Fear clawed at me, rising up from my stomach and radiating through my chest. It bubbled up my throat, choking me. I sat up, words a rasping whisper in my dry throat.

“Sweetie? Sweetie.” Mom’s voice reached me. I felt her hand around mine, heard the worry in her voice. “Everyone is fine.”

I tried to open my eyes, but one of them didn’t want to cooperate. I turned my head and looked at her. “Mom?” I croaked.

I saw her then, how tired and fragile she looked. She seemed years older in that instant. “You’re awake! Oh honey, do you need anything? Can I do anything?”

I blinked. “I don’t think so,” I tried to answer, but the words didn’t really come out, so I shook my head slowly. Wait, yes! I needed her to get to the kids! “The kids…”

She squeezed my hand. “It’s okay. Just sleep. That’s what you need.”

I shook my head, making my voice work. “Kids?”

“Shhh, Claire. Everyone is safe.” She kissed my forehead, her hand rubbing over my cheek gently.


“He’s here.”

I felt panic. “Kids…Josh…can’t see me…” If the kids, if Josh saw me like this—

I couldn’t bear it.

Mom looked confused. “Claire...”

“Mom, please. Please.” My monitor was beeping loudly. It hurt my head.

“Calm down, Claire, okay? Everything is okay.” She smoothed her hand over my forehead until my eyes were closed and the sound of my monitor was beating rhythmically again.

The kids were okay. Josh was okay.

The relief was overwhelming. I didn’t fight the drug-induced stupor any longer.


I woke up to the sound of voices. I thought I recognized some of them. “But she’s sustained only minor injuries?”

“If you consider a sprained wrist, three bruised ribs, and a dislocated shoulder minor injuries.” It sounded like my brother Joe.

“I simply meant that Ms. Collins will recover from her injuries.” I didn’t know this voice.

“Yes, thank God, she’ll recover from her physical injuries. But look at her. Surely you see he would have killed her if he’d had the chance.” It was Joe. I knew my brother’s voice anywhere, especially when he was irritated. And something, or someone, was clearly irritating him.

“Well, we can’t ask Mr. Collins about it, can we?” I didn’t know this voice. But I was pretty sure it was the reason Joe was irritated.

“No. No, we can’t.” Mom’s voice. “Joe, you could try talking to her. She hasn’t been awake much.”

“Joe?” I tried to peel my eyes open. Joe, my mother, and another man were in the room.

“Hey, big sister! I thought I’d drop in for a visit.” He smiled.

“You kind of…caught me at a bad time.” My voice was rough, and Joe held out a cup with a straw in it.

“Claire, this is Detective Parker. If you’re up for it, honey, he wants to ask you a few questions.” Mom went around to the other side of the bed and held my hand while Joe held the other.

“Ms. Collins, how are you feeling?” Detective Parker held a small notebook in his hand. “Can you tell me what happened yesterday morning?”

“Yesterday?” I paused, swallowing. I couldn’t remember much. “I went by the house for some papers and Daniel was there. He was upset. So angry…” The terror hit me then, overwhelming me in waves of horror as I remembered his face. “Gun—” I tried, but a sob broke free, and I started again. “He had a gun. I asked him to stop…” I halted again, my voice breaking. I couldn’t breathe then. “The kids?” I couldn’t breathe.