“If that’s what you want.”

“Oh no, your place is fine. I could have a relapse.”

Thoreau blinked. He’d expected more of an argument and prepared himself to shoot down all his objections. “Just like that?”

“Why do you look so surprised, Thor?” Wyatt asked, holding out his cup expectantly. When Thoreau hesitated, he said, “What? You think I don’t know my brother asked to have me pawned off on another family member?”

Well that was a plot twist he hadn’t seen coming. “I thought this was about the nurse and Zach’s—”

Wyatt sent the small plastic cup spinning on the floor with a growl, which turned into an ugly-sounding cough that lasted close to a minute. Thoreau watched as Wyatt reached for a small bowl and spat into it, grimacing in disgust.

“You need something?” Was this why Hugo had warned Seamus about him talking?

“I need the bullshit to stop.” His voice was raw now. Broken. “This is about the fact that for some reason, he can’t stand to be around me now. The only thing I don’t know is how somebody talked you into taking me in. If Fiona asked you to—”

“Nobody talked me into it, Finn. This was my idea, for better or worse. No bullshit.”

For a minute Wyatt looked disconcerted, then he sighed too. “Sorry,” he said, looking down at the cup on the floor. “I’m a little touchy lately. And I’m not sure I understand why you’re volunteering to add more Finn drama to your life. You’ve already been invaded by William and Younger, and you and Seamus see each other every day.”

Thoreau reached for a clean cup and poured more beer into it, handing it to him. “It’s a hardship,” he agreed easily. “But at least Austen married that pilot. He isn’t related to anyone we know.”

Wyatt snorted, lifting the cup with shaky hands. “He’s JD Green’s brother. Green married the guy who works with my brother, Brady.”

“Carter. I know.” Thoreau smiled. “Still not a Finn. What do you say?”

Wyatt leaned back into his pillows. “I won’t argue. Like you said, Fiona is comfortable at your place. And I don’t want to be anybody’s hot potato. I’d rather go somewhere I’m actually wanted.”

“You won’t be in our way.” You’re wanted.

Wyatt looked like he’d just bitten into a lemon. “She has her own bedroom—Fiona, I mean? One that she sleeps in alone?”

He wouldn’t laugh. Wyatt was still in a hospital gown and he wouldn’t laugh. “Yes, Wyatt. It has a lock and everything. She sleeps alone, and that won’t change as long as you’re there.”

Unless you want it to.

After savoring another sip, he asked, “Did you make this? It’s really good.”

“I did. And other than me, you’re the only guy who’s gotten a taste.”

He finally got a grudging smile. “Really?”

Thoreau sat down in the lounge chair beside the bed and started talking about his recipe for cream ale, while a little thrill of nervous excitement pulsed under his skin.

He’d said yes.

He couldn’t wait to see Fiona’s face when he told her. She’d be surprised. Stunned might be a better word. But he knew it was the best solution for all of them.

Phase one was under way and failure was not an option.

Chapter Five


Fiona stared at the screen in wonder, her eyes filling with unexpected tears as she got her first look at the new life growing in her womb. This was real. She’d kept denying it, couldn’t believe it was happening, but…she was having a baby.

Wyatt Finn’s baby.

This is as real as it gets, Fi, and the clock is ticking. No more trying to act like you’re not going to be a mother in about six months.

“It’s too early to tell the sex yet,” the doctor said, maneuvering the ultrasound wand inside her to get a better image, “but the heartbeat is strong and the fetus looks healthy.”

Fiona took a deep breath and nodded at the smiling woman. “Healthy is good.”

The lines on the screen changed as Dr. Kim’s other hand flew over the keyboard, fingers tapping buttons and sliding around the touchpad. “The measurements say your estimate was right on the money—you’re at about twelve weeks, which puts your due date around December 30th. A holiday baby,” she added jovially.

Suddenly the clock started ticking much louder. “I, uh, I have to get to work.”

“Oh. Okay, well, here, I’ll get you a couple of copies to take with you.” The doctor deftly removed the ultrasound wand and took off her gloves, before turning to grab a few printouts of the sonogram, handing them to Fiona as she stood up. “Go ahead and get dressed, and then we’ll have a quick chat.”

After she left, Fiona scooted off the table and wiped the gel from between her legs with the paper drape before balling it up and shoving it into the waste bin. Classy.