Josh said something. I couldn’t make out what he said, but I heard his voice and I wanted to smile.

“She’s strong. I’m sure you all know that. Her injuries have been extensively photographed, as Ms. Hammell requested.”

“She is strong,” Josh said softly, kissing my cheek. I felt him take my hand and willed my own to squeeze back.

“Are you awake, then?” He leaned forward, whispering in my ear. “I felt that, you know.” His lips pressed against my forehead. I smiled, but my eyes refused to open. He laughed softly. “Do you feel horrible?”

I shook my head a little. “At least I’m beginning to feel. Not much, but a little something,” I mumbled. I managed to peek from beneath heavy lids at him, fighting to open them again. “No more pain meds, okay? I’m tired of feeling so out of it.”

“I was afraid you’d hurt too much, sweetie,” Mom said softly.

I peered around the room, feeling momentarily disoriented. “I’d rather be hurting and lucid than foggy and disoriented. I don’t know what’s going on and it’s a little nerve-wracking. How are the kids?”

“Helen’s here. She’s with the children and Shannon at a hotel.” Josh’s thumb ran back and forth over my hand as he spoke.

“We haven’t told them much. We didn’t know what you’d want them to know,” Mom explained.

I looked at the ceiling, considering. “I need to tell them. They need to know that there was a terrible accident. That Daniel is gone. That’s all. That’s best, for now.”

My brother Joe shook his head. “Are you strong enough to tell them now? You don’t have to do it, you know.”

Mom glanced at Joe, then back at me. “Maybe you should give yourself some time first.”

I looked at Joe, confused and a bit bewildered. “They’re at a hotel? Why are they at a hotel?”

Josh rubbed a hand through his hair, casting a worried glance at me as Joe answered softly, “The house is a crime scene, Claire.”

It took a minute for me to grasp what Joe was saying. “Crime scene?” I looked at Josh. “Are you… You’re not in trouble, are you?”

Josh shook his head. “My lawyer has already spoken to the police. I’m free to come and go. Your neighbor, Mrs. Witt…she witnessed everything, poor woman. Everything will be…is fine.”

I felt my lower lip wobble as tears filled my eyes.

Joe said calmly, “You’ve been through some big-time scary shit. Give yourself some time to grieve and heal. Tomorrow you can file your report with Detective Parker and that will be the end of it. Josh is right, everything is fine.”

Josh was watching me the entire time Joe spoke. I chewed on my lip to stop it from trembling. Dr. Brock came in then, hindering any real conversation from continuing.

“Ready to go?” He was smiling as he walked across the room to stand before the x-ray box on the far wall. “I wanted to show you what kind of injuries we’re talking about.” He flipped on an x-ray light and slapped up the film.

Joe moved to stand before the box. “It’s amazing the arm didn’t break. What about the ribs?”

“Two of the three were broken before–see the re-growth in this area. Anyway, it’s possible that that prevented them from breaking again.” He turned to me. “All I know is you’re one tough woman. You should heal nicely. As far as the gunshot wound, the bullet went through the fleshy side of your abdomen, no real damage there. Of course, there’s some internal swelling and bruising, but that’s about it.”

Dr. Brock’s words were lost on me as I looked at Josh. He was listening to Dr. Brock carefully, his hand absentmindedly finding mine, grasping it firmly. I let my hand tighten around his.

I loved him. And I prayed that what had happened was finally over.

“Is there anything we need to be aware of, care-wise?” Joe asked very efficiently.

Dr. Brock looked at me, then Josh. “Claire, you’ve been through trauma, so shock, even post-traumatic stress disorder is a possibility. Physically? No. We had to do a pretty thorough examination for the police report. Everything will heal. Just take it easy.”

Mom smiled. “Good news.”

Dr. Brock nodded. “I’ll get your paperwork together and we’ll get you out of here pretty quickly.”

Joe followed Dr. Brock out of the room, asking questions as they went. Mom sat looking at me for a minute then kissed my forehead. “I’m going to get some coffee. Maybe Joe can get us out of here before midnight.” She left the room, smiling at Josh as she went.

I felt his eyes on me. I took a deep breath and met his gaze.