Relief and anticipation vied for control as he read the message.

Wyatt: Come home. Plan is a go. Bring beer.

“Way ahead of you, man.”


He wasn’t sure what to expect after turning the key in the lock. Fantasies of Wyatt and Fiona naked and going ahead without him had him hard as steel the entire drive home. The only thing he loved more than watching them together was participating. But his time was coming.

There’d be a lot of coming if he had his way.

It was almost a letdown when he walked into the kitchen and everything looked normal. They’d even ordered dinner. He set down the three pack and slid his hand into the partially open pizza box to retrieve a slice, still warm and waiting for him on the table. He was hungry.

“Honey? You home?”

Thoreau smirked at Wyatt’s question and swallowed his first bite. “Yes, muffin. Grabbing some pizza. You want any more?”

“We’re good, precious. Aren’t we, Fiona?”



Thoreau stopped chewing, the partially devoured slice dangling forgotten from his hand. “Should I come back later, pumpkin?”

“Get your ass in here, Thor.”

He reached down to adjust himself at the commanding tone, biting his lip to hold back a moan. He might be too ready for this. Was there such a thing? Last night had been a catalyst, all right. One that kept his arousal at a low, continuous boil, ready to explode at the drop of a hat.

Or, from the sounds of it, the spank of an ass.

He set down the pizza, wiped his hands with a napkin and reached for the beer, heading into the living room.

They were on the couch, Fiona on her side with her head resting on the pillow in Wyatt’s lap. He was in his favorite shorts again, and she was wearing Wyatt’s t-shirt. That was all either of them had on.

Something had definitely changed since her reveal.

“What did I miss?”

“Not much.” Wyatt’s grin was wicked, but there was a happiness in his eyes that Thoreau couldn’t remember seeing before. “You already know Fiona announced her pregnancy to most of my family.”

“Only a few.” Fiona lifted her head, her flushed cheeks revealing her already heightened arousal. “And you already know Wyatt talked to Noah.”

“And we’re assuming you and Fiona are okay now, that this morning’s hurt is all forgiven?” Wyatt nodded at him encouragingly and he grinned.

“We’re good,” he assured them, and Fiona’s smile of relief had him moving a little closer. “Anything else?”

“Other than doing a little parking, we’ve been home since then. Waiting on you.” Wyatt nodded to his three-pack. “Is that what you’ve been working on?”

Fiona sat up with a delicate grimace and they both leaned forward as he set the three pack on the table. This was for the game. “I started working on the recipes for this four months ago,” he began. “I needed time to get the flavors right. I couldn’t be too heavy handed. I had to be patient. But thanks to Wyatt’s input, I think I got it right.”

Fiona read the labels and looked up at him, her gray-green eyes sparkling with unshed tears. “Four months? You started making this four months ago? That was well before I left.”

He went to her, kneeling beside the coffee table and taking her hand. “And you weren’t sure whether you were coming back at all. I know.”

“Because I didn’t want to hurt you. Either of you.” She let out a shaky breath. “Any of you.”

Thoreau sent her a gently reproachful look. “The only way you could was by leaving us, but you figured that out. I knew you’d come home.” He glanced down at her belly. “I didn’t know about the extra passenger, though. I would have made yours non-alcoholic.”

“Perish that thought.” Wyatt’s husky voice sound suspiciously emotional. “And this beer has my name on it. This is better than a damn calendar, Thor.”

When Fiona and Thoreau were done laughing, Wyatt raised a brow at him. “Thor’s Hammer?”

“You’re responsible for that.”

Wyatt’s eyes narrowed. “Nature made that, not me. And you don’t mind it at all, do you?”

Thoreau winked at him and then laughed when his eyes went wide. “Not at all.”

Fiona shifted on the couch, and her wince got rid of his good mood in a hurry. “Are you okay?”

Had Wyatt spanked her that hard?

Wyatt slipped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her down until she was lying sideways on his lap again. “She’s been waiting for you to get home for hours, and I think she’s ready now.” His hand disappeared to cup her ass. “Aren’t you, baby?”

“So ready.” She whimpered, and Thoreau noticed Wyatt’s shirt had ridden up high enough for him to see the inside of her creamy thighs. Her arousal was more than obvious, and his mouth started to water.

“I’m here now,” he said, licking his lips, caressing the outside of her thighs with his hands. “Where do you want me?”