David reached them just as James swore and spun away, punching the wall hard enough to leave a dent and flying bits of plaster in his wake as he walked out of the room without another word.

What the hell was going on?

David grabbed Younger’s arm. “Where’s Rory?”

The tall man looked down at him with so much pain in his eyes it made David flinch. “They gave him something.” He glanced over at his family and gestured behind him. “If you want to say something, now’s the time.”

When they’d disappeared through the doors he slid an old purple backpack off of his shoulder. “David, I think you should hold onto this. It’s—”

“Rory’s,” David answered in surprise. “I didn’t know he still had this.”

“He didn’t. But I need you to hold it for him.”

David felt Rig’s heat behind him, giving him strength. “You said they gave him something. Like valium?”

Younger nodded absently, his eyes clouding. “Yes. Well, they called the therapist first and she prescribed it. I’m hoping you can get him home and take care of him tonight? I have to stay, but I don’t think a large gathering is what he needs after… After.”

Therapist? David piled that new detail on top of the others he’d learned tonight.

“We’ll take care of him,” Rig said quietly. “Like we always have.”

Younger’s fists clenched and his expression went dark. “Nobody did, not when it mattered, and we’ll all have to live with that for the rest of our lives.”

“Oh Lord, please no.” Younger swore as his uncle suddenly appeared beside him, gripping his shirt with tears in his eyes. “Rory said it was aphasia. He wouldn’t hurt him. Wouldn’t talk to his own son like that, no matter how—”

David felt tears clogging his own throat at the obvious depth of the older man’s pain. Younger hugged him hard and Shawn’s children joined them, all of them desperate to bring this man some form of peace as the brother that was nothing like him lingered close to death.

Younger disengaged from the others and handed him the pack. “Keep that safe. If you’re the friends you say you are, don’t let him push you away. We’re good at that. We learned from the best.”

David lifted his chin. “We love him. We’re not going anywhere.”

Rig slid his arm around David’s waist and pulled him close. Younger took it in, nodding. “Good. That’s good.”

He let go but David reached for his arm to stop him. “If you need anything…”

The stern man was incredibly handsome when he smiled. “I appreciate that. And I might take you up on it if I ever have the time. For now, remind your sister that if her dogs have puppies again, I’m first on the list.”

“I’ll slip a love potion in Hermione’s kibble if I have to.”

Younger nodded, the momentary smile disappearing as he saw his brothers filing back in. “It’s time. If you come back with us you can get Rory out of here.”

They stayed a few steps behind the members of the family who wanted to be there until the end. Four of Sol’s sons and his brother Shawn, who had his three sons behind him. Jen had stayed behind in the waiting room with her mother, Brady’s fiancé, Owen’s husband and Walter.

David watched them all crowd into the small room; their shoulders set and faces wearing identically grim expressions. With the way they were turned toward Shawn Finn instead of the bed, David had a feeling it was him they were there for. To respect the memories he had of the boy he’d grown up with.

A nurse came in quietly and began turning off the machines one by one and David paused in surprise as Shawn Finn started to sing with a hushed, shaking voice. It sounded like an Irish ballad, but the tone was so sad David worried he might cry.

“Aw hell,” Rory’s whisper drifted to him from somewhere behind Rig. “He had to sing Ned of the Hill.”

David turned in time to see Rory swipe his knuckles over his eyes like a weary child. “Rory. We came to take you home.”

He leaned against Rig and stared at David with blue eyes too big for his face. Was it shock or the medicine? Maybe a little of both. “I need to be here for this. I owe it to him.”

“Your father?”

Rory shook his head. “Uncle Shawn.”

David moved closer and took Rory’s hand. “That’s fine then. We’ll stay with you.”

“As long as you need.” Rig’s voice caught as he wrapped his muscular arm around Rory, his fingers caressing David’s shoulder. “We’ll all stay as long as you need.”

By the time Rory’s uncle had finished his final refrain, Solomon Finn Sr. was gone from the world, and David and Rig were slipping the sleeping Rory into David’s car.

Chapter Nine

“Essie, will you tell your wife to keep it down?”