Fiona lifted herself up and kissed him. “I’m so happy you’re feeling better.”

Wyatt chuckled against her mouth. “I noticed how happy you were.”

She stared into his eyes, looking, he knew, for hesitation or regret. Looking for him to act the way he always had in the past. He shook his head, smiling. “Just don’t say you told me so.”

Her lips parted in surprise and she kissed him again, letting him taste her relief. Wyatt opened his eyes and saw Thoreau watching them with an off-center smile that swiftly turned into a bark of laughter when Wyatt gave him a thumbs up over her shoulder.

WTF, right?

Chapter Nine


Last night hadn’t gone exactly the way he’d planned or imagined.

It had been better.

Ever since Fiona made the offhand comment, wishing she could have both Wyatt and Thoreau—since together they made the perfect man—it had always been there in the back of his head. Simmering.

He lay there smiling as he thought about how the night had ended, with Fiona trying to convince the sleepy Finn to join her in her bed instead of staying on the couch, and Wyatt grumbling about teams and insisting Thoreau join them.

He’d been plainly uncomfortable, which just made the gesture that much more satisfying. In the end, they’d all piled into her bed together, Wyatt and Thoreau in their boxers on either side of Fiona, with Wyatt muttering for him to keep his hammer in his pants before slipping into unconsciousness.

He wasn’t hating that reference at all.

And he really wasn’t hating that Fiona had finally opened up and told them something about her family, though he wished it hadn’t been so devastating. What she and Wyatt had gone through… He couldn’t even imagine it. His mother had not only known where her children were at all times, but she’d let them know every day how much they were loved and appreciated. He’d always been happy to be a part of his family, but he’d never fully appreciated how fortunate he was. He would never be able to complain about their nagging again, not without feeling like an ungrateful ass.

Honestly, knowing about each of their pasts made him admire them both more than he already had. Wyatt and Fiona were survivors who’d never known how it felt to be safe at home. Finn had managed to stay under the radar with Noah. Fiona spent her life helping other people—at the bar, at the youth center—and she’d put all her own issues and relationships into easy-to-manage boxes, finding creative ways to avoid letting them influence each other.

His only regret was that it had taken her so long to trust them with it, but he understood. Now they just had to keep proving to her, for as long as it took, that they deserved the trust she’d placed in them.

He watched the morning light brush her beautiful, delicate profile as she slept on her side facing Wyatt. She was what everyone needed her to be. Mentor to Jake, confidant to JD, advisor to Seamus. Fun-loving and playful with Thoreau and, he realized after watching them together, sexually submissive with Wyatt.

He’d always told himself he respected women too much to think about things like spanking or trying to boss them around between the sheets, but seeing it? Damn. He couldn’t deny how much that turned him on. And having Wyatt tell him what to do had been just as unexpectedly arousing.

Fiona had loved every second of it.

His cock felt heavy against his thigh and he started to stroke himself as he stared at the tattoos on her back. The curve of her ass beneath the blanket. He glanced over at Wyatt, sleeping peacefully on his back.

Should he?

He wanted her again. He also wanted to get out of that box she’d shoved him into. What would she do if he took what he wanted the way Wyatt had? If he stopped playing by her rules and showed her that he could be just as demanding. Just as exciting.

She shifted position slightly when he reached behind him to snag a condom from the top drawer of the bedside table. He opened the packet so quietly he impressed himself, and then slid the rubber over his erection before he touched her because he didn’t want to have to stop once he started.

His heart raced as he kissed the shoulder left bare by her tank, bringing his hand down over her mouth when she hummed in enjoyment. “Morning, Fi.”

Her spine went stiff with surprise when her sweet, barely covered ass brushed against the proof of his arousal. “I want you to stay quiet and take those panties off, as quickly and quietly as you can.”

“Thoreau?” His name was barely audible through his palm. He smiled and traced her cheek with his nose, nuzzling her sweetly.

“Don’t make me tell you again,” he whispered, getting the shivery reaction and instant obedience he wanted. A thrum of arousal and satisfaction went through his bones. That’s right. Not so sure about me now, but you still want it.