Thoreau nodded. “I remember they were thinking about surrogates.”

She grinned mischievously. “I might have talked them out of that. There’s this boy who comes to Bellamy House that I’ve fallen in love with. I think they could give him a wonderful home. I know he’d be placed with them if that’s what they wanted. It’s a perfect situation for everyone, really.”

Wyatt smiled at her in admiration. “I think that sounds like a great idea. We both know how many kids are out there who could use decent parents.”

She nodded, glancing hesitantly at Thoreau. “There are. So anyway, talking with them got me thinking about kids, which made me think about how much I love being pregnant. And then Austen and Hugo were here, looking gorgeous, and I thought…” She broke off and stuck her tongue out at Wyatt. “You’re getting me in trouble here. You like me pregnant, too. You say it all the time.”

“That’s true.” Fiona’s sexual appetites kept increasing the further along she got. And she definitely had a glow Wyatt found irresistible. But then, he’d never been able to resist her. Not since the first time he saw her with that wild fairy hair and poetry on her skin.

“You thought what?” Thoreau said, smiling tenderly now. “Sure, I’ve got great cheekbones, but Hugo’s dimples aren’t guaranteed, you know.”

“I know.” She took a breath and reached for Wyatt’s hand. “Obviously we have a long time to think about it. A few more months until the twins arrive. Then I’ll need time to recover. There’ll be midnight feedings. I might go crazy and take both of you with me.”

“Then you can go to see your therapist twice a week. Problem solved.”


“I’m helping.”

“Let it go, Wyatt. Maybe he doesn’t wan—”

Thoreau kissed her into silence and Wyatt squeezed her hand. Yeah, he liked the idea, but in his mind, he was probably wondering why they’d skipped all the way to phase twenty-three.

Wyatt got a kick out of surprising their guy.

Their guy?

Yeah. Deal with it.

Fiona moaned, her hand leaving his to glide over his thigh. Had he mentioned pregnancy had done a lot for her appetites? She got to his zipper and he helped her along, pushing down his jeans and boxers so she could wrap her hand around him.

Thoreau lifted his mouth to watch and Fiona winked at Wyatt. “I think it’s time to get this housewarming started.”

He groaned, loving her touch. Loving both their eyes on him. “I thought the party was over.”

“You know better than that. Do you remember whose turn it is?”

Wyatt licked his lips, looking at her through lowered lashes. “If we skipped to my turn, there could be spankings. For everyone.”

Her eyes sparked with desire. Maybe she’d be willing to—“Oh God.”

Did he mention he loved her hands?

“It’s my turn,” she insisted. “And I want to watch Thoreau reenact his favorite college experiment.”

A forbidden thrill raced up Wyatt’s spine, sending all the blood swiftly to his dick. Oh fuck. They hadn’t done this yet. They’d come close but they’d never actually… “Are you sure this is how you want to use your turn?”

Thoreau pushed the table out of the way and was taking off his shirt. It reminded him so much of that first time he’d approached him that Wyatt smiled. “Planning on dropping trou again?”

“You know it.”

Fiona was taking off Wyatt’s shirt as Thoreau stepped out of his boxers. Part of him still couldn’t believe this was happening. That he wanted it to happen.

He stared at Thoreau’s lips. Fuck, he really wanted it. “Your call.”

Wyatt kissed Fiona, slipping his hand beneath her skirt and up her soft thighs with purpose. “We’re not leaving you out, baby.”

“I hoped you’d say that.” She gasped and Wyatt followed her gaze as Thoreau knelt between his thighs.

Fiona was right about the Wayne looks.

Thoreau flashed him a smile, his face strained and hungry.

Jesus, that was hot.

“Freaking out on me again, Finn?”

“Who me? I never lose my cool. Ask the captain. I’m a highly trained—”

“Professional?” Thoreau finished with a laugh that heated the head of Wyatt’s cock. “Stop stealing my lines.”

Wyatt’s fingers paused on Fiona’s clit as Thoreau took him into his mouth. Oh God, this was happening. His lips were… “Fu-uck.”

Fiona was kissing his neck, her hand covering his between her legs as she rocked against it. “That is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she whispered in his ear. “When he told us about it, I thought it might be. But seeing his mouth on your cock is so much better.”

Wyatt’s thighs were shaking, his eyes riveted to Thoreau’s as the man took him all the way, until he wasn’t just touching the back of his throat, he was swallowing.


“I’m jealous. He’s going to have to show me how to do that.”

Thoreau hummed out a laugh at Fiona’s words and Wyatt moaned hoarsely, unable to stop his hips from lifting. Needing more. Needing him to suck.