That she still wished he was open to adding another man into their relationship.

It wasn’t as if he’d never heard of that kind of situation. But even if he’d been willing to try, he couldn’t see how it would work. Rory and his guys were all together. As in together. His cousin Jen’s men had been involved with each other for years before she’d come into the picture.