Green? It was green—a brilliant rainbow of green hues. There were weeping willows, small sculpted bushes, and hedgerows surrounding the pond. The pond was flat, bouncing the greens back in subtly deeper hues. There was an old stone bench on the far side and a gardening shed that invited even a non-gardener like me. The forest and a possible orchard bordered that, a single path inviting further exploration. Flowering shrubs and trellis vines wrapped around the columns of the small pergola.

I was entranced, envisioning an elf or hobbit bounding out of the woods on some magical stag or unicorn. I could imagine the adventures young Josh and Helen had set out on in their younger years. I could imagine Will and Natalie doing the same.

I turned away, focusing on the task I’d set out with: breakfast in bed for my sleeping prince. Opening one cupboard, I found the china. In another a small supply of newly purchased groceries, including tea and a loaf of bread. I popped some bread in the toaster.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d stayed up late talking about nothing and everything. We’d climbed from the tub, shivering, and jumped into the bed to continue our question and answer session. There’d been no shortage of conversation. I didn’t remember falling asleep.

The kettle whistled and I finished making the tea. Humming softly, I carried the tray to the bedroom and pushed the door open with my toe. He sat up, bleary-eyed, in bed.

“I wanted to wake you up. You’re ruining my surprise.” I wrinkled my nose and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Sorry.” He smiled. “I was about to come looking for you.”

I handed him a cup and perched on the edge of the bed. “You’re forgiven.” I watched as he took a sip of his tea. “How is it?”

He took another sip. “Delicious.”

I smiled. He looked gorgeous with the morning sunlight filtering through the windows. His jaw was covered with dark stubble, his eyes hooded and amused. As my eyes traveled over his bare chest, my breathing grew a little unsteady.

I took a sip of my tea. His eyes were warm and heavy-lidded, his smile an invitation. I set my tea on the floor and climbed up next to him, burrowing into his side. “Last night was nice.”

“It was.” He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

I looked up at him, his lips distracting me and holding my attention. He smiled, his hand catching my chin. His thumb was soft against my jaw, tracing my lower lip while his slightly red-rimmed eyes regarded me intently. I felt a flush flood my cheeks as desire filled me, unexpected and undeniable. He looked delicious.

“You’re a very passionate woman,” he murmured huskily.

“Am I?” My voice was husky as I swallowed against the sudden tightness in my throat.

His hazel eyes slid to the neck of my blue silk robe. “You are.” He cleared his throat and tried to tease as he added, “It’s something I’ll have to accept, I suppose.”

I laughed, hitting him with a pillow. He grabbed the pillow and pulled me against him, his laughter fading as his eyes fell to my mouth.

I leaned forward and kissed him, my lips clinging to his as I wrapped my arms around him. I felt him pulling me to him and tangled my hands in his hair.

“Is this what I can expect for breakfast from now on?”

I spoke against his mouth, “If I’m feeling passionate.”

“Excellent.” His hand crept under the hem of my robe, tracing up my thigh to my hip.

My breath caught at the feel of his hands sliding over my skin. I felt the tremor of response shudder across my thigh as his hand came to rest on the curve of my rump. “I don’t know whether it’s that you’re so greatly affected when I touch you here or it’s due to its lovely curve, but I happen to be very fond of your arse.” His hands tightened on the object of his affection.

I pulled his face to mine again, kissing him deeply as his hands continued to travel. He pulled, encouraging me so that I ended up straddling him, my hands on his chest. “Are you sure you don’t want to finish your tea first?” I asked somewhat breathlessly.

“Very.” He kissed me, his hands and mouth silencing my doubts. “I’m at your mercy…” I felt his desire press against me. Heat roiled through me, heady in its weight. His hands were warm on my hips, lifting me.


p; My chest tightened as he entered me, sliding deep. My hands pressed against his chest as I arched back to deepen his reach. He groaned, his hands tightening on my buttocks. It started gently, with no sense of urgency. On and on we went, each thrust stroking my nerves tighter and tauter around him. I lost myself to his touch, letting the feel of his hands, his smell, and his body take over.

When his release came, his voice broke as he called out my name. And I slipped over the edge, riding a brilliant wave of pleasure as pure sensation washed over every inch of my skin.

Minutes later, I lay gasping against his chest. My body quivered as little shocks of pleasure danced along my nerves. His hand moved slowly up and down my back, his breath ragged in my hair. “Would you like your tea now?” I whispered.

He shook his head. “Not yet. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” I smiled up at him, his smile widening in answer.