“You were restless.” He pulled me into his lap.

“I kept you awake?” My forehead rested against his. “I hate that this happened. I know you don’t want me to say I’m sorry, but…”

He put his hand over my mouth. “I needed security, Claire. I’ve put it off because I’m a bit of a procrastinator.”

I laughed. “You’re being sweet again.”

He kissed me. “I’m not sweet. Selfish, remember? I need to feel safe, to know you and the children are safe. That’s why they’re here, and Roman has gone to accompany Nat and Will and your mum here this afternoon.”

“You are a sweet, sweet man.” I kissed him.

“Josh? Hello?” Helen’s voice called out from the front door.

“Who are the giants milling about the gardens?” Nathan asked.

Before I could slip from Josh’s lap, Helen and Nathan joined us in the kitchen.

“Are you both all right? We caught the news this morning, and there was something in the papers, too.” Helen ruffled her brother’s hair and hugged me.

“What’s this all about, anyway?” Nathan sat at the kitchen table with us.

Josh looked at me. “Claire’s ex-husband has decided to give her a bit of a scare.”

Nathan’s eyebrows formed a single line as he scowled. “What the devil is he playing at?”

“I’m not sure,” I replied softly.

Helen busied herself in the kitchen, putting out the teacakes and sweets Josh and I had purchased this morning. We’d planned to shop for our time at the cottage, but being followed through the store by photographers and reporters ended that rather efficiently. And that was with our giant protectors keeping the press at a distance. I couldn’t imagine what kind of nightmare it would have been if we hadn’t had them with us. We’d managed to get a few things to nibble on and decided it was time to retreat.

“I think it’s good you’ve got them. The bodyguards, I mean.” Helen poured tea for everyone and sat at the table. “When do your mum and Nat and Will arrive?”

“This afternoon.” I shook my head as Helen offered me a tea cake.


you’ve time to take a nap before they get here. From the look of it, you both need one,” Helen said.

Nathan added, “Helen and I will go do a proper shop while you two sleep a bit.”

Josh squeezed my hand. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

I nodded, making my way to the bedroom with a quick smile all around.

I lay on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to relax. I heard the bedroom door open, felt the mattress shift, and the warmth of his hand as it slid around my waist. Josh’s breath stirred my hair as he leaned close to whisper, “Sleep, Claire.”

I woke up three hours later to Josh’s kiss. “Time to head to the train station.”

I rolled over to find him bleary-eyed and sleepy. I smiled at him. “You can stay. Get some more sleep.”

He shook his head. “I’ve missed them too, you know.”

It was a short ride. We probably would have walked it, but the rain was falling heavily. We ran into the station and onto the covered platform as a train pulled up on one side of the platform. A crush of people exited the trains, heading off the platform and to their homes. Others, tourists, milled about to check the wall maps or their guidebooks.

Another train pulled up on the opposite side of the platform. Josh turned me toward it.

“Hey, Mom!” Will bounced across the platform. “Hi, Josh.”

Little arms wrapped eagerly around my neck and I found myself burying my face against him. The sense of relief was overwhelming. I hadn’t realized that I was so worried about them until now, when they were safely in arm’s reach. “I missed you,” I said, a smile firmly in place as I pulled back to look at him.