Chapter Five

Christmas Eve…

He wasn’t going to make it to the wedding.

Jeremy paced the guest room Declan had put him in when he’d arrived. They’d made a big deal out of locking Owen in the library as he’d come in, reminding him every chance they got that this had been his bright idea. Tradition. No seeing the groom before the wedding. Bad luck bullshit that he’d thought sounded romantic a few days ago.

It was not romantic.

He’d helped Stephen get Tasha settled into their room. She wanted to argue, but it was clear she was tired from all the activity. He was so worried about her, if she argued about the wheelchair now he’d make her watch the wedding via Skype.

Jen and the others had all scattered under Ellen Finn and the wedding planner’s commands, making sure they hadn’t missed anything. From what little he’d seen before he was herded up the stairs to take a shower, the living room was a softly-lit winter wonderland. A damn movie set. There was even a cello.

And right now he didn’t care about any of it. He needed Owen. Wanted to touch him and kiss him and make sure this was what he wanted, to let him know either way Jeremy wasn’t backing out. Wedding or no wedding.

But he really wanted this wedding.

A short rap on the door had him clinging to his towel and whirling around. It was Ken. “Some bossy woman with a clipboard wants to know if you’re hungry. This show doesn’t start for another two hours, so you should probably have a—”

Jeremy stalked closer and lowered his voice. “I need your help.”

Ken’s eyebrows lifted to his hairline. “Is this bowtie help or bury a body help?” he asked cautiously. “Because I get a little carried away with bowties and we don’t have that kind of relationship.”

Jeremy couldn’t decide whether to glare or laugh. “This is the kind of help where you get Owen in here now and don’t let anyone follow.”

Ken Tanaka looked down at his shoes, his braid slipping over his shoulder as it shook with repressed laughter. “Oh,” he finally responded. “That kind of help. I have to say I wasn’t expecting this from you. Owen? Yes. Him I’ve been tempted to tie down since we got here. It’s like mating season all the time with him isn’t it? But I thought this was your idea.”

Jeremy wanted to tug his hair in frustration but he couldn’t drop his towel. “Please, Tanaka. It’s important.”

Ken nodded sharply. “Say no more, Porter. I’ll be right back.”

The door closed and he sat down on the bed staring at the closet where his tuxedo was hanging. It didn’t feel real. The last few days with Tasha had been fun and exciting…but it hadn’t really sunk in until he’d arrived.

He was marrying Owen Finn today.

Jeremy had been overwhelmed when Owen had proposed to him in front of a packed pub and his whole family. In that moment he believed he’d never be happier. He’d already been proven wrong at least a dozen times, but today might top them all. As long as Owen got his ass in this room in the next sixty seconds.

The doorknob turned and he stood, clutching his towel and trying to slow his racing heart.

“I have to get dressed, damn it, why does she wa—” Owen stopped talking to whoever was behind him when he caught sight of Jeremy. “Never mind,” he spat at the looming shadow that must be Brady. “I’m good.”

He slammed the door behind him, locked it and stared in silence until Jeremy dropped his towel. “Jesus,” Owen groaned, swiftly untying the robe that had Groom stenciled on the lapel and letting it fall to the floor, revealing a body just as naked as Jeremy’s. “Thank God.”

Jeremy let Owen tug him close and kiss him hungrily. Yes. This was what he needed. Solid and real. To hell with tradition. Owen pulled back to look at him. “What do you need, babe? Having trouble getting ready without me?”

“You,” Jeremy whispered, taking control and pushing Owen against the nearest wall. “I need you.” He dropped to his knees and took Owen’s erection deep in his mouth. Just like that first time.

“Christ, you don’t know.” Owen slid his fingers into Jeremy’s hair, his hips already bucking forward. “I’ve been thinking about your mouth for days, babe. Oh fuck, like that. Just like that. Did you miss me that much?”

Jeremy nodded, eyes closed as lust and bliss battled for domination inside him.

“Then it’s a good thing we’re not doing this again. One wedding is enough for both of us.” Owen’s grip tightened. “God, I want to keep you on your knees all damn day for making me sleep alone, but we only have a few hours.” He tugged on Jeremy’s hair and hissed as he pulled out. “Where the hell is my robe?”