“If that’s all right with you. I like holding your mum’s hand,” Josh replied, smiling.

Will nodded. “Fine with me.”

I took a large sip of coffee to hide my smile.

“Can Helen come with us?” Natalie asked. “Grams said it was okay, but I didn’t know if she’d want to.”

“You should ask her. She loves Brighton and could show you around. If she doesn’t have to work, that is.” Josh took another bite of toast.

“Work?” Will made his evil troll face, sending Nat into a fit of laughter.

“Can I borrow that face? Brilliant.” Josh laughed too, Will’s natural dramatics catching him off guard.

I felt a tug at my heart. This could be my new family, if I let it. How did I get so lucky? A new set of giggles started as Josh tried to imitate Will’s expression. He almost nailed it. The meal deteriorated as Will and Josh continued to challenge each other with goofy faces, sound-effect noises and imitations. Natalie and I couldn’t eat for fear of choking.

After we left the dining room, Josh took the kids “for an explore” in the park and let me pack.

“Are you sure you’re up for it?” I asked as Will grabbed his hand and began to drag him from the dining room.

He smiled. “We’ll be fine. Pack so we can leave.”

Natalie waved and took Will’s other hand while I headed up to the hotel room. Mom was done packing her things and had begun to fill Natalie’s bags. I helped, going from room to room to collect all the bits and bobs that had been left throughout.

“Do you remember Brighton?” my mother asked as we worked.

I shook my head. “Not really. A little of the pier…and meeting a cute boy there.”

My mother shook her head. “You were Nat’s age when we went. I’m excited. And the kids will love it.”

“Are you sure you want them to go with you?”

“Absolutely.” She paused and cast an assessing gaze my way. “I can’t tell what’s going through your head, sweetie, but you’re welcome to come with us to Brighton. Maureen would love that.” She watched me. “If you don’t want to go with Josh, I mean. Are you doubting things with him? It’s happening kind of quickly, you know.”

“That’s not the problem, Mom. I want to be with him.” Too much.

I zipped up the kids’ suitcases, relieved when she didn’t say anything more. The suite was almost tidy when the door to the suite opened.

“Holy cow!” Natalie squealed as she entered the hotel suite. Will was scowling. He walked straight to me and hugged my knees.

“What happened?” I asked.

Josh walked in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see them until they were snapping pictures.”

“Them?” I asked, smoothing Will’s hair back.

“Photographers.” Natalie sat with a sigh. “Really rude photographers.”

Will looked up at me, tears in his eyes. “Josh asked them to give us some space, but one got right in my face and took a picture. And they kept asking me questions over and over. Real loud.”

“That doesn’t sound like fun,” I murmured, hunching over to rub his back and drop kisses on his head. “I’m sorry they upset you.”

Josh tossed his sunglasses and hat onto the chair and dropped to his knees before Will. “I’m sorry, Will. That was my fault. I should have been more aware of our surroundings. I’m not used to having to look out for anyone but me yet.” He glanced back and forth between Natalie and Will, sincerely concerned.

“You didn’t do it, Josh. It was those…those…dorks.” Will spoke with as much anger as his five-year-old self could muster.

Josh smiled slightly. His voice was edged with frustration. “They were indeed.”

“It’s a good thing I didn’t have my light saber,” Will added.