“You shouldn’t look at me like...that.” She glanced up at him.

His smile was too damn gorgeous, his blue eyes searching hers. “Like what?”

She blew out a deep breath, flushing beneath the weight of his gaze. “Like...that.”

“Like I’ve seen you naked?” His voice was low—a tingle-inducing growl.

“Spencer,” she hissed, her lungs emptying.

But Spencer was looking beyond her then, a very different smile on his face. She studied him, yearning for the affection and pleasure on his face. Not that she wanted him to look at her that way. No. But the idea of someone looking at her like that, someday, held a very definite appeal. She knew without looking that his brothers had arrived. His brothers, their wives...his family.

She forced her attention elsewhere. How much time had she spent staring at Spencer Ryan while she was in Greyson? A lot. Too much. And even though his sweater was something of an attention grabber, she should not be staring at him right now. Not here, surrounded by people who’d last seen her sobbing hysterically because of him. The sharp twist of her stomach made her move away from Spencer and toward the table covered in baked goods.

“Can I help?” she asked Mrs. Ryan.

“Oh, Tatum, don’t you look lovely?” She paused, then said, “Yes, dear, thank you.” Mrs. Ryan patted her cheek. “If you don’t mind uncovering those wedding cookies...and shifting that tray from the table’s edge.”

Tatum did, straightening the other items for sale.

“Drink?” Dean arrived, offering her a glass of white wine. “You look like a Christmas present. All ready to be unwrapped.”

She snorted her wine.

He laughed, handing her a napkin. “Sorry.”

She shook her head, patting her chin and mouth. “I’m not really sure how to respond to that. Thank you?”

He nodded, toasting her with his glass.

“Stop being sleazy, Dean.” Lucy grabbed her arm, tugging her across the room to the newest arrival. “Come meet Cady and Bianca.”

“Cady, Bianca, this is Tatum.” Lucy made the introductions.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” Bianca said, hugging her. “You’re lovely.”

Cady exchanged a quick smile with Bianca, her large eyes sweeping Tatum from head to foot. “It’s nice to meet you.” She nudged Patton.

Patton’s hug was awkward and brief. “Welcome back, Tatum.”

“Thanks, Patton.”

“Hey, Tatum,” Zach said, hugging her. “Glad you’re home.”

“It’s nice to be back,” Tatum said. “Congratulations to both of you. Well, all of you.” She ignored the hollow ache in her stomach at the clear adoration both Zach and Patton had for their partners.

“Oh, hell no.” Zach’s surprised laughter drew all eyes. “You didn’t?”

Spencer was behind her, grinning from ear to ear. His reindeer’s nose blinked brightly.

“I told you I was going to own it this year,” Spencer said. “Where’s yours?”

Bianca sighed, rolling her eyes, as Zach shrugged out of his coat. He looked like he was wearing a Christmas tree, complete with needles, tinsel, ornaments and, yes, lights.

“That can’t be comfortable,” Spencer said.

“As long as I win,” Zach said, draping an arm along Bianca’s shoulders.

Bianca leaned away. “You’re poking me.” She giggled. “And making me itch.”