Josh nodded. “We’re staying the night in New York and going on to LA from there.”

Nathan smiled at me. “Then I won’t have to worry too much about you and Marty managing everything on your own.”

Josh looked at his father. “She does it every day. I might slow her down, actually.”

“Well said,” my mother added.

The evening progressed. Mom trounced Helen before Helen decided she’d rather head upstairs to spend time with Natalie. She challenged Nathan again before calling it a night. Josh pulled out his next project’s script and I went through it with him. It was a great read. I knew it would be a fantastic film by the time it was all put together.

“I’m turning in.” I’d slipped toward him as we’d read and I was propped comfortably against his side. “I don’t think I can avoid it any longer.”

He sat forward as I stood, as if about to say something.

I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. “Night.” I touched his cheek, lingeringly. I said good night to Nathan, who sat reading in his chair, glasses perched on the end of his nose.

“Night, Claire. Sleep well. I must admit, I’m sad to think that this will be our last quiet evening at Summer House for a bit.” He winked at me.

“You might enjoy some actual quiet time here once the kids and I head out tomorrow.” I patted his shoulder as I made my way to the stairs.

“Too quiet, dear girl,” he mumbled under his breath.

I heard Josh saying something to his father before I hurried up the stairs to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, then slipped into the nightgown I’d acquired once I knew I was sharing a room with Will. I brushed my teeth, my mind racing over the next few days. It was going to be chaotic, so many things to be scheduled and planned. But I felt surprisingly ready and eager to set things in motion.

My phone beeped from the recesses of my toiletries bag, and I picked it up. I hadn’t checked it in a few days. I supposed I needed to get into a better habit. But everyone I thought might contact me was here. I pressed the button and froze.

I clicked on my voicemail, listening to two messages for the kids before I slid down the bathroom wall to the floor as I tried not to hyperventilate. Daniel had called, again and again. He’d left nine different messages, each growing more aggressive.

By the time I’d listened to the first few I wanted to stomp my phone into a million pieces. Maybe then his voice, his words, and the fear that rose within me would disappear.

Chapter Fourteen

By the last message, his control was gone. He was yelling angrily into the phone. “You can’t be serious! What the hell are you thinking? That I’d let you mess up the kids’ lives even more because you’ve started screwing some boy? That he’s going to stay with you? You? You’re old enough to be his mother. It’s not going to happen, Claire. I’m not going to let it happen. I promise you that.”

I felt nausea hit my stomach as his tone pulled some of my nightmares from the past forward. I closed my eyes and sat, taking deep breaths. I needed to get a grip.

I heard Regina Hammel’s voice then. “Claire, it’s Regina. Listen, give me a call when you get this. I haven’t heard from the site manager yet, but I don’t want you to worry too much. Let’s talk about your options. Call me.”

I took a deep breath and put down the phone. I flexed my hands and smoothed my hair back, trying to restore my earlier calm.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. “Claire?” Josh whispered.

My throat seemed to have closed off, but I forced the word out. “Yes?” I pulled myself to stand before the sink, splashing water on my face.

He peeked in, coming to stand behind me. I wiped my face, meeting his eyes as I hung the towel up. He moved forward, kicking my cell phone that I’d left, open, on the floor. He stooped to pick it up and cocked a questioning eyebrow at me. “Everything all right?”

“Just checking messages. The phone was beeping at me.” I sounded weird, even to myself.

His eyebrow stayed quirked, so I knew he wasn’t convinced. But he didn’t push; that wasn’t his way. “Come on, then.” He took my hand in his and led me to his room.

He stepped back, letting me in. The door shut behind me and his arms caught me into an embrace. I launched myself at him, clinging fiercely. My lips were hungry, slightly desperate on his as I twisted my hands in his hair to hold on to him tightly.

“I didn’t bring you here to lead you astray,” he mumbled breathlessly against my lips.

“Please…lead away…” I gasped as his hand came up to cup my breast. The other hand pulled my head back to deepen his kiss. I felt my knees go weak, but he scooped me up and we landed on his bed. His lips were away from mine long enough for me to murmur, “Someone might hear us.”

He looked down at me. “Knowing you, very likely.” He kissed me.

His hands slid under my nightgown, moving over my skin and kneading before he pulled the gown over my head. He shrugged out of his gray T-shirt and boxer shorts quickly, leaving nothing to separate us. His hands pulled me under him, lifting my hips to meet him. I couldn’t stop trembling as he entered me, our groans muffled.