Jeremy’s shout of affirmation was muffled, but full-throated. Owen was addicted to this high. The more he demanded, the more it turned Jeremy on. He’d never let go like that for anyone else. Never given that kind of trust.

Only to me.

They were both so close. It took all of his will to hold back until he heard Jeremy’s hoarse cry and felt his ass clenching around him before he let go and joined him in a release that ripped through his spine and down his cock, taking everything until he was completely spent.

He released his grip on Jeremy and fell over him. Chest to back, racing hearts slowing together, Owen tried to remember what sex was like before this, but it wasn’t worth the brain cells. Everything else paled and faded in comparison. As far as he was concerned, they invented sex and should at least get a federal holiday named after them. Or a trophy. Something.

He heard a high-pitched whine. “Shit, the dog.” Owen kissed Jeremy’s shoulder and sighed regretfully. “You start the shower, I’ll let Badass out before he takes a leak on the carpet.”

“Don’t forget to put on his booties. It snowed last night.”

Owen snorted, rolling his eyes as he stood on shaky legs and walked the large dog down the hall and toward the back balcony doors. “Fucking booties, man. You don’t really need them, do you? Your name is Badass. You’re covered in fur and fearlessness.” He unlocked the glass door and slid it open. “Your ancestors were roaming the—son of a motherfucking witches—” He slammed the door shut again as Badass whined. “I think my dick just relocated to a warmer climate. How about you, buddy?”

Owen grabbed the blanket folded on the back of the couch and wrapped it around himself like a cocoon. “Let’s get those damn booties on and get this over with.”

Luckily Badass was in no mood to linger after doing his business. He didn’t even go down the stairs, but he still came back in covered in wet snow. “Shake it off,” Owen told him. “We don’t need puddles of melting dog all over the house.” Badass gave himself a shake and Owen winced as the hard drops hit him like tiny ice missiles. He couldn’t blame him for whining and shivering. If he had to go out in that every time he needed to piss, he’d be shaking in his booties too.

Just thinking about it made him… “Damn it.”

He tossed his blanket over the grateful dog and then raced into the bathroom. Jeremy was already under the steaming hot spray when Owen ran in to use the toilet. “I think we should get Badass a jacket to match his booties. Or teach him how to go in the guest bathroom.”

Jeremy’s laugh drifted through the steam and made him smile. “That cold, huh?”

“That cold. I hope Freddy is delivering, because we’re not going anywhere today.” Owen stepped under the spray and into Jeremy’s arms, shivering and hissing as the hot water landed on his icy extremities. “On second thought, maybe I could settle for whatever’s in the fridge. I don’t want him to suffer this kind of pain. He’s got that bad knee and frostbite is a real danger for delivery men this time of year.”

“My Good Samaritan,” Jeremy murmured, kissing his neck. “The only man I know who gets a Christmas card from a pizza place.”

His beard scraped, reminding Owen of the first time they kissed and how he’d made him shave. He wasn’t going to tell him how much he liked it now. How he loved seeing the marks on his skin and feeling the sting of beard burn after a long session of loving. If he did, he wouldn’t get the joy of shaving him during their honeymoon. And he’d been practicing. It was the first thing on his to do list after tying him up.

“They do love me there,” Owen agreed, tilting his head. “And my cravings keep them in business. Now wash me and warm me, and then we’ll eat something and spend the rest of the day in bed.”

Jeremy was noticeably silent as he soaped Owen’s body thoroughly. By the time he rinsed him off, Owen was breathing heavily and toasty warm. He reached for him for another round, but Jeremy stepped out of the shower and away from his touch, avoiding eye contact.

Shit. “What did I do?”

Jeremy sighed, shaking his head as he dried himself off. “I’m trying to decide if you’re doing this on purpose or if you really forgot.”

Owen shut off the water, his mood disappearing with the heated spray. “I didn’t forget. I was enjoying the momentary hope that you would.”

He had forgotten for a few minutes. Waking up with your cock in someone’s mouth had a tendency to cause temporary amnesia. But time was ticking by and there was no avoiding it now. Today was the day he’d been dreading for weeks. And nothing he said or did would change Jeremy’s mind on the subject.