“I’m fine.”

David was getting that pinch of skin between his eyebrows that meant he was irritated. Good. It pissed Rory off that they looked so relaxed together. Like a couple. Like two people that didn’t need him or his crazy Daddy issues.

“Stop being a dick.” David stood too, crossing his arms in aggravation. “We offered to go with you to the hospital, you asked us not to. So we’ve been sitting here in someone else’s house with our thumbs up our asses all day, waiting for you to call to check in or come home.”

“We didn’t actually have anyone’s thumb up anyone’s ass,” Rig added, his lips twitching. “In case you were jealous.”

Rory stared at him unblinking for no more than a minute before he felt the ice melt inside and started to laugh. “When it comes to you, I never know.”

Rig joined him while David smiled and rolled his eyes. “Are we done with the Unwelcome Wagon? Can we just eat and hang out now until someone gets horny?”

“We’ve created a monster,” Rig informed him, eyes sparkling.

“No,” Rory corrected. “He was born with that monster. He just finally knows what it’s for.”

David kissed him and dug his fingers into his ribs at the same time. Rory stepped back with a sincere but apologetic smile. “I stink. I need a shower to wash off this day.”

“We’ll warm up the last of the leftovers,” Rig called as Rory headed for the stairs. “I hope my family doesn’t make another delivery. I’ll forget how to cook and then we’ll all go hungry.”

Rory was in a much better mood after his shower. He came down in sweats and a t-shirt, ready to relax and revel in the company when Duck and Goose both started to howl like the world was coming to an end. “What the hell?”

The front door opened and Jen came rushing in, followed closely by Declan and Trick. She bent to pet the dogs before spotting Rory on the stairs.

“Mom called,” she told him as she met him halfway and wrapped her arms around him. “We’d barely unpacked so we just turned around and came home.”

Rory was cold all of a sudden and he didn’t know why. “I’m sorry,” he said. Because that was the right response to people who’d been forced to cut short an island vacation.

She leaned closer and whispered in his ear. “I’m sorry for interrupting your vacation, but Mom wanted me close by for Dad. In case…”

“Yeah. In case,” he echoed numbly. “That makes sense. Uncle Shawn is having a rough time.”

He could feel Rig and David staring at him, as if waiting for something. A look. A smile. Anything. But he felt like he was stuck. Like the stairs were quicksand and he was sinking fast.

“Look, Declan. It’s the three pickles. I think they solved their problem.”

Declan glared at Trick. “I’m going to enroll you in a sensitivity class tomorrow, I swear.”

“Tried that. It didn’t take.”

Jen bit her lip as she leaned back to study the still-frozen Rory. “Rory? What’s going on right now? What’s wrong?”

“Hey,” David distracted her, taking a few steps forward and nodding at Jen’s bookends. “Thanks so much for letting us stay here and hang with Duck and Goose. My sister will be thrilled with how much love they’re getting.” He paused awkwardly. “I think we’re going to pack up and head over to my place so you can have your house back. There are some leftovers in the oven. Italian. You’re welcome to them.”

“Thank you.” Declan smiled and reached out to shake his hand. “David, right? Thank you, David. I don’t want any of you to feel like you’re being kicked out. You should stay and eat with us.”

Rig started up the stairs and subtly palmed Rory’s spine. It was meant to comfort, he knew. But it hurt. Everything hurt. He wasn’t sure why.

“David’s right. We don’t have much, so we’ll be out of your way pretty quick. Rory? Let’s get our bags.”

Rory packed on autopilot and cleaned himself out of the room. He hugged his cousin and her bookends before he walked out the door, noticing the meaningful glances they kept sharing when they realized he wasn’t going to speak.

He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready for them to be back. He wasn’t ready for his time here to be over. He wasn’t ready for anything.

In the driveway, David took the lead. “Since Rig’s place is still packed with his family, you can both follow me to my apartment and we’ll order Chinese or something.” He looked up at the house. “I am going to miss those dogs. I should have taken more pictures for Essie.”

“I’m going to miss the shower,” Rig added. “I know Rory will too.”

Rory’s keys jangled as his fist clenched. “I think I need to go to Younger’s. My brothers have been gathering there, dealing with family stuff that I’ve been avoiding.”