Jeremy took a breath, feeling Owen’s fingers clutching his. “But what I thought was love back then is nothing compared to what I feel for you now. After all those years of you being my constant, you suddenly turned everything upside down without warning and made me happier than I knew it was possible to be. You are the love of my life and you never have to imagine walking through this world without me. I’ll always be at your side and on your side.”

He heard Brady’s muttered, “Damn” a second before Owen yanked him into his arms and kissed him, right there in front of everyone.

“Son, she didn’t tell you to kiss him yet,” Shawn called from the front row, causing a ripple of warm laughter to flow over the room.

“No one has to tell me when to kiss him,” Owen responded gruffly, but he took a step back, still holding Jeremy’s hands. “Is it my turn to talk?”

Jeremy knew Owen hated giving speeches. He hadn’t wanted to write any vows or speak at the wedding, insisting he’d already said everything during his proposal. Apparently he’d changed his mind. There was a moment’s fear that blowjobs would be mentioned, but it disappeared as soon as he opened his mouth. “I won’t try to top that. I will never be as good with words as you are. But with you I don’t have to be. You already know me. You always have. I’m not sure I deserve that heart you’ve given to me, but I’m not giving it back. And knowing me the way you do, you know that I’ll spend the rest of our lives together trying to earn it.” He tilted his head toward the justice. “Let’s say these vows so I can kiss my husband again.”

Jeremy vaguely heard himself repeating the words. Love, honor and cherish. Sickness and health and forsaking all others. He heard Owen promise the same in a low, reverent tone. The rings he’d picked out went on and then there was cheering as Owen kissed him again, pulling his head down and making him forget his own name.

Hands clapped his back and arms engulfed him as they pulled him away from Owen’s side. Jeremy turned from Noah to see Stephen on his knees beside Tasha’s wheelchair, his arm around her as she sobbed. He knelt down and kissed her hand. “You hanging in there, best woman?”

“Barely,” she choked out. “My baby is married. It was so beautiful.”

Stephen shrugged as if to blame her emotion on the pregnancy, but his eyes were suspiciously bright when he gripped Jeremy’s arm. “Proud of you both.”

Jeremy rubbed something out of his eye that was not a tear and kissed Tasha on the forehead. “No dancing now. Those little ones need their rest.”

“If Rory had gotten me a motorized wheelchair the way I asked him to, I wouldn’t promise anything.” She smiled up at him weakly and then started crying again. “I hate hormones. And I think the babies need cake.”

“Not until we have pictures.” Jen appeared beside them, her face glowing and a compact in her hand. “Back up brothers, I’m the best woman’s official touch up girl.”

“Yes.” Tasha pushed Jeremy and Stephen away. “And I’m standing for some of the pictures so deal with it and don’t try and stop me.”

Jeremy felt Owen’s hand slide back into his and he smiled in relief, allowing himself to be led away. He wasn’t sure how many pictures were taken or who they took them with, though he did remember that Trick had to snag the leash from Brady and run when Badass started to whine.

“Don’t forget to put on his booties,” Owen called, and the Finn men teased him mercilessly until the photographer said it was time to cut the cake.

Owen kissed his cheek. “Declan didn’t get cake,” he murmured. “Apparently really, disgustingly rich people like to get creative with their chocolate.”

“Holy shit,” Jeremy said, stunned as a life-size replica of the vigilante demon from his bestselling comic book series was wheeled out in front of him. It was made entirely of chocolate. White, dark and milk. He glanced at Jen’s boyfriend for a second before his gaze returned to the piece of art. “Holy shit, Declan.”

Owen slid an arm around his waist. “He had them make tiny pizzas for me, too. Very upscale, but I’ll need at least twenty to tide me over. The professor is good at sucking up.”

Declan snorted. “I’m standing right here.”

“You’re standing on the top ten list of my favorite people at the moment.” Owen’s voice was charm itself. “So don’t go changing.”

He saw Seamus grab his twins, Penny and Wes, as they ran full tilt for the statue, their legs bicycling wildly in the air. “You need to wait, guys,” he said with a patient smile. “This isn’t Willy Wonka’s, it’s your uncle’s wedding.”