Jeremy snorted. “She’d never do that, Owen. And not just because she’s married to Stephen and too pregnant to see her feet. She loves you and she’s the only one who’s always known how I felt about you. Next to your mother, no one is happier about our wedding than she is. Though she is pissed about that wheelchair.”

Owen caressed the broad shoulders in front of him. Stephen mentioned something about Natasha’s head exploding when he told her the only way she could be Jeremy’s best woman was on wheels.

He’d offered to postpone everything until the babies were born, but his confident, politically savvy older brother had paled and begged him not to mention it again. She would, according to him, make him suffer in ways Owen couldn’t imagine if the wedding date was changed because of her. He didn’t ask for details. But knowing Tasha, he could imagine. “How is she really? You went with them to the checkup yesterday, but you didn’t go into detail.”

“You didn’t give me a lot of time for talking when I got home,” Jeremy said with a small smirk. “But yeah, I went. I guess Rory decided to come before his shift because he was there too. She’s experiencing intense mood swings, but the doctor said that’s perfectly normal. He told us she’s almost eight months, but the twins are growing fast now, which is good. They’re not going to wait any longer than they have to for the C-section. It could be as soon as two weeks.” Jeremy’s worried expression had Owen holding him tighter instinctively.

The sooner the better, as far as Owen was concerned. “And we will spoil those kids rotten to pay her back for all the trouble she’s gotten us into since high school. I just wish she’d tell us the sex so I could start planning all my Cool Uncle presents.”

Jeremy nuzzled Owen’s neck, his lips skimming flesh as he responded. “She ordered the doctor not to tell them, and to only give them sonogram pictures that aren’t revealing. He’s obviously more afraid of her than a sitting senator, because he’s not talking. She wants it to be a surprise.”

He’d lost his train of thought. Lips on his neck and that beard scraping his skin was all it took to distract him. God, he was so easy. Owen leaned back against the doorframe, dragging Jeremy’s hips against his renewed erection. “When do you have to leave again?”

“As soon as you let me go,” Jeremy mumbled, as distracted now as he was. “Ken and Little Finn are joining us at Tasha’s for the evening. Stephen’s only rule is that she doesn’t lift a finger.”

Owen frowned. “Tanaka’s going to be there? Why?”

“Tasha invited him. Partially so I wouldn’t be the only guy, I think, but it’s probably not the only reason. She wants to find out what’s going on with their never-ending investigation. She’s worried about Brady since Jen told her what he had Trick doing.”

He remembered Trick’s battered face after he’d helped his cousin, and he felt like a prick because he didn’t care as much about that as he did the presence of Tanaka at Jeremy’s slumber party. But he snuffed out the small spark of jealousy fast enough. Kenneth Tanaka was in love with Brady, and he was a friend. An attractive, tattooed friend who was masterful with rope and would be spending time with Jeremy when Owen wasn’t allowed to.

He moved swiftly. Hands in Jeremy’s hair, tugging until their lips met, he walked him back toward the bed. He lifted his mouth before pushing Jeremy roughly onto the mattress. “You don’t have to be in such a rush. Bend over the bed.”

Jeremy started to resist but whatever he saw in Owen’s expression made him turn without a word and bend over.

“Knees on the mattress,” Owen ordered. “Now.”

He smiled at the sight of Jeremy’s cotton-covered ass in the air, massaging the cheeks with firm hands. Lowering the briefs until they stretched taut around thickly muscled thighs he sighed, his mouth watering. “You’re not going anywhere until I kiss you goodbye.”

He heard the ragged moan of submission and bent down, lids heavy as he licked his lips.

“Owen?” A familiar male voice called down the hallway, accompanied by his dog’s excited barks. A little late on triggering the alarm, Badass. “The cool kids have arrived.”

Noah. Son of a bitch.

Jeremy swore too and rolled away with impressive speed, yanking his briefs up and reaching for his jeans. His expression was pained as he forced his huge erection safely behind his zipper. “Your family has great timing. Get dressed Owen.”

A laugh—this time from a different Finn who was a little too close for comfort. “Yeah get dressed Owen,” Rory called loudly from just outside the door. “We don’t need to see the family jewels. Though I wouldn’t mind getting a peek at Porter’s.”