He glanced up, startled, when Wyatt covered his hand with his own and guided it over her hip and back until his fingers were touching something hard between Fiona’s cheeks. Shit. Was that a butt plug?

“You’re overdressed for what we have in mind. I noticed you have a bigger bed than Fiona’s. Hope you don’t mind the invasion, but I might have set things up in there, if you wanted to get those clothes off and join us.”

Fiona and Wyatt in his bed? “I don’t mind at all.”

He stood up and grinned when Wyatt’s gaze lingered on the beer again. “Did you want to bring that in?”

“Put it in the fridge until after.” He stood in front of Thoreau, close enough to make his heart pound, and glanced down at his mouth with slightly puzzled expression. “This can’t wait.”

Then he turned and, bending down, lifted Fiona off the couch and over his shoulder, fireman style.

“Still got it,” he grunted while she moaned against his bare back. “Let’s go put out this fire.”

Thoreau had never moved so fast. Three-pack left to cool, he made it to his bedroom in record time, his shirt already unbuttoned as he shrugged it off his shoulders. Wyatt laid Fiona down across his king-size bed. Its mussed cover and sheets were the same blue and gray tones as her hair was when he’d first met her.

He’d had it bad for a long time.

Wyatt noticed. “You always did look good in this color. My wild fairy.”

“I love you, but I hate you right now.”

Thoreau chuckled as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and boxers. “What have you been up to today, Finn?”

Wyatt glanced at him over his shoulder, wicked grin firmly in place. “Getting her ready for us. I may or may not have forbidden her from coming until the main event.”

Thoreau looked down at Fiona. “For how long?”

“Hours,” she moaned, tearing off her t-shirt, the sheen of sweat on her skin proof that she was telling the truth.

Jesus. No wonder she was in this state.

Getting her ready for us.

Both of them inside her. That’s what he was talking about. No one waiting for their turn this time. Thoreau’s cock was already wet with precum when he gripped the base of it.

They were still doing this. Wyatt was still in on the plan, despite the news he’d gotten. Despite everything.

Fuck, he’d never been so ready.

He glanced over at his bedside table, noticing the washcloth and the lube. “Did you find the condoms?”

Wyatt had been standing beside the bed, slipping off his boxer shorts to reveal his lean, muscular body. He rubbed his hands together, mimicking Thoreau. “Assuming clean bills of health all around, the horse was let out of the barn a while ago. Trust me. You want to experience Fiona without anything between you.”

Was he dizzy? Fucking dreaming? He hunched his shoulders, tightening his grip on his cock, and Wyatt chuckled. “Oh yeah. You want it.”

Trust. That was what Wyatt was giving him. Thoreau felt it, along with another wave of arousal at the thought of being inside his Fiona without a barrier. Their Fiona. “I do.”

“I do, too,” Fiona called from the bed, sounding just irritated enough that Thoreau had to laugh as he joined her. He kissed her hungrily while his hand skimmed over her stomach, her full, sensitive breasts.

“Is this okay?” he asked, breathless against her lips. “You still want this?”

She looked up into his eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want this,” she assured him. “I love you, Thoreau Wayne. You know that, don’t you?”

He closed his eyes, pressing his lips against her jaw, her neck, as a shudder rolled through him. He’d known. He’d hoped. “I love you, Fiona Howard. All of you. I always have.”

Thoreau felt the bed dip as Wyatt joined them, his head lowering to kiss the other side of her neck. “I hate to interrupt,” he said, his eyes sparkling. “But I think our girl needs a little help getting ready. Climb up on Thor, sweetheart. Give him another kiss.”

Fiona placed her hands on Thoreau’s shoulders and pushed with more force than he was expecting, sending him laughing onto his back on the bed.

“Impatient?” he asked.

“You have no idea.” She straddled his thighs, her belly brushing his straining erection.

“You’d be surprised,” he murmured as she pressed her breasts against him and bit his chin. He put his hands on her hips to hold her steady, watching Wyatt as Fiona lowered her head to his chest and moaned.

He was on his knees beside them, kneading her ass with a look of appreciation and hunger that made Thoreau’s hips lift in reaction.

“Fiona’s been holding out on us,” Wyatt informed him huskily. “She’s had this plug for a while. She even admitted to using it along with her vibrator while you were in here and I was out on that lumpy couch, reading about the ten steps I needed to take to be a better me.”