Josh and I watched them with interest.

“Are they going to kill each other?” Helen whispered.

“Or kiss each other,” Josh said.

I stared at him with round eyes before turning assessing eyes on my mother. Her cheeks were red, her eyes narrowed, and her hands were hovering above the cutting board. It wasn’t in her nature to allow anyone else in her kitchen. The fact that Nathan obviously knew his way around the kitchen wasn’t helping her mood.

“Kiss him?” Natalie stuck her tongue out. “Aren’t they a little old?”

Josh laughed. “Can you get too old for kissing? I hope not.”

I shook my head. “Mom, if you’re going to keep picking on Nathan, he might not cook for us again. And I think it’s very kind of him to offer to cook since you’re so tired from your trip. It’s gallant, really.”

Nathan smiled at me.“Quite right, Claire. I pride myself on my more gentlemanly qualities.”

My mother rolled her eyes. Wait. My mother…rolled her eyes… Was she flirting?

“I might be a little rusty in the gallantry department, but when did insulting a person’s culinary skills fall under gallantry?” she asked, smiling a little too sweetly at Nathan.

“If I’ve insulted you, dear Marty, I apologize.” He inclined his head while peeling a potato. “I was only clarifying the proper way to prepare roasted potatoes—”

“Proper?” Now her entire face was red.

“Grams?” Natalie called, concerned. “It’s your turn. We’re all waiting on you.”

Our game of Monopoly had paled next to the drama unfolding at the kitchen sink. But Natalie was right; enough was enough.

“I can’t believe Will is sleeping.” I glanced at the clock.

“He wasn’t in bed until ten last night. He’s probably wiped out.” Natalie rolled the dice.

I shot a look at my mother. “It was his vacation, Claire,” my mother explained. Then it was her turn to roll the dice. “Aha! I want to put houses on Park Place and Boardwalk.”

Helen and Natalie groaned. “Is it okay if we declare bankruptcy?” Natalie asked.

“Can I take Natalie in to one of the shops? Just for a bit?” Helen asked.

I looked at Josh, who was looking at me. “Yes, but you have to take Roman with you.”

“That’s fine with me.” Natalie was all smiles.

My mother moved back to the sink as Josh went off to find Roman and the girls prepared to leave. She hovered, silently watching Nathan prepare the roast.

Josh came back in and settled beside me, taking my hand in his and kissing me.

“What happened, Claire?” my mother asked without preamble. “One minute we’re sitting around the table playing Mahjong and the next we need a bodyguard.”

“Daniel sh

owed up,” I said.

My mother turned, Nathan and the cooking forgotten. “Here?” I nodded.

“I bumped into him in the pub. If I’d known who he was—”

I cut Josh off. “I’m glad you didn’t. Anyway, he just kind of disappeared.”

“Did you call Regina?” Mom asked.