I shook my head and tried to sound indignant. “I don’t think I want to know.” But I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Four. Including you.” His voice was rather detached. “First was a girl from school. We had several hot and messy encounters in the costume closet of the theatre. Second was at a party in a pile of coats. She wore horrible perfume and we were very drunk. And my last girlfriend, Fiona, who was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen… Well, we were together for almost three years but she never made a sound when we were in bed. I have no idea if she even liked sex.”

“I suppose I’m…more vocal.” I winced, embarrassment churning in my stomach as I rolled onto my back beside him.

He rose on his elbow over me. His hand cupped my face as he smiled a very satisfied smile. “Maybe a bit.” He kissed me. “Which was fantastic, actually.” He was dropping kisses along my neck and shoulder, his hand feather-light on my stomach. “You?”

“Um, yes…yes, I like sex. I imagine my response probably gave that away, though.” I blushed. He waited and then I realized what he was waiting for. “Oh. That question. Really?” I was suddenly embarrassed. His face was expectant in the shadows over me.

He laughed. “That many, eh?”

My mouth fell open and I spoke quickly, horrified at what he might think. “Two—you included.”

There was a long silence. I think I must have held my breath. His fingers froze in my hair and his face crumpled. “How should I feel about that?” His hand fell to my face, holding it as he stared intently into my eyes.

I considered his thoughtful expression. “I’m not expecting anything. I mean, you don’t need to freak out,” I said softly.

He shook his head. “That’s not it. I guess, well, I feel a bit…honored.”

Something stirred inside me at his words, at the look on his face. “I met my ex-husband before I could even drive.” I paused then, chewing the inside of my lip out of habit. “Would you rather I said I was some serial philanderer? Or I’d been easy in college? Or that I was some frigid, dried-up—”

“No worries there.” His laugh shook his entire frame, making our bodies brush in interesting ways. His eyes sparkled in the dim light.

“For the first time in a very long time, I felt wanted for me. And this—” My hand wandered leisurely over his chest and his stomach. “—was more than I’d imagined.” I touched his mouth with my fingertips, my stomach tightening as my mind replayed the last few minutes.

He kissed my fingertips. “Wanted is a bit of an understatement, Claire. It also implies past tense.” His eyes were warm as he le

aned down to kiss me gently. “Happy birthday,” he spoke against my lips. His mouth was soft on mine, growing more demanding as my hands began to explore. He was pulling me under him, his breath growing uneven against me as we gave in to each other again.


My hair hung wet over the back of the chair, my feet propped up on the wrought iron table before me. It was quiet; I was blissfully aware of that fact. The sun was rising slowly, barely over the horizon. I sighed, letting the steam from my coffee warm my face.

My cell phone vibrated in my lap. I smiled as I answered it.

“You’re awake? Hold on, hold on.” There was a slight ruckus and then Natalie counted, “One, two, three.” And three voices began to sing loudly.

“Happy birthday to you…” they sang, with Will adding silly sounds at the end of each line. I was laughing by the time they finished serenading me.

“We didn’t think you’d be up, so we were going to leave you a birthday message. But I’m so glad you’re awake because I can’t find my blue jacket and it’s really cold.” Natalie’s voice sounded relieved.

“Well, that was the best birthday serenade ever. I’m glad I was awake for it. Thank you.” I added, “I think you left it in the car; look in the very back.”

“Did we wake you?” She was moving around. I could hear the regular morning routine in the background.

“Nope.” I sighed contentedly. “I went for a long run and now I’m watching the sunrise turn the ocean to liquid gold.”

“You know, it is your birthday. You could take a break and relax, Mom.”

“I am relaxing, Nat. I mean, a run on the beach at sunrise? Pretty sweet.”

She laughed. “I guess it does sound nice. Oh, I printed out your picture and put it on the fridge this morning!”

“Oh really?” I smiled.

She was in story mode. “Yeah, Grams and Will were all ‘Who is that?’ And I was all ‘Mom’ and they were all ‘No way!’ You so do not look like you.” She laughed. “Not that you look bad!”

“I know what you mean.” I laughed softly.