“It’s Vini, Dad!” Wes cried. “Uncle Jer, look, it’s Vini!”

Jeremy beamed. Five-year-old Wes wasn’t old enough to be into comics, but he’d seen some framed art when they’d come to visit and demanded to know everything about the strange little character that lived in Jeremy’s head. He wouldn’t stop talking about it. The adorable towhead would be pleased to know he was getting his own framed drawing of the demon on an adventure with Wes and his twin sister for Christmas.

Right now, however, chocolate was all Wes wanted. “Jake,” Seamus called. “Can you grab one of these sugar addicts?”

“When can we ditch this party?” Owen asked after distracting him by nuzzling his neck while the photographer circled them, snapping one shot after the other. “After we cannibalize that statue?”

“This is our party, Owen.” Jeremy laughed quietly, still watching Seamus trying to wrangle his children. His older son, Jake, had stepped in to help at his father’s request. “We can’t ditch our own wedding reception.”

“You shouldn’t tell him he can’t do things.” Jeremy turned to see Rory grinning at them with two strange men beside him. “You know he thinks the word is a dare.”

Owen stood behind Jeremy, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “Pot meet Kettle,” he said lazily, practically purring against Jeremy like a contented lion. “Introduce us to your friends.”

Jeremy saw a warning in Rory’s eyes before his smile widened and he slid his arms through both of theirs. “Rig and David? This is my cousin Owen and his new husband Jeremy.”

Rig was not as tall as he was bulked up with muscle. With his Roman nose and dark hair he was definitely attractive, but he was eyeing them as if they were on the auction block at Owen’s favorite BDSM club. “Pleasure to meet you. And congratulations.” His words were polite, but his eyes were anything but. He was as sexual as Rory. No wonder they were friends.

The other man was different. Gorgeous, his tall, muscular frame had a more “naturally gifted” feeling. Very hot boy next door. Jeremy saw Rory steal a glance at his friend as though waiting for his reaction. “Nice to meet you both,” he said politely. “I’m David Mills. Sorry we horned in on your special day, but we’ve been hearing about this wedding for months and couldn’t resist when Rory called to invite us.”

“He talks about us,” Owen faux-whispered to Jeremy. “And you thought he didn’t like us.”

“You’re a conversation starter, that’s all,” Rory said with a smirk. “My proof that no man is a straight line.” His gaze flickered to David’s again.

What was that about?

“So true,” Owen agreed easily. “We are fascinating. Tell us how you know Rory, David.”

Brown eyes looked momentarily startled. “Oh. Well, we met in our senior year of high school. I was a transfer student and Rory took pity on the new kid.” He smiled at his friend. “He was all about school spirit back then. Everyone loved their mascot, so I had an easier time adjusting.”

But Jeremy frowned, suddenly realizing how little he knew about Brady’s brothers. At least, the lives they led between Finn Agains. They needed to fix that. He needed to fix that. “Mascot?”

Rory dug his elbow into David’s side. “Thanks for that.”

“College,” Rig joined the conversation, pointing to himself. “Back when Rory stopped being a mascot and became the campus wild child.”

“Then you’re practically family.” Jeremy was having a hard time forming sentences since Owen’s hand had drifted down to cup his behind. “You probably know half the people here.”

Rory looked uncomfortable, pulling at the collar of his dress shirt. “Noah and Wyatt. But they won’t be staying long enough to meet everyone else.”

David sent him a strange look Jeremy couldn’t decipher. “We’re not in that much of a hurry. I don’t have to be anywhere until brunch with my parents tomorrow.”

“That’s good,” Owen said, the smirk in his voice clear. “Flexibility is important in a friendship. If you can’t bend, you can’t friend. Right Rory?”

Rory seemed to know what he was talking about. He flinched and sent his cousin a withering glare. “You would know, Owen. Come on, guys. Let’s leave the newlyweds alone. I’m thirsty.” He tugged his friends away a little too forcefully.

“Have fun,” Owen called after them sweetly as they disappeared toward the champagne fountain. Jeremy sighed. They had a champagne fountain. Tequila would have been more appropriate.

“Are you going to tell me what I missed there?” Jeremy asked suspiciously. “I only left you alone for two days.”

Owen turned him around and sent him a sensual smile. “I’ll tell you if you come upstairs with me.”

He made a face. “Owen, we can’t—”

“Rory’s right, can’t is a dare,”’ he insisted. “And we’ll be back before anyone knows we’re gone. I love you and I believe I promised to consummate the hell out of that ass.” He saw Jeremy’s lips twitch and pressed. “It is traditional, husband.”