“It was once a vicarage. Hold on, it’s down the next street.”

He turned left and slowed, his eyes narrowing as he pointed to a stone fence. “I believe that’s it.”

I leaned forward. “Can’t see much of it from here.”

He smiled brightly. “I know. Let’s take a look.” He turned the car, passed through the open gate and down the short drive. We pulled through the turn-around drive and parked in front of the house.

The house was gorgeous. Obviously old, it held on to its history with its arched windows and gray stone exterior. It had high-pitched ceilings and a thatched roof with three different peaks, and the promise of a large garden beyond. The stone wall that had so delighted Josh encircled the entire property.

Josh stepped out and came around to open my door.

A tall man walked from the front door, a welcoming smile on his face. “Good morning, Mr. Wiley. Miss Collins.”

I was beyond curious at this point. “Morning,” I murmured, turning a questioning eye on Josh.

He was still assessing the house. “Thank you for meeting us on such short notice, Mr. Plumbley.”

“It’s my sincere pleasure. It’s not often I have the opportunity to help a celebrity find a home in one of London’s finest boroughs. And with children, it’s understandable to want room to grow. This grand property provides plenty of room for everyone in the family.” Mr. Plumbley was leading us to the front door as he spoke. “There are numerous parks, one just beyond the back gate. The train station is three blocks down, away from town, while the market is the same heading into town. And the schools are excellent, as I mentioned on the phone.”

Schools? I froze to stare at Josh. “Josh?”

He was smiling. “Let’s have a look around, shall we?” His hand caught mine. “Please.”

I sighed and followed him, curious in spite of myself. And it was easy to forget my irritation as we toured the home. Full of intricate details, the house was lovely. With its carved woodwork, built-in book casings that ran from floor to ceiling, fireplaces with antique knobs and hooks, and a truly magnificent updated kitchen, it was the kind of house that needed just the right family to fill it.

The garden was stunning, half the size of a football field, half of that covered with blooming fruit trees and berries.

“The detached guest house is there.” Mr. Plumbley pointed to a small cottage in the back corner of the garden. “It’s been completely refinished.”

Josh nodded. “Excellent.”

“I’ll let you take some time.” Mr. Plumbley smiled and walked downstairs.

We stood in the massive master bedroom. The large windows faced the rear of the house, affording a view of the garden below. The trees lining the back of the property provided a natural fence in addition to the surrounding stone perimeter, keeping prying eyes at bay.

“It’s an amazing home,” I admitted.

“It’s time for me to have a real home. I’d mentioned it to Meg and she sent me the information for this place last night. It’s perfect. What do you think?” His eyes bored into mine.

What was I supposed to say? It was perfect, in so many ways. Gorgeous. “It’s big.”

He laughed. “Yes. I suppose it is.”

I stared at him. “Isn’t it a bit much for just you?”

“It won’t always be just me, Claire.” He was still smiling. “At least, I sincerely hope not. Come on.” He pulled me along, exploring each room again.

I chewed on the inside of my lip and considered the various meanings to that cryptic announcement. While I’d like to think he was referring to me and the children…

Wait. Did I want him to be talking about me and the children? My heart began thumping unsteadily then.

The other option was that he wasn’t talking about me. And that possibility made me feel sad. Desperately sad. My hand tightened in his at the thought.

So, yes, I guess I did want him to be talking about me and the children. And while this realization didn’t make me feel sad, it was extremely disconcerting.

We took our time, walking through the garden, finding the gate and the park beyond. It would be a wonderful place to raise children… I shook that thought from my head.

After Josh exchanged numbers and a firm handshake with Mr. Plumbley, he said, “I’ll let you know within the week, Mr. Plumbley.”