Thoreau started out of the room. “Order the food and finish your beer, Finn. I’m going to shower.”

Laughing, Wyatt said, “Don’t take too long or I might need another one.”

“Don’t even think about it.”

Wyatt picked up his phone and dialed. What was he getting himself into?

An hour later, he was lounging on the living room floor, his back against the couch, thinking maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. The soft music Thoreau put on was a little disturbing at first—Fiona always had the TV on, probably to drown out their pissing contests—but thanks to the beer, it was growing on him. It reminded him of Fiona, so Thor obviously knew what he was doing.

The spread on the coffee table smelled pretty good too. It had arrived about ten minutes ago and his stomach was already growling. He could eat this, he thought. He didn’t have to be all cheeseburgers and tacos all the time.

The front door closed and Fiona called out, “Honey, I’m home.”

Her keys jingled as she hung them from the one of the hooks Thor had put up by the door. With three vehicles parked in one driveway, they had to keep all their keys accessible in case someone needed to move one of them. They’d been adapting to the roommate situation pretty well, all things considered.

And now you’re adapting again.

“Welcome home, dear, how was work?” Thor replied from the kitchen.

“Fine, darling. Where’s Wyatt?”

“He’s waiting with dinner in the living room, baby. Let me get you something to drink and I’ll meet you there.”

“Thanks, sweet cheeks. Make it a pineapple juice?”

Wyatt couldn’t hold back a snort of amusement. Sweet cheeks. Fiona had definitely won the battle of endearments.

“Pineapple juice? Are you sure?” Thor asked. “We’re trying out a new beer tonight.”

“Oh, damn. Can I take a raincheck?”

“One glass of juice, coming right up. Now go let Wyatt see you, before he starts grumbling again.”

Wyatt’s heart gave a hard bump. Here we go.

Fiona appeared in the doorway, still managing to look fresh and gorgeous after her shift at the pub. How did she do that? “Welcome back, beautiful. We’re having a party.”

Her lips parted in surprise. “A party, huh? What’s this?”

Wyatt glanced down at the coffee table covered with small plates of food. “I’m learning new things today. This is called tapas.” Not tacos. Good job. “It’s basically a bunch of appetizers for people who aren’t really hungry,” he added, still feeling a little out of his league. “And perfect for taste-testing beers. Thor said these are your favorites.”

“I might have run to the store and gotten some ice cream and those cracked pepper chips you like.”

He threw both arms up in victory. “Yes! Chips for the win. Thank you..”

Thoreau joined them, carrying her juice and a large bag of chips. “I figured you’d want this right away,” he told Wyatt with a smirk, tossing them lightly in his direction.

Wyatt snagged them mid-air. “Smart man.”

Fiona looked back and forth between them as she sat down. “I feel like I missed something important. And neither of you texted me all day today. Were you boys busy while I was at work?”

“So suspicious.” Thoreau made a tsking noise, handing her a napkin. “Eat. Relax.”

“Why are you having juice?” Wyatt asked, narrowing his eyes at Thoreau because the plan. “I thought we were all drinking.”

“I like juice.” Fiona reached for a stuffed date. “What? Have I spoiled your nefarious plans to get me tipsy so you can take advantage?”

“Would we do that?” Thoreau asked innocently.

“Only in my dreams,” she told him sweetly. “Tapas and beer on the floor sounds like the start of a perfect evening. And since we’re not watching This Old House or something sports related, I can tell you that the senator’s wife showed up again to tell me she’s finally had her way with the Manny.”

Wyatt snorted as he tilted his bottle back for a sip. “I know you’re kidding.” He frowned, thinking of his cousin’s outrageous wife. “Are you kidding?”

“I’m kidding,” she assured him. “Sort of. I meant that she’s actually convinced JD’s brother to fly here for some consultations at the youth center and potentially open a new office. As you might imagine, JD is having a minor attack of the spaz variety.”

“Is there any other kind with him?” Green was a great guy. High strung, though. A little like a Chihuahua.

Thoreau rolled his eyes in agreement, but looked over at Wyatt instead of commenting. “What’s the verdict?”

“What? The beer?” Wyatt asked, surprised that he really seemed to want his opinion. “I like this one. Not as much as the cream ale, but it’s light and, I don’t know, kind of spicy. But in a good way. It sneaks up on you. Sorry, I’m not good at this testing business.”

“No, it makes sense.” Thoreau nodded, clearly pleased. “Spicy in a good way. Sneaks up on you. That’s what I was going for.”