Ken instantly relaxed his throat and let Brady take the lead, groaning in pleasure as if he couldn’t get enough. The son of a bitch wants to marry me, Brady couldn’t help the amazement he felt at that thought.

When wet fingers slid inside Brady’s ass, stretching him and pushing against his prostate he let out a strangled cry. “Don’t stop.” Don’t ever stop.

One more thrust and he was shouting Ken’s name and shuddering with the power of his release. He felt soft lips kiss his damp tip, his stomach and then his chest, and he loosened his hold on Ken’s head long enough to wrap him in his arms as he draped himself across Brady’s quaking body.

After his heart rate returned to normal and he could breathe again, Ken wriggled in his arms and he smiled. “I’m glad you liked that present, because the only other thing I got you was rope.”

Ken laughed softly. “I have a lot of rope, Brady.”

“And I have a lot of black shirts. We’ll be more creative next year.”

Ken lifted his head, his expression difficult to read. “Every year from now on. I’m part of your family now.”


“You agreed to marry me.”

Brady smiled. “Yes.”

“With you, I’m more than I was.”

God, this man had his heart. He nodded, for a minute too choked up to speak.

“But I can’t come with you to Owen’s tonight.”

Brady frowned at the sudden change in topic. “Why the hell not?”

“I’m Team Jeremy.” Ken shrugged helplessly. “It’s not a very big team. He’s an adopted Finn with no extended family of his own, so we have that in common. Plus he asked if I’d protect him from Little Finn and Tasha. Apparently they know exactly how to manipulate him and he’s too distracted to resist.”

Love and pride swelled inside him. Ken Tanaka was a good man. His man. “You should add Trick to the team,” he offered helpfully. “He didn’t come to either bachelor party and I’m sure Jen would appreciate the gesture.”

Ken kissed his chin. “Good idea. And since I’ll be there anyway, maybe Stephen can give me a few hints about what Seamus might be looking for in a love match.”

“So it begins,” Brady said, laughing. “Let’s start with someone who isn’t a pregnant damsel in distress, and go from there. Seamus deserves to be taken care of for once. And adventure. He needs a little adventure in his life.” The kind this man gave him every day.

Ken’s grin was the definition of trouble. “I think I have an idea.”

Chapter Four

Trick had just gotten the strangest phone call from Tanaka. He smiled as he walked down the second floor hallway toward the staircase. Team Jeremy, huh? As long as he wasn’t forced to eat the cream-filled penis cake Jen told him about, he was up for anything.

He supposed that meant he was officially a member of the club now. Maybe they’d make more t-shirts, because the name Finn wasn’t seen enough in this town. Finn’s pub. Finn Construction. Billboards that read, “Vote for Senator Finn.” If he hadn’t fallen in love with one and grown up with another, it would probably be irritating.

It was still, on occasion, irritating.

He chuckled and picked up his pace. Jen was Team Jeremy too. She already had an overnight bag packed for the pre-wedding slumber party at Stephen’s. There’d been room for everyone to come here, but Stephen wanted his wife to stay in her own bed as long as possible. They were all doing their part to include Jeremy’s closest friend and his best woman—as Tasha love being called—in every aspect of the planning. And she was definitely enjoying herself. Tanaka had told him about the pub full of exotic dancers she’d sent for Owen.

He was glad Declan had decided to stay home to oversee the workmen. But he always had something to oversee lately, and of course he was having something built specifically for the occasion. The good professor had flown in a damn chocolatier and a wedding designer. Not a planner. A designer. Which was another word for way too expensive for Trick to think about.

He’d tried to tell him Owen had only agreed to get married here because he had a media wall that took up half the giant living room—but once Declan started there was no stopping him. He’d spoken to Jeremy and Ellen Finn, Jen’s mother, about his ideas, and a wedding monster was created that someone was eventually going to have to slay or Trick’s happy family might never get their home back.

At least she was talking to Declan now. Nothing soothed a mother’s heart like a professional wedding designer. Mrs. Finn still couldn’t look Trick in the eye. But then, even if he weren’t the other slice of bread in the Little Finn sandwich, he wouldn’t be a mother’s dream come true. An ex-con with tatted sleeves and a seedy job that was anything but nine-to-five. Trick Dunham might be old friends with Stephen, and he might have been a good choice to watch out for her daughter, but he wasn’t husband material.