James snorted.

“We’d feel the same way if you found someone that made you happy, James. And you do have freedom. It’s the freedom not to give a shit about what your father thinks. It works for your brothers. Why do you think it wouldn’t work for you?”

He didn’t answer and Owen swore in frustration. “You are being a jackass, James Finn. And if I hear you talking that shit at my wedding you and I will have words, detective or not. But you’re still a part of this family. I know we’re not the only ones in your life, but we’re here if you need us. You just have to actually show up and ask.”

James pinned him with a gaze so intense Owen wanted to step back. “You say that now,” he said gruffly. “But you don’t really know.” He shook his head. “Do me a favor and forget I spewed all this bile at your bachelor party. Just remember that I truly am proud and happy as hell that you found what you wanted, grabbed on and didn’t let go. I may not be acting like it tonight, but I hope you know how I feel.”

“I know.” I love you too, asshole. Owen tried to smile, putting his hand on a tense shoulder. “Why don’t you come inside and have a drink with me? We can laugh at your brothers together.”

“Not tonight.” He backed away apologetically, still squeezing his lighter. “I’m not in the right place for it. I knew before I did I… I just wanted you to know I was here. Shit, I need to tell Hugo I’m bailing. But I’ll bring Sol to the wedding. I promise.”

“What the hell?” Owen muttered as James disappeared. The usually silent, more usually absent Finn had just dropped a lifetime’s worth of frustration in the alley, but Owen had no idea what to do with it. And who was Hugo?

He hated this. People didn’t usually tell him things. They told Jeremy things. They trusted and confided in his other half because he always knew what to say. Always had the right answers. Videogames and football? Owen was your man. Need a new building put up? Talk to Owen. Want to experiment with paddles and sadomasochism in the bedroom? Again, he should be first on your speed dial. But this? Owen was at a genuine loss.

He turned and went back inside the pub, determined to find Solomon and get a few answers. At the very least, it would distract him from missing Jeremy. And maybe they could bring James back from wherever he was heading. His cousin needed a Finn-tervention.

Chapter Three

1 day to Christmas Eve…

“I can’t believe you ate Jeremy’s penis cake.”

Ken smiled, his long black hair spilling across the pillow as he looked up at Brady with hungry eyes. “Good morning. I was wondering when you’d find your way home.”

Brady just stared until he laughed. “What? I was only trying to get in the familial spirit of things. Tasha was so pleased with herself for making Jeremy uncomfortable I couldn’t resist. It even had filling. How’s the groom holding up?”

Brady grimaced, pulling his t-shirt over his head. “As well as can be expected considering. Still spoiled. I swear he’d be fine if no one told him he wasn’t allowed to see Jeremy until the wedding. It took a lot of distraction and liquor to knock him out after the goodnight call to his fiancé. I left the boys to deal with his hangover, so we won’t have to go back until tonight.”


Ken opened his arms as Brady crawled in naked beside him. He inhaled deeply and felt himself truly relax for the first time in hours. “God, you smell good. I missed you.”

“I like hearing that.” Hands caressed and massaged his back, soothing and arousing at the same time. “You said we,” Ken reminded him softly.

“I have best man duties. We have to be there to make sure Owen gets to the wedding in one piece. I don’t trust the boys alone. Not for something this important.”

Noah, Wyatt and Rory were the perfect choices to distract Owen. It was the main reason Brady had enlisted them. They’d drive him so crazy he wouldn’t be thinking about the big day until he was standing next to Jeremy saying his vows.

He’d had no idea James would help him with his plan, however unintentionally. Owen spent hours last night—not enjoying the strippers Tasha had hired for him—but wondering what was wrong with Brady’s brother. Had he been made by the mob? Was he sick and not telling anyone? Pregnant with an alien love child? What? Brady didn’t have any answers, other than the obvious. Hell, he didn’t even know there’d been a question.

“I’m a bad brother,” he mumbled into Ken’s neck, kissing him as his hand started to wander.