Walter patted his shoulder and got to his feet. “Come on. We’re going to the hospital.”

“We’re on duty.”

Walter ran a hand over his smooth head and reached for the phone at his hip. “I have a favor I can call in.”

That reminded him of Rig and he swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Thanks, Walter.”

“You’ve done the same for me. Now let’s go.”


David wasn’t sure what kind of reception he’d get, but he knew he had to be here. It had been a week since he’d heard from Rory. A week that felt so much longer than the last year he wasn’t sure he could survive another like it.

Rory had obviously been overwhelmed. His father, his family, what the three of them had done together... It was too much so he’d shut down. David could relate to that, but that didn’t mean he was willing to accept it.

He’d discovered recently that ignorance was bliss, because knowing what he was missing was so much fucking worse than having no idea. How could anyone expect him to go back to his safe, boring life after knowing what he could have instead? He didn’t even want to think about it, but he might not have a choice.

Rory was the one in control, and he wasn’t talking.

He and Rig had agreed last week that they would give him the space he asked for, but every day that went by without Rory felt wrong.

When David got the text to come to the hospital, he took it as a sign. Rory wasn’t allowed to push them away. Not now. He needed his best friends in his corner whether he knew it or not. He needed the people who loved him.

And David loved him.

He walked through the corridors until he saw a familiar group of handsome men and women, most with blue eyes, huddled together in the waiting room. He even recognized a lot of them from the wedding. He’d found the Finns.

“You too, David?” He turned to see Owen standing behind him, brow furrowed, coffee in both hands.

“You remember me?”

“How could I not? Your kiss was the talk of my wedding reception. If you don’t include how good I looked in a tux, Noah’s disappearance, or that giant chocolate demon.”

David rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward. “I don’t mean to intrude, I just wanted to be here. In case Rory needs me.”

“Join the club.” Rig appeared beside him, a tense smile on his face. Though they’d met for dinner every night this week, neither one of them was eating well or getting enough sleep, and it was starting to show. They couldn’t stop worrying about Rory. About their future. “He isn’t here yet.”

“His partner’s wife called to say they were on their way. I guess there was a work schedule mix up. Hang on a second.” Owen left them to hand Rory’s brother James and a man with a long black braid their coffees, then he strode back in their direction. “Did he know you two were coming?”

Rig and David looked at each other then as one pulled out their phones. They’d both gotten a text from Jen about what was happening tonight. Owen swore. “You’d think she’d be too wrapped up with keeping her big secret to stick her nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

Jen chose that moment to join the trio. “Did you tell them?” she gasped in a hushed whisper, giving herself a way by clutching her flat stomach with her hand.

She was pregnant?

“This isn’t the time or place, and you know that. Our father is losing his brother.”

“I know who he’s losing.” Owen quickly concealed his expression, but David saw it. He couldn’t blame him. He wasn’t here for Sol the Elder either. “Is there anything we can do?”

Jen put her hand on his arm. “You’re sweet to ask, but as soon as Rory gets here and the boys say their goodbyes, things should happen pretty fast. Sol didn’t want a service or a big funeral, which surprised a lot of us because of how proud he was of his years as police chief but… We’ll probably end up at Owen and Jeremy’s for a while. Dad loves the lake and the guys will want to be near him, I think.”

They all looked toward the double doors that led to the ICU and watched Shawn Finn stumble out with bleak, red-rimmed eyes. His wife pulled him into her arms as the nearby family surrounded them protectively.

Jen stifled a sob and her brother hugged her close, whispering something that seemed to soothe her.

David felt like a helpless intruder. His family was small and thankfully healthy. He couldn’t imagine what they were going through. What Rory must be going through. No matter how strict he’d been, Sol was still his father. The idea of anything happening to his dad was enough to fell him.