Josh smiled, his eyes warm and encouraging on my face. “Up for a stroll?”

I nodded.

His hand took mine and we waved goodbye before heading out into the crisp night air. We made our way to the lobby before he asked, “The flowers, the ones you received weren’t an accident. They were from him, weren’t they?”


“Has he sent you anything else?” He glanced at me, his voice gentle.

I shook my head. “Only flowers each morning. I’ve had the doorman take them away immediately.”

“You should have told me. I want you to tell me, Claire, when something’s troubling you. I might not be able to fix it, but I can share your burdens so you don’t feel so alone.”

I squeezed his hand, but didn’t say anything. I was mortified that I’d let myself get so upset. I hated that I still gave Daniel that kind of power over me.

We set off on one of the winding paths of Green Park, but Josh pulled me toward a bench situated under one of the huge trees that made this park so lovely. He sat, quirked an eyebrow, and patted the bench beside him in invitation. I sat and smiled up at him. His hand captured my face, pulling me close to kiss me softly. His eyes were velvet as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned in

to him and his warmth.

He rested his cheek on my head. “You smell good,” he murmured into my hair.

“You’re trying to cheer me up.”

“Possibly. But there’s also the fact that you smell good.” He kissed my forehead.

“I thought we were going for a walk?” I looked up at him.

“It’s cold. And I was hoping you’d let me hold you for a bit.” His voice was soft.

I smiled. “I suppose I can do that.”

He was watching me curiously, almost uncertainly. “Arthur said you found my emails?” he asked.

I nodded.

His smile grew hesitant. “Oh?” He regarded me carefully. “What did you think?”

“You’re a gifted poet. They’re lyrics?”

“Yes, they could be, if I were to write music to accompany them. I’m glad you like them.” He laughed softly. “I’ve been writing non-stop. I suppose you’re not just Shannon’s muse.”

“That’s very sweet.”

“You’ve told me I was sweet before.” His eyes were heavy on me, his fingers coming to trace the side of my face.

I closed my eyes, his touch affecting me powerfully. I found myself turning into his hand, kissing his palm.

“I can’t seem to stop touching you.” His voice was rough. “I want to kiss you right now.”

“Those words sound familiar, too.” I let my eyes linger on his lips. I wanted him to kiss me.

His fingers continued to trace my mouth, his eyes mesmerized by their movement. He lifted his hand, taking mine in his. “Claire, I’d like Meg to issue a statement about our relationship.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s an element of secrecy to us. I’d like to change that, for the two of us to go public.” His eyes were searching again.
