Fiona ran her hands through his hair. “A little sock doll? That is the cutest thing I ever heard, firecracker. And it explains why you’re so good at cuddling. You had practice.”

Thoreau covered his mouth and hooted with laughter. “I thought you were talking about something else, man.”

“I know you did.” Wyatt tried not to smile but it wasn’t working. “I had another sock for that and it lived under the bed. It might still be there. Full of…memories.”

“That is nasty.” Thoreau grimaced. “We’re all glad you graduated to showers.”

Fiona shook her head as they laughed, and he could see her dark mood had disappeared. “Men and masturbation. The great equalizer.”

Wyatt pulled her closer, needing to touch her. “Everybody does it, Fi. A little release is good for the soul. I already know how much you like it. I know you like to watch it, too.”

“Does she?” Thoreau’s smooth voice had deepened. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

Fiona looked wary again. “What’s going on right now?”

Wyatt caressed the curve of her hip suggestively. “Hopefully, exactly what you’re thinking. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For us to share?”

Her eyes went wide as saucers.

“Are you sure, Wyatt? The last time we talked about it, you said something like ‘never in a million years.’”

“I’m learning that things change.” Whether he was ready or not. “We’ll need to go slow, but I want to do this. For you. With you.”

“Agreed.” The desire in Thoreau’s voice added fuel to the fire of Wyatt’s own need. “Now all Fiona has to do is say yes.”

She stared at them for a long moment, obviously wrestling with some conflicting emotions. What was holding her back? What couldn’t she tell them?

He wanted to ask, but then she sighed and her expression cleared.


Chapter Eight



Wyatt claimed her mouth as soon as she said the word, needing to show her much she meant to him. To make her feel good the only way he knew how. He stroked her thighs, her hips, growling as he took in the flavor of fruit and spice that filled her mouth. He had to get inside her now. Yesterday. It had been too fucking long.

The plan.

He opened his eyes and looked at Thoreau through a lust-filled haze. He was watching, staring with an undisguised hunger that gave Wyatt a jolt. Thoreau wanted his turn with Fiona, he told himself. He couldn’t forget their deal. Not tonight.

You like him watching. Admit it.

Before he could argue with himself, Fiona was pulling away from him. “I need a minute to freshen up.”

“You smell fresh enough to me,” Wyatt teased, sniffing down into her shirt playfully.

She wrapped her arms around his head and hummed her approval for a minute before shaking her head. “A minute. I’ll be right back, I promise. There’s no way I’m letting you out of this now.”

He let her up reluctantly, watching as she wobbled away from him on shaky legs.

“Don’t worry, Finn. She’s coming back.” Thoreau grinned, getting up to clear the coffee table. “And so am I.”

When he walked into the kitchen with a stack of plates, Wyatt adjusted the emergency situation in his shorts. Relax, buddy. We’ve got all night. She’ll be back.

They’ll be back.

He leaned his head back on the couch cushion and sighed. If Thor had been trying to get him a little drunk to make this easier, it was working, because the idea of sharing her was looking better all the time.

The casually romantic dinner Thor had planned out had worked, too. At first. Things got heavy pretty quick, but that was on him. Hearing about the way Thoreau’s loving, happy family of bookish geniuses had accepted Hugo had made him wish Elder was alive for five more minutes so he could pop him a good one right in the jaw.

And Fiona… Her trust tonight had been a gift, as painful as the memories were to hear. It made him feel closer to her. Necessary.

He didn’t think he could have this kind of a connection outside of family. Noah had been his sounding board and secret keeper. He used to worry that without him he’d be nothing but the grunt his father made. A cut-out. If he wasn’t Noah’s brother, if he wasn’t one of those Finn boys, who and what would he be?

Maybe he was finding out. Here, he was just Wyatt, couch surfer, book and cereal stealer, taster of refreshing beers. He was Fiona’s guy on Thor’s team, and it could be the beer, but right now that sounded pretty damn good to him.

Thoreau came back for the rest of the plates and Wyatt leaned forward. “Want some help?”

“Nah, I’ve already put the leftovers away. Just dropping these in the sink to soak. You sit there and relax.”

“I’m amazing at that.”

Wyatt stared at Thoreau’s retreating back. He wasn’t a bad guy, once you got over how handsome, successful and massively hung he was. They had more in common than Wyatt thought. Most of it family, sure, but not all.